Nominations are now invited for the 2024 Ackermann Award.
PhD dissertations in topics specified by the CSL and LICS
conferences, which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a
university or equivalent institution between 1 January 2023
and 31 December 2023 are eligible for nomination for the award.
The deadline for submission is 1 July 2024.
Nominations should be submitted by the candidate or the
supervisor via Easychair:
Please submit a pdf file containing:
1. a summary in English of the thesis (maximum 10 pages),
providing a gentle introduction and overview of the thesis,
highlighting the novel results and their impact and
including a link to the thesis in the first page
(please do not include the thesis itself);
2. a supporting letter by the PhD advisor and two supporting
letters by other senior researchers (in English);
3. a copy of a document stating that the thesis was accepted
as a PhD thesis at a recognised University (or equivalent
institution) and that the candidate was awarded the PhD
degree within the specified period;
4. a short CV of the candidate.
*** The Award
The 2024 Ackermann award will be presented to the recipient(s)
at CSL 2025.
The award consists of a certificate, an invitation to present
the thesis at the CSL conference, the publication of the
laudatio in the CSL proceedings, an invitation to the winner
to publish the thesis in the FoLLI subseries of Springer LNCS,
and financial support to attend the conference.
*** Ackermann Jury
The jury consists of:
* Albert Atserias (UPC Barcelona)
* Christel Baier (TU Dresden)
* Andrej Bauer (U Ljubljana)
* Javier Esparza (TU Munich)
* Maribel Fernandez (King’s College London), EACSL president
* Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen U), ACM SigLog rep.
* Delia Kesner (IRIF, U Paris Cite)
* Slawomir Lasota (U Warsaw)
* Florin Manea (U Goettingen), EACSL vice-president
* Prakash Panangaden (McGill U)
For more information please contact Maribel Fernandez:
## Postdoc position in Theoretical CS @ King's College London
A postdoctoral research position in theoretical computer science is
available at King's College London. The successful candidate will be
hosted by Hubie Chen and will be expected to work on topics related to the
themes of complexity, database theory, structural decomposition methods,
and logic. Research interest and experience in the following areas will be
valued: logic in computer science, database theory, finite model theory,
structural decomposition methods, term rewriting, and parameterized
complexity theory.
Key dates: the application deadline is June 6, 2024; it is hoped that the
successful applicant will start in or around October 2024, but there is
some flexibility concerning the start date. If the position is started in
October 2024, it can be held for 1.5+ years. The exact starting date and
duration can be set in a way that takes into account the successful
candidate's needs and schedule.
Informal enquiries and discussion are strongly encouraged prior to
application (e-mail contact: hubie.chen(a) To apply, please see:
[Apologies for cross-posting]
WADT 2024 - Second round of abstract submissions
27th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques
Part of the STAF 2024 multi-conference taking place
Mon 8 – Fri 12 July 2024 in Enschede, the Netherlands
The algebraic approach to system specification encompasses many aspects
of the formal design of software systems. Originally born as a formal
method for reasoning about abstract data types, it now covers new
specification frameworks and programming paradigms (such as
object-oriented, aspect-oriented, agent-oriented, logic and higher-order
functional programming) as well as a wide range of application areas
(including information systems, concurrent, distributed and mobile
systems). The workshop will provide an opportunity to present recent and
ongoing work, to meet colleagues, and to discuss new ideas and future
Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are:
– Foundations of algebraic specification
– Other approaches to formal specification, including process calculi
and models of concurrent, distributed, and cyber-physical systems
– Specification languages, methods, and environments
– Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques
– Model-driven development
– Graph transformations, term rewriting, and proof systems
– Integration of formal specification techniques
– Theorem-proving technologies and integration with specification languages
– Formal testing and quality assurance, validation, and verification
– Algebraic approaches to knowledge representation and cognitive sciences
The workshop will be part of the STAF 2024 multi-conference at Twente,
the Netherlands.
Presentations will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts.
Jan Bergstra (UvA, Netherlands)
Bernhard Möller (Uni Augsburg, Germany)
Abstract submission (round 2): 10 May 2024
Abstract notification (round 2): 17 May 2024
Full-paper submission: 16 Sep 2024
Full-paper notification: 25 Nov 2024
The scientific programme of the workshop will include presentations of
recent results or ongoing research as well as invited talks. The
presentations will be selected by the Programme Committee on the basis
of submitted abstracts according to originality, significance and
general interest. Abstracts must not exceed two pages, including
references, in LNCS format. If a longer version of the contribution is
available, it can be made accessible on the web and referenced in the
The abstracts will have to be submitted electronically via EasyChair at
After the workshop, authors will be invited to submit full papers for
the refereed proceedings. All submissions will be reviewed by the
Programme Committee. The selection of papers will be based on
originality, soundness, and significance of the presented ideas and
results. The post-proceedings will then be published by Springer as a
volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
The workshop takes place under the auspices of IFIP WG 1.3.
Andrea Corradini (Italy)
José Fiadeiro (UK)
Rolf Hennicker (Germany)
Alexander Knapp (Germany)
Hans-Jörg Kreowski (Germany)
Till Mossakowski (Germany)
Fernando Orejas (Spain)
Leila Ribeiro (Brazil)
Markus Roggenbach (UK)
Grigore Roșu (USA)
Mihai Codescu (Romania)
Andrea Corradini (Italy)
Tom van Dijk (Netherlands)
Fabio Gadducci (Italy)
Rolf Hennicker (Germany)
Alex Kavvos (UK)
Alexander Knapp (Germany)
Leen Lambers (Germany)
Alexandre Madeira (Portugal)
Manuel A. Martins (Portugal)
Narciso Martí-Oliet (Spain)
Dominique Mery (France)
Till Mossakowski (Germany)
Renato Neves (Portugal)
Peter Ölveczky (Norway)
Fernando Orejas (Spain)
Florian Rabe (Germany)
Adrián Riesco (Spain)
Markus Roggenbach (UK)
Pierre Yves Schobbens (Belgium)
Ionuț Țuțu (Romania) [chair]
Uwe Wolter (Norway)
Email: wadt2024(a)
Logica Universalis Webinar
April 24, 2024 at 4pm CET
Speaker: Ori Milstein
Title: "Why the hexagon of opposition is really a triangle: logical
structures as geometric shapes"
Abstract: "This paper suggests a new approach (with old roots) to the
study of the connection between logic and geometry. Traditionally, most
logic diagrams associate only vertices of shapes with propositions. The
new approach, which can be dubbed ’full logical geometry’, aims to
associate every element of a shape (edges, faces, etc.) with a proposition.
The roots of this approach can be found in the works of Carroll,
Jacoby, and more recently, Dubois and Prade. However, its potential
has not been duly appreciated, probably because of the complexity of
the diagrams in these works. The following study demonstrates how the
Hexagon of Opposition can be represented as a triangle and Classical
Logic as a tetrahedron (rather than a rhombic dodecahedron). It then
applies the approach to modal logic, extending the tetrahedron for the
logic KT into a dipyramid and a cube for KD, and finally an octahedron
for K. Some possible directions for further research are also indicated.."
Associate event
World Congress on the Square of Opposition
SQUARE 8 - Costa Rica Sept 6-13, 2024
Presented by Pablo Villalobos Morera and Lorenzo Boccafogli
Chair : Arnon Avron
Editorial Board LU
Everybody is welcome to join, register here:
Jean-Yves Beziau
Editor of Logica Universalis and Organizer of LUW
Learning and Automata (LearnAut) -- ICALP 2024 workshop
July 7th - Tallinn, Estonia
Deadline: Extended to April 25
Submission portal:
Learning models defining recursive computations, like automata and formal grammars, are the core of the field called Grammatical Inference (GI). The expressive power of these models and the complexity of the associated computational problems are major research topics within mathematical logic and computer science. Historically, there has been little interaction between the GI and ICALP communities, though recently some important results started to bridge the gap between both worlds, including applications of learning to formal verification and model checking, and (co-)algebraic formulations of automata and grammar learning algorithms.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts on logic who could benefit from grammatical inference tools, and researchers in grammatical inference who could find in logic and verification new fruitful applications for their methods.
We invite submissions of recent work, including preliminary research, related to the theme of the workshop. The Program Committee will select a subset of the abstracts for oral presentation. At least one author of each accepted abstract is expected to represent it at the workshop.
Note that accepted papers will be made available on the workshop website but will not be part of formal proceedings (i.e., LearnAut is a non-archival workshop).
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Computational complexity of learning problems involving automata and formal languages.
- Algorithms and frameworks for learning models representing language classes inside and outside the Chomsky hierarchy, including tree and graph grammars.
- Learning problems involving models with additional structure, including numeric weights, inputs/outputs such as transducers, register automata, timed automata, Markov reward and decision processes, and semi-hidden Markov models.
- Logical and relational aspects of learning and grammatical inference.
- Theoretical studies of learnable classes of languages/representations.
- Relations between automata or any other models from language theory and deep learning models for sequential data.
- Active learning of finite state machines and formal languages.
- Methods for estimating probability distributions over strings, trees, graphs, or any data used as input for symbolic models.
- Applications of learning to formal verification and (statistical) model checking.
- Metrics and other error measures between automata or formal languages.
** Program Committee **
Dana Angluin (Yale University, United States)
Johanna Björklund (Umeå University, Sweden)
Benedikt Bollig (LSV, ENS Cachan, CNRS, France)
Tiago Ferreira (University College London, United Kingdom)
Jeffrey Heinz (Stony Brook University)
Colin de la Higuera (Université de Nantes, France)
Falk Howar (TU Dortmund, Germany)
Maude Lizaire (Mila, Canada)
Mohammad Mousavi (King’s College London)
Andrea Pferscher (University of Oslo, Norway)
Guillaume Rabusseau (McGill University)
Jurriaan Rot (Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
Ariadna Quattoni (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Sergio Yovine (Universidad ORT, Uruguay)
** Invited Speakers **
Bernhard Aichernig (TU Graz)
Ryan Cotterell (ETH Zürich)
** Submission instructions **
Submissions in the form of anonymized extended abstracts must be at most 8 single-column pages long (plus at most four for bibliography and possible appendixes) and must be submitted in the JMLR/PMLR format. The LaTeX style file is available here:
We do accept submissions of work recently published, currently under review or work-in-progress.
- Submission url:
- Submission deadline: April 25
- Notification of acceptance: May 13
- Early registration: May 17 (ICALP)
- Workshop: July 7
** Organizers **
Sophie Fortz (King's College London, UK)
Franz Mayr (Universidad ORT Uruguay, UY)
Joshua Moerman (Open Universiteit, Heerlen, NL)
Matteo Sammartino (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
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[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]
IJCAR 2024 - The 12th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
Nancy, France, July 1-6, 2024
Call for Participation
IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all topics in
automated reasoning. The IJCAR technical programme will consist of
presentations of high-quality regular research papers, short papers,
and invited talks.
IJCAR 2024 is a merger of leading events in automated reasoning:
CADE (Conference on Automated Deduction),
FroCoS (Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems), and
TABLEAUX (Conference on Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods)
The 2024 edition of the SAT/SMT/AR summer school will take place in
Nancy during the week preceding IJCAR 2024. For details, see
IJCAR 2024 deadlines (all deadlines are firm, CET):
* early registration: until June 4.
* late registration: from June 5 to June 24.
Registration, accommodation, and travel/visa information for IJCAR 2024
and the associated events can be found on the web site.
Scientific Program
+ Presentation of 3 invited talks
+ Presentation of 39 regular research papers
+ Presentation of 6 short papers
+ Presentation of the Herbrand Award to Armin Biere
+ 10 workshops, 2 competitions.
Invited Speakers
+ Jeremy Avigad, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
+ Laura Kovacs, TU Wien, Austria
+ Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami, USA
Workshops, Competitions
There will be ten workshops and two system competitions associated
with IJCAR 2024. See their individual web sites, linked from IJCAR 2024
web site for more information.
+ Workshops, July 1
- ARQNL, the 5th International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in
Quantified Non-Classical Logics
- Quantify, the International Workshop on Quantification
- TPTP tea party
- Vampire, the 8th Vampire workshop
- IFIP WG 1.6, a meeting of the IFIP Working Group 1.6 on Rewriting
(presentations by invitation only, attendance open).
+ Workshops, July 2
- PAAR, the 9th International Workshop on Practical Aspects of
Automated Reasoning
- SC square, the Workshop on Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation
- ThEdu, the 13th International Workshop on Theorem Proving Components
for Educational Software
- UNIF, the 38th International Workshop on Unification
- WAIT, the International Workshop on Automated (Co)Inductive Theorem Proving
+ Competitions
- CASC-J12, the CADE ATP System Competition
- Termination and Complexity Competition 2024
Social Events
+ Welcome reception on July 2
+ Conference banquet on July 4
For online registration to IJCAR 2024, please follow the link on the
web site at
The deadline for early registration is June 4.
Late rates apply for those who register between June 5 and June 24.
Registration will be closed after June 24.
Blocks of rooms have been booked at several hotels in the city
centre. Please note that the rooms are only blocked until May 31,
after which date the availability or prices of rooms may change. For
details, see
For all enquiries about IJCAR 2024
The 8th edition of the World Congress on the Square of Opposition
will take place in Costa Rica, September 9-13, 2024.
Deadline to submit an abstract is May 8
The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms of TU Wien calls for the nomination of authors of outstanding theses and scientific works in the field of Logic and Computer Science, in the following two categories:
- Outstanding Master Thesis Award*
- Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award (Bachelor thesis or equivalent, 1st cycle of the Bologna process)*
*The degree must have been awarded between January 1st, 2023 and December 31st, 2023 (inclusive).
The main areas of interest are:
- Computational Logic, covering theoretical and mathematical foundations such as proof theory, model theory, computability theory, Boolean satisfiability (SAT), QBF, constraint satisfaction, satisfiability modulo theories, automated deduction (resolution, refutation, theorem proving), non-classical logics (substructural logics, multi-valued logics, deontic logics, modal and temporal logics).
- Algorithms and Computational Complexity, including design and analysis of discrete algorithms, complexity analysis, algorithmic lower bounds, parameterized and exact algorithms, decomposition methods, approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms, algorithm engineering, as well as algorithmic game theory, computational social choice, parallel algorithms, graph drawing algorithms, and distributed algorithms.
- Databases and Artificial Intelligence, concerned with logical methods for modeling, storing, and drawing inferences from data and knowledge. This includes subjects like query languages based on logical concepts (Datalog, variants of SQL, XML, and SPARQL), novel database-theoretical methods (schema mappings, information extraction and integration), logic programming, knowledge representation and reasoning (ontologies, answer-set programming, belief change, inconsistency handling, argumentation, planning).
- Verification, concerned with logical methods and automated tools for reasoning about the behavior and correctness of complex state-based systems such as software and hardware designs as well as hybrid systems. This ranges from model checking, program analysis and abstraction to new interdisciplinary areas such as fault localization, program repair, program synthesis, and the analysis of biological systems.
- The Outstanding Master Thesis Award: 1200 EUR.
- The Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award: 800 EUR.
- The winners will be invited to present their work at an award ceremony in Vienna, if the situation allows.
- The degree must have been awarded between January 1st, 2023 and December 31st, 2023 (inclusive).
- Students who obtained their degree at TU Wien are not eligible.
Nomination Requirements
Nominations must include:
- A cover page that contains the name and contact details of the nominated person, the title of the work for which the person is being nominated, award category, the date on which the degree was awarded, and the name of the university.
- An English summary of the thesis of maximum 3 pages, excluding references (A4 or letter page size, 11pt font min). The summary must clearly state the main contribution of the work, its novelty, and its relevance to some of the aforementioned areas of interest.
- The CV of the nominated person, including publication list (if applicable).
- An endorsement letter from a supervisor or another proposing person. The letter must clearly state the independent and novel contribution of the student, and why the proposer believes the student deserves the award. The endorsement letter may be provided after the submission deadline, and emailed directly to award (AT)
- The full thesis.
All documents should be in English, with the exception of the thesis. In case the thesis is in a different language, it must be accompanied by a research report in English of at least 10 pages that should be sufficient for the committee to evaluate the merit and quality of the submitted work.
Instructions for submitting self-nominations
- Nominations should be submitted electronically by the applicants using the following link to EasyChair:
- Submissions consist of two pdf files. The first is a single pdf file containing all documents for the nomination except the full thesis; the documents should appear in the order they are listed above. The second pdf file is the full thesis.
- The endorsement letter may optionally be sent by email by the endorser and omitted from the Easychair submission. In this case, please email the letter as a pdf file, including the name of the nominated person in the subject, to award (AT) logic-cs DOT at.
- The submission must be accompanied by a plain text electronic abstract of the thesis of at most 400 words, and three keywords.
- The nominated student must be listed as the only author in the submission form.
Important dates
- Submission deadline: May 31st, 2024 (anywhere on Earth)
- Notification of decision: After August 31st, 2024
Please send all inquiries to award(a)<>.
VCLA Award Committee 2024
Shqiponja Ahmetaj and Anela Lolic will be co-chairing this year's edition of the VCLA International Student Awards. The remaining members of the committee will be announced in due time.
Website with information on the award and the previous awardees
Andrea Hackl, MA
Project Manager
Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms
Technische Universität Wien
Favoritenstraße 9-11, Stiege 3, 3. Stock, 1040 Wien
Dear all,
Verification Mentoring Workshop (VMW) 2024
July 22, 2022
Montreal, Canada
Co-located with the 36th International Conference on Computer Aided
Verification (CAV)
We warmly invite students to apply for travel scholarships to attend the
Verification Mentoring Workshop and CAV 2024. Applications are received via
the form at
Deadline: April 24, 2024
The purpose of the Verification Mentoring Workshop is to provide mentoring
and career advice to senior undergraduate and junior researchers at all
stages, and to attract them to pursue research careers in the area of
computer-aided verification. The workshop will particularly encourage the
participation of women and underrepresented minorities.
The workshop program will include a number of talks and interactive
sessions. The talks will give an overview of the field along with brief
introductions to the varied CAV related topics. Other talks will provide
mentoring and career advice, from academia and industry.
In case of questions, please contact the VMW organizers:
Grigory Fedyukovich <grigory(a)>
Eric Koskinen <ekoskine(a)>
Tallinn, Estonia
Sunday 9 July 2024
Colocated with LICS and ICALP 2024
The 11th Logic Mentoring Workshop (LMW) invites participation from
students (undergraduate, master's and PhD), in all areas of logic for
scholarships to attend the Logic in Computer Science (LICS) conference
and the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
(ICALP) this year. Attending a conference such as ICALP and LICS can be
a transformative experience. It exposes participants to cutting-edge
research and can open up new research avenues and collaboration
opportunities. Some scholarships will be generously funded by our
sponsors (see below) and cover registration to ICALP or LICS, as well as
the workshop, and possibly travel and accommodation. Due to the generous
funding of the NSF, we will be able to fund several US students
completely. Women and members of minority groups are especially
encouraged to apply.
The LMW will focus on the technical and practical aspects of a career in
logic research, including talks and a panel session from leaders in the
subject. LMW'24 builds on a long tradition of LMW workshops held at LICS
and CSL every year.
Applications should be made via the online form:
The deadline for applications is *7 May 2024* AoE (anywhere on earth).
Notification will be made before May 10th. This deadline is to allow
students to register within the limit of early-bird registration which
ends on 17 May.
Registration will be done via the main conference site. See the
Following the tradition, the Logic Mentoring Workshop will invite senior
and junior researchers to teach about soft skills and career management
after a PhD in Logic, as well as to give scientific talks.
Davide Catta (Università di Napoli)
Marie Kerjean (CNRS)
Nadia Labai (Amazon)
Niels Voorneveld (Cybernetica)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Jane Street
ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (SIGLOG)