* 2 x PostDoc position in Computer Science Logic
* University of Sheffield, UK
* Salary: £32,344 to £35,326 per annum (Grade 7)
* Deadline: 20th July 2022
* Starting date: ASAP / negotiable
* Duration: Until 31.10.2023 (15 months each)
* (it might be possible to join the posts to one longer post or extend posts past the official end date, contact j.t.virtema(a)sheffield.ac.uk <mailto:j.t.virtema@sheffield.ac.uk> for details)
* Details: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CRB003/research-associate-in-computer-science-lo…
I am looking for two PostDocs to join the Verification group (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dcs/research/groups/verification) of The University of Sheffield (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dcs ) to work with me in my DFG funded project "Logical approach to quantum mechanics and contextuality" (http://www.virtema.fi/dfg).
All candidates interested in working in the general topic of logics and complexity theory utilising numerical features and real valued data are encouraged to apply.
The project topics range from logical foundations of probabilistic data and complexity theory utilising real numbers to logical approach to quantum information theory utilising the newly discovered connections to probabilistic team semantics. Candidates with expertise in finite model theory, logic in computer science, or foundations of quantum information theory are in particular encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me directly by email for further details (j.t.virtema(a)sheffield.ac.uk). For more details on the topic, the candidate may refer to the subsection “Probabilistic Logics and Metafinite Model Theory” at http://www.virtema.fi/.
Full advert at https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CRB003/research-associate-in-computer-science-lo….
* PhD position in Logical Approach to Verification of Hyperproperties
* University of Sheffield, UK
* Fully funded for 3.5 years for students applicable for UK Home rates
* Possible times to start: Autumn 2022/Spring 2023
I am looking for a motivated PhD student to join the Verification group (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dcs/research/groups/verification) of The University of Sheffield (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dcs). The topic of the PhD project is quite flexible, but should relate to temporal logics for verification (for more details: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/logical-approach-to-verification-of-h…).
PhD topics related to logical foundations of probabilistic data and complexity theory utilising real numbers is also possible, please contact me directly for details.
The Studentship will cover tuition fees at the UK rate and provide a tax-free stipend at the standard UKRC rate (currently £15,609 for 2021/22) for three and a half years. International students are eligible to apply, however will have to pay the difference between the UK and Overseas tuition fees.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me directly by email for further details (j.t.virtema(a)sheffield.ac.uk). For more details on the topic, the candidate may refer to the subsection "Logics for Verification" at http://www.virtema.fi/
*** We apologize for possible cross posting ***
*********** CALL FOR PAPER ***********
28th November - 4th December, 2022 (the precise day(s) will be announced later)
Udine, Italy (unless held online, depending on the pandemic emergency situation)
Co-located with AIxIA 2022
*********** *********** ***********
The increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence techniques in safety-critical systems, employed in real world scenarios, requires the design of reliable, robust, and verifiable methodologies. Artificial Intelligence systems employed in such applications need to provide formal guarantees about their safety, increasing the need for a close interaction between the Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods scientific communities.
To witness this increasing need, tools and methodologies integrating Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence solutions are getting more and more attention.
The workshop is the main official initiative supported by the OVERLAY group (https://overlay.uniud.it). The event aims at establishing a stable, long-term scientific forum on relevant topics connected to the relationships between Artificial Intelligence and Formal
Methods, by providing a stimulating environment where researchers can discuss
about opportunities and challenges at the border of the two areas.
Important goals of the workshop are (i) to encourage the ongoing interaction between the formal methods and artificial intelligence communities, (ii) to identify innovative tools and methodologies, and (iii) to elicit a discussion on open issues and new challenges.
This year edition will be held between 28th November and 4th December 2022 (the precise day(s) will be announced later), as a hybrid workshop co-located with AIxIA 2022 (https://aixia2022.uniud.it), which is scheduled to be held in Udine, Italy (unless it will be an online event, depending on the pandemic emergency situation).
*** Invited speaker ***
Luca Bortolussi (University of Trieste, Italy)
*** Call for contributions ***
We accept extended abstracts (4 pages + references) focusing on the interaction between Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods. Invited talks will complement the presentations of contributed papers.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
automata theory
automated reasoning
automated planning and scheduling
controller synthesis
formal specification languages
formal verification
game theory
hybrid and discrete systems
logics in computer science
reactive synthesis
runtime verification and monitoring
specification and verification of machine learning systems
tools and applications
Contributed papers can present recent results at the border of the two fields, new research directions, challenges and perspectives. Presentation of results recently published in other scientific journals or conferences is also welcome.
We plan on including all papers in the Proceedings of the event, published at CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR WS proceedings are archival proceedings indexed by DBLP and Scopus.
Submitted papers should not exceed four (4) pages plus references. Authors are asked to use CEUR's LaTeX style, available at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip.
Submissions must be in PDF format and will be handled via the EasyChair Conference system at the following address: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=overlay22.
*** Important dates ***
- Paper submission: September 30th, 2022
- Acceptance notification: October 21th, 2022
- Camera-ready submission: November 4th, 2022
- Workshop: between 28th November and 4th December, 2022 (the precise day(s) will be announced later)
*** COVID-19 Information ***
Taking into account the emergency situation, the organizers of OVERLAY 2022 will closely monitor the evolution of the pandemic and will take all the necessary actions to guarantee a successful event. OVERLAY 2022 will be planned as a fully in-person conference, with the possibility, on a limited basis, of participating virtually, if necessary. Should the situation worsen and an in-person event become impossible, OVERLAY 2022 will be transformed into a fully virtual conference. Updates on the organization mode will be published and advertised in due time.
In any case, OVERLAY 2022 will be a no-fee event.
*** Program Committee ***
Guido Sciavicco - Università di Ferrara
Luca Geatti - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Alessandro Umbrico - ISTC-CNR, Roma
PC Members
Riccardo De Benedictis, CNR - Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (CNR-ISTC), Italy
Davide Bresolin, University of Padova, Italy
Marco Esposito, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Francesco Fabiano, University of Parma, Italy
Marco Gavanelli, University of Parma, Italy
Alessandro Gianola, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Nicola Gigante, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Federico Mari, University of Rome Foro Italico, Italy
Andrea Micheli, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Emilio Munoz-Velasco, University of Malaga, Spain
Adriano Peron, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Raine Ronnholm, University of Tampere, Finland
Enrico Scala, University of Brescia, Italy
Mauro Vallati, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Martin Zimmermann, Aalborg University, Denmark
*** Contacts ***
For more information email overlay2022(a)easychair.org<https://mailto:overlay2022@easychair.org>.
STACS 2023 - First call for papers
The 40th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer
Science is planned to take place from 7 March to 10 March 2023 in
Hamburg, Germany.
For the first time, STACS 2023 will consist of two tracks, A and B, to
facilitate the work of the program committee(s).
Track A is dedicated to algorithms and data structures, complexity and
Track B will cover automata, logic, semantics and theory of programming.
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished
research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Typical areas include:
Track A:
* algorithms and data structures,
including: design of parallel, distributed, approximation, parameterized
and randomized algorithms; analysis of algorithms and combinatorics of
data structures; computational geometry, cryptography, algorithms for
machine learning, algorithmic game theory, quantum algorithms
* complexity,
including: computational and structural complexity theory, parameterized
complexity, randomness in computation
Track B:
* automata and formal languages,
including: automata theory, games, algebraic and categorical methods,
coding theory, models of computation, computability
* logic in computer science,
including: finite model theory, database theory, semantics, type
systems, program analysis, specification & verification, rewriting and
deduction, learning theory, logical aspects of complexity
These lists are not exhaustive. In particular, both tracks also welcome
submissions about current challenges.
Track A:
- Petra Berenbrink (Universität Hamburg, Germany)
- Mamadou Moustapha Kante (Université Clermont Auvergne, France)
Track B:
- Patricia Bouyer-Decitre (CNRS, France)
- Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge, UK)
Submissions will be through EasyChair.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or full paper with at
most 12 pages (excluding the title page and the references section) to
the appropriate track. The title page consists of the title of the paper
and the abstract, but *no* author information. The first section of the
paper should start on the next page.
The PCs reserve the right to reassign a paper to a different track.
The usage of pdflatex and the LIPIcs style file (see
http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics) are mandatory; no changes
to font size, page geometry, etc. are permitted. Submissions not in the
correct format or submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
The paper should contain a succinct statement of the issues and of their
motivation, a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of
their significance, accessible to non-specialist readers.
Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be put into an appendix, to
be read by the program committee members at their discretion.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings
or to journals is not allowed. PC members are excluded from submitting.
As in the previous two years, STACS 2023 will employ a lightweight
double-blind reviewing process: submissions should not reveal the
identity of the authors in any way. The purpose of the double-blind
reviewing is to help PC members and external reviewers come to an
initial judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible
for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be
done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the
job of reviewing the paper more difficult. In particular, important
references should not be omitted or anonymized. In addition, authors
should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their
paper as they normally would. For example, authors may post drafts of
their papers on the web, submit them to arXiv, and give talks on their
research ideas.
There will be a rebuttal period for authors, see below for the dates.
Authors will receive the reviews of their submissions (via EasyChair)
and have three days to submit rebuttals (via EasyChair). These rebuttals
become part of the PC discussions, but entail no specific responses.
At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register at
the conference. For authors who cannot present their paper in person a
possibility for remote presentation will be offered.
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the symposium.
As usual, these proceedings will appear in the Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl.
This guarantees perennial, free and easy electronic access, while the
authors retain the rights over their work. With their submission,
authors consent to sign a license authorizing the program committee
chairs to organize the electronic publication of their paper, provided
the paper is accepted.
* Deadline for submissions: September 25, 2022 (AoE)
* Rebuttal: November 14-16, 2022
* Author notification: December 4, 2022
* Final version: January 8, 2023
* STACS 2023: March 7-10, 2023
Web: stacs-conf.org
Email: petra.berenbrink(a)uni-hamburg.de
30 Years of Finite Model Theory in Finland
Hanaholmen, Espoo, Finland, August 21-23, 2022
The registration is open until 6 July 2022.
https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/30-years-of-finite-model-theory-in-f… <https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/30-years-of-finite-model-theory-in-f…>
We solicit proposals for short presentations fitting the wide topic of the workshop. If you are interested in presenting your work at the workshop, please send a brief email to fmt-30(a)helsinki.fi <mailto:fmt-30@helsinki.fi> with your proposed title and a short (one paragraph) abstract.
This international workshop celebrates the past 30 years of active research in the area of Finite Model Theory (FMT) in Finland. Research in FMT in Finland began due to the joint efforts of Phokion G. Kolaitis and Jouko Väänänen in the end of 1980's. Concurrently, while celebrating the 30 years of FMT in Finland, the workshop aspires to be a venue for displaying the current state-of-art of research in FMT globally.
The meeting will consist of three keynote lectures, several contributed talks, and plenty of time for collaboration spread over a three day period. The workshop aspires for an intimate and relaxed atmosphere in the spirit of Dagstuhl seminars. The meeting will take place in a secluded conference hotel Hanaholmen on the coast of the Baltic Sea (https://www.hanaholmen.fi/en/ <https://www.hanaholmen.fi/en/>). While secluded, the hotel is also conveniently located just outside Helsinki city center, and can be reached from the main railway station in 20 minutes using the metro.
Tentative keynote speakers:
Anuj Dawar <https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~ad260/> (University of Cambridge)
Phokion G. Kolaitis <https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~kolaitis/> (University of California, Santa Cruz and IBM Almaden Research Center)
Jouko Väänänen <http://www.math.helsinki.fi/logic/people/jouko.vaananen/> (University of Helsinki and University of Amsterdam)
Registration for the workshop is now open (https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/30-years-of-finite-model-theory-in-… <https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/30-years-of-finite-model-theory-in-…>). The registration fee is 250€ covering full board during the workshop but not accommodation. The registration is open until 6 July 2022.
Note that the workshop immediately follows the 28th Nordic Congress of Mathematics that takes place in Espoo 18-21 August:
https://ncm28.math.aalto.fi/ <https://ncm28.math.aalto.fi/>
Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) is an international conference on
and theoretical topics in all areas that consider formal verification and
certification as an essential paradigm for their work. CPP spans areas of
computer science, mathematics, logic, and education.
CPP 2023 (https://popl23.sigplan.org/home/CPP-2023) will be held on 16-17
January 2023 and will be co-located with POPL 2023 in Boston, Massachusetts,
United States. CPP 2023 is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM
CPP 2023 will welcome contributions from all members of the community.
2023 organizers will strive to enable both in-person and remote
in cooperation with the POPL 2023 organizers.
* Abstract Submission Deadline: 14 September 2022 at 23:59 AoE (UTC-12h)
* Paper Submission Deadline: 21 September 2022 at 23:59 AoE (UTC-12h)
* Notification (tentative): 21 November 2022
* Camera Ready Deadline (tentative): 12 December 2022
* Conference: 16-17 January 2023
Deadlines expire at the end of the day, anywhere on earth. Abstract and
submission deadlines are strict and there will be no extensions.
Around 10% of the accepted papers at CPP 2023 will be designated as
Distinguished Papers. This award highlights papers that the CPP program
committee thinks should be read by a broad audience due to their relevance,
originality, significance and clarity.
We welcome submissions in research areas related to formal certification of
programs and proofs. The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics of
interest to CPP:
* certified or certifying programming, compilation, linking, OS kernels,
systems, security monitors, and hardware;
* certified mathematical libraries and mathematical theorems;
* proof assistants (e.g, ACL2, Agda, Coq, Dafny, F*, HOL4, HOL Light, Idris,
Isabelle, Lean, Mizar, Nuprl, PVS, etc);
* new languages and tools for certified programming;
* program analysis, program verification, and program synthesis;
* program logics, type systems, and semantics for certified code;
* logics for certifying concurrent and distributed systems;
* mechanized metatheory, formalized programming language semantics, and
* higher-order logics, dependent type theory, proof theory, logical systems,
separation logics, and logics for security;
* verification of correctness and security properties;
* formally verified blockchains and smart contracts;
* certificates for decision procedures, including linear algebra, polynomial
systems, SAT, SMT, and unification in algebras of interest;
* certificates for semi-decision procedures, including equality, first-order
logic, and higher-order unification;
* certificates for program termination;
* formal models of computation;
* mechanized (un)decidability and computational complexity proofs;
* formally certified methods for induction and coinduction;
* integration of interactive and automated provers;
* logical foundations of proof assistants;
* applications of AI and machine learning to formal certification;
* user interfaces for proof assistants and theorem provers;
* teaching mathematics and computer science with proof assistants.
Prior to the paper submission deadline, the authors should upload their
anonymized paper in PDF format through the HotCRP system at
The submissions must be written in English and provide sufficient detail to
allow the program committee to assess the merits of the contribution.
They must
be formatted following the ACM SIGPLAN Proceedings format using the
acmart style
with the sigplan option, which provides a two-column style, using 10
point font
for the main text, and a header for double blind review submission, i.e.,
The submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages, including tables and
but excluding bibliography and clearly marked appendices. The papers
should be
self-contained without the appendices. Shorter papers are welcome and
will be
given equal consideration. Submissions not conforming to the requirements
concerning format and maximum length may be rejected without further
CPP 2023 will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process
following the
process from previous years. To facilitate this, the submissions must
adhere to
two rules:
(1) author names and institutions must be omitted, and
(2) references to authors’ own related work should be in the third
person (e.g.,
not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather "We build on the
work of
The purpose of this process is to help the PC and external reviewers
come to an
initial judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for
them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done
in the
name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of
reviewing it
more difficult. In particular, important background references should not be
omitted or anonymized. In addition, authors are free to disseminate
their ideas
or draft versions of their papers as usual. For example, authors may
post drafts
of their papers on the web or give talks on their research ideas. Note
that POPL
2023 itself will employ full double-blind reviewing, which differs from the
light-weight CPP process. This FAQ from previous SIGPLAN conference
many common concerns:
We strongly encourage the authors to provide any supplementary material that
supports the claims made in the paper, such as proof scripts or experimental
data. This material must be uploaded at submission time, as an archive,
not via
a URL. Two forms of supplementary material may be submitted:
(1) Anonymous supplementary material is made available to the reviewers
they submit their first-draft reviews.
(2) Non-anonymous supplementary material is made available to the reviewers
after they have submitted their first-draft reviews and have learned the
identity of the authors.
Please use anonymous supplementary material whenever possible, so that
it can be
taken into account from the beginning of the reviewing process.
The submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN Republication Policy
(https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication/) and the ACM
on Plagiarism (https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism).
submissions to other conferences, journals, workshops with proceedings, or
similar forums of publication are not allowed. The PC chairs should be
of closely related work submitted to a conference or journal in advance of
submission. One author of each accepted paper is expected to present it
at the
(possibly virtual) conference.
The CPP 2023 proceedings will be published by the ACM, and authors of
papers will be required to choose one of the following publication options:
(1) Author retains copyright of the work and grants ACM a non-exclusive
permission-to-publish license and, optionally, licenses the work
under a
Creative Commons license.
(2) Author retains copyright of the work and grants ACM an exclusive
permission-to-publish license.
(3) Author transfers copyright of the work to ACM.
For authors who can afford it, we recommend option (1), which will make the
paper Gold Open Access, and also encourage such authors to license their
under the CC-BY license. ACM will charge you an article processing fee
for this
option (currently, US$700), which you have to pay directly with the ACM.
For everyone else, we recommend option (2), which is free and allows you to
achieve Green Open Access, by uploading a preprint of your paper to a
that guarantees permanent archival such as arXiv or HAL. This is anyway
a good
idea for timely dissemination even if you chose option 1.
The official CPP 2023 proceedings will also be available via SIGPLAN OpenTOC
For ACM’s take on this, see their Copyright Policy
(http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/copyright-policy) and Author
Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania, USA (co-chair)
Brigitte Peintka, McGill University, Canada (co-chair)
Reynald Affeldt, AIST, Japan
Tej Chajed, MIT, USA
Koen Claessen, Chalmers, Sweden
Ranald Clouston, ANU, Australia
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research, USA
Xinyu Feng, Nanjing University, China
Denis Firsov, Tallinn University/GuardTime, Estonia
Yannick Forster, Inria Nantes, France
Milos Gligoric, UT Austin, USA
Stephane Graham-Lengrand, SRI, USA
Elsa Gunter, Univerisity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Chris Hawblitzel, Microsoft Research, US
Chantal Keller , Université Paris Saclay, France
Marie Kerjean, CNRS, France
Yoonseung Kim, Seoul National University, Korea
Kenji Maillard, INRIA, France
César Muñoz, Amazon Web Services, USA
Lawrence Paulson, Cambridge, UK
Pierre-Marie Pédrot, INRIA, France
Anja Petković Komel, TU Wien, Vienna
Clément Pit-Claudel, EPFL, France
Christine Rizkallah, University of Melbourne, Australia
Cody Roux, AWS, USA
Kazuhiko Sakaguchi, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Anna Slobodova, Intel, USA
Aaron Stump, University of Iowa, US
René Thiemann, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Amin Timany, Aarhus University, Denmark
Josef Urban, CIIRC (Prague), Czech Republic
Viktor Vafeiadis, MPI-SWS, Germany
Yuting Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Tjark Weber, Uppsala University, Sweden
Dmitriy Traytel, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (conference co-chair)
Robbert Krebbers, Radboud University, Netherlands (conference co-chair)
Brigitte Peintka, McGill University, Canada (PC co-chair)
Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania, United States (PC co-chair)
For any questions please contact the two PC chairs:
Steve Zdancewic <stevez(a)seas.upenn.edu>
Brigitte Pientka <bpientka(a)cs.mcgill.ca>
Call for Participation
FLoC 2022 Mentoring Workshop (FLoC'22 MW)
August 1 and August 5, 2022
Haifa, Israel
Early registration deadline: June 20, 2022!
The purpose of the FLoC 2022 Mentoring Workshop (FLoC'22 MW)
is to provide mentoring and career advice to early-stage graduate
students, to attract them to pursue research careers in various
logic-related areas. The workshop will particularly encourage
participation of women and under-represented minorities. There
will be two workshop days, one for each FLoC Conference Block,
so the students can choose which one of the two they prefer to attend.
The workshop program will include a number of talks and interactive
sessions. Talks will give an overview of the field along with brief
introductions to the varied topics highlighted at FLoC. Other talks will
provide mentoring and career advice, from academia and industry.
Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft Research, USA
Liron Cohen, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Christoph Haase, University of Oxford, UK
Kristin Rozier, Iowa State University, USA
Neha Rungta, AWS, USA
Natarajan Shankar, SRI, USA
Alexandra Silva, Cornell University, USA
In case of questions, please contact the Mentoring Workshop co-chairs:
Sandra Kiefer <sankie(a)mpi-sws.org>
Marijana Lazić <lazic(a)in.tum.de>
Caterina Urban <caterina.urban(a)inria.fr>
[apologies for cross-postings]
The Oxford Department of Computer Science has a vacancy for a full-time
Postdoctoral Research Associate position on the ERC-funded project
“ARiAT: Advanced Reasoning in Arithmetic Theories”:
The goal of this project is to develop novel algorithms for reasoning in
arithmetic theories. Further information, including representative
publications that have so far arisen in the context of the project, can
be found under the following URL:
The position is advertised at Grade 8 with a salary range of £42,149 -
£50,296 p.a. The post may be under-filled at Grade 7 £33,309 - £40,927
p.a. The application deadline is 7 July.
Applicants are welcome to informally discuss this position with Dr.
Christoph Haase (christoph.haase(a)cs.ox.ac.uk).
FLOC 2022: The Eighth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2022)
July 31 - August 12, 2022, Haifa, Israel
ON-SITE REGISTRATION will be possible during the conference.
The conference will take place IN PERSON, see
https://www.floc2022.org/covid-19 for the latest COVID regulations.
It is imperative that you BOOK ACCOMMODATION ASAP to avoid disappointment.
* Website: https://www.floc2022.org/
* Registration: https://www.floc2022.org/registration
* Accommodation: https://www.floc2022.org/accommodation
Registration for the main conference block gives you access to any other
conference in the same period. Conference registration includes reception,
lunches, and coffee breaks. A banquet ticket can be added to the conference
Registration for a workshop day means you can attend any other workshop on
the same day. Workshop registration includes lunches and coffee breaks.
We have made block bookings at several locations in Haifa until mid-May and
any unsold rooms are now being released. It is imperative that you book NOW
to avoid disappointment, as July/August is a busy period in Haifa!
During the past forty years there has been extensive, continuous, and
growing interaction between logic and computer science. In many respects,
logic provides computer science with both a unifying foundational framework
and a tool for modeling. In fact, logic has been called “the calculus of
computer science”, playing a crucial role in diverse areas such as
artificial intelligence, computational complexity, distributed computing,
database systems, hardware design, programming languages, and software
The Federated Logic Conference brings together several international
conferences related to mathematical logic and computer science and was first
organized in 1996, as part of the DIMACS Special Year on Logic and
Algorithms. Since then FLoC was held in Trento in 1999, Copenhagen in 2002,
Seattle in 2006, Edinburgh in 2010, Vienna in 2014, and Oxford in 2018.
The eighth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'22) will be held in Haifa,
Israel, in July 2022.
FLoC 2022 brings together twelve major international conferences, 70+
workshops, and several special events.
* CAV http://i-cav.org/2022/
* CP https://cp2022.a4cp.org/
* CSF https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/CSF2022/
* DL https://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/dl2022/
* FSCD https://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~nachumd/FSCD/
* ICLP https://software.imdea.org/Conferences/ICLP2022/
* IJCAR https://easychair.org/cfp/IJCAR-2022
* ITP https://itpconference.github.io/ITP22/
* KR https://kr2022.cs.tu-dortmund.de/
* NMR https://sites.google.com/view/nmr2022/home-page
* LICS https://lics.siglog.org/lics22/
* SAT http://satisfiability.org/SAT22/
* Catuscia Palamidessi, Director of Research at INRIA
* Don Knuth, CP invited speaker, The Art of Computer Programming at
Stanford University
* Orna Kupferman, School of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem
* Ziyad Hanna, Corporate Vice President at Cadence Design Systems
* Aarti Gupta, Department of Computer Science at Princeton University
* CAV: Arie Gurfinkel, Neha Rungta
* FSCD: Cynthia Kop, Alwen Tiu
* ICLP: Fabrizio Riguzzi, Theresa Swift
* LICS: Amal Ahmed, Mikolaj Bojanczyk
* KR: Yejin Choi, Tony Hunter, Leonid Libkin
There is one Reception and one Banquet during each FLoC block, and one
Workshop Dinner during each of the workshop blocks. For details, see
https://www.floc2022.org/program. Guests are welcome: you can reserve your
place(s) via the registration system.
Two logic lounges are held - one on August 2nd and the other on August 7th.
See https://www.floc2022.org/logiclounge for details.
Two mentoring workshops will be held, on August 1 and August 5.
See https://www.floc2022.org/flocmentoringworkshop for more details.
We are indebted to our sponsors for making FLoC possible, see:
Our website includes details for travel (including accessibility), venues,
and things to do in Haifa for our attendees and their families: see
https://www.floc2022.org/information for more information.
FLoC 2022 promises to be an exciting meeting, and we hope to see you in
FLoC 2022 invites students to apply to our volunteer program. Volunteers
will receive a stipend (a variable amount towards registration and travel
costs for students depending on the origin of travel) in exchange for
volunteer work at the conference. FLoC’22 volunteers will be able to
interact with speakers and participants, network with other researchers, and
meet graduate students from all over the world. See
https://www.floc2022.org/volunteers for details.
See https://www.floc2022.org/about
Vardi-list mailing list
Next Wednesday, June 15 at 16h CET we will have the next session of the
Logica Universalis Webinar.
It is about the book
"Logic in Question - Talks from the Annual Sorbonne Logic Workshop (2011-
published in the book series Studies in Universal Logic (SUL)
This book is related to the Workshop "Logic in Question" organized every
Spring at the Sorbonne in Paris since 2011
In this workshop all aspects of logic are discussed and we already had
talks by a great variety of speakers from all over the world
The present book collects not all the talks, but a good number of them. It
is a 750-page book including 38 papers such as:
- "What Is “Ancient Chinese Logic?" by Guo Zhenzhen
- "Frege’s Silence About Bolzano" by Jan Sebestik
- "The Relevance Logic Programme: Failed or Just Stalled?" by David
- "Contributions of Logical Analysis for Mathematics Education" by Viviane
- "Back and Forth in Positive Logic", by Bruno Poizat and Aibat Yeshkeyev
to quote just a few.
This session of the webinar will be chaired by Razvan Diaconescu, member
of the editorial board of SUL.
There will be a general presentation of the workshop and the book and then
a talk corresponding to one chapter of the book:
- "The Place and Value of Logic in Louis Couturat’s Philosophical Thinking"
by Anne-Françoise Schmid
Louis Couturat was born January 17, 1868 and died August 3 1914.
His world Logic Day Number is therefore B+3
"A confirmed pacifist, he was killed when his car was hit by a car carrying
orders for the mobilization of the French Army, in the first stage of World
War I."
He proposed the word "Logistique" (Logistics) to name modern logic. He was
close to Bertarnd Russell.
The correspondence between Couturat and Russell, the most important
scientific correspondence of Russell, dealing with all kinds of topics, was
lost under the snow in La-Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland. Many years later
It was edited and published by the author of the talk, Anne-Françoise Schmid
Correspondance sur la philosophie, la logique et la politique : Bertrand
Russell et Louis Couturat, 1897-1913
See here the review by Alasdair Urquhart:
Couturat was the creator and promoter of the universal language Ido
Here is the wikipedia page about Couturat in Ido
With Léopold Léau he wrote
"Histoire de la Langue Universelle"
Couturat published the work of Leibniz on logic which was almost unknown
and wrote:
La logique de Leibniz
By Anne-Françoise Schmid (together with Oliver Schlaudt)
there is the book (also published by Birkhäuser):
Louis Couturat: The History of Modern Symbolic Logic and Other French
Within the project
the logic prize for France was named "Louis Couturat Logic Prize"
Everybody is welcome to attend the next Logica Universalis Webinar
Register here:
Jean-Yves Beziau
Organizer of the Logica Universalis Webinar
Series Editor Studies in Universal Logic
FSTTCS 2022 - Call for Papers
FSTTCS 2022 is the 42nd conference on Foundations of Software Technology
and Theoretical Computer Science. It is organised by IARCS, the Indian
Association for Research in Computing Science, in association with ACM
India. It is a forum for presenting original results in foundational
aspects of Computer Science and Software Technology.
FSTTCS 2022 will be held in IIT Madras during December 18–20, 2022.
List of Topics
Track A
Algebraic Complexity
Algorithms and Data Structures
Algorithmic Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Approximation Algorithms
Combinatorial Optimization
Communication Complexity
Computational Biology
Computational Complexity
Computational Geometry
Computational Learning Theory
Cryptography and Security
Data Streaming and Sublinear algorithms
Economics and Computation
Parallel, Distributed and Online Algorithms
Parameterized Complexity
Proof Complexity
Quantum Computing
Randomness in Computing
Theoretical Aspects of Mobile and High-Performance Computing
Track B
Automata, Games and Formal Languages
Logic in Computer Science
Modal and Temporal Logics
Models of Concurrent, Distributed and Mobile Systems
Models of Timed, Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems
Model Theory
Principles and Semantics of Programming Languages
Program Analysis and Transformation
Security protocols
Specification, Verification and Synthesis
Theorem Proving and Decision Procedures
Invited Speakers
Patricia Bouyer-Decitre (CNRS & ENS Paris-Saclay)
Irit Dinur (Weizmann Institute)
Anupam Gupta (Carnegie Mellon)
Akash Lal (Microsoft Research)
Rahul Santhanam (University of Oxford)
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must be in electronic form via EasyChair (using the
following link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=fsttcs2022) in
the LIPIcs LaTeX style which is available here:
https://submission.dagstuhl.de/documentation/authors. Submissions must
not exceed 15 pages (excluding bibliography), but may include a clearly
marked appendix containing technical details. The appendix will be read
only at the discretion of the program committee. Simultaneous
submissions to journals or other conferences with published proceedings
are disallowed.
Accepted papers will be published as proceedings of the conference in
the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) as a
free, open, electronic archive with access to all. Authors will retain
full rights over their work. The accepted papers will be published under
a CC-BY license. For an accepted paper to be included in the
proceedings, one of the authors must commit to presenting the paper at
the conference.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: July 14, 2022 AoE (firm)
Notification to authors: September 16, 2022
FSTTCS 2022: December 18–20, 2022.
Programme Committee
Track A
Venkatesan Guruswami (University of California, Berkeley) – Co-chair
V. Arvind (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
Divesh Aggarwal (National University of Singapore)
Diptarka Chakraborty (National University of Singapore)
Radu Curticapean (IT University of Copenhagen)
Sumegha Garg (Harvard University)
Badih Ghazi (Google Research)
Tom Gur (University of Warwick)
Euiwoong Lee (University of Michigan)
Debmalya Panigrahi (Duke University)
Pravesh Kothari (Carnegie Mellon University)
Nicole Megow (Universität Bremen)
Prajakta Nimbhorkar (Chennai Mathematical Institute)
Rishi Saket (Google Research, India)
Ramprasad Saptharishi (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Rakesh Venkat (Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad)
David Wajc (Stanford University)
Amir Yehudayoff (Technion, Israel)
Meirav Zahavi (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
Track B
Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge) – Co-chair
Ashutosh Trivedi (University of Colorado Boulder)
Deepak D’Souza (Indian Institute of Science)
Igor Walukiewicz (Université de Bordeaux, France)
Jonni Virtema (University of Sheffield, UK)
Laura Bozzelli (University of Naples, Italy)
Laure Daviaud (City University of London)
Maribel Fernandez (King's College London)
Mohamed Faouzi Atig (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Natasha Alechina (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Nathan Lhote (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Olaf Beyersdorff (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany)
Radha Jagadeesan (DePaul University)
Shaull Almagor (Technion, Israel)
Shibashis Guha (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Supratik Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)
Organizing Committee
Meghana Nasre (IIT Madras) – co-chair
Chandrashekhar Sahasrabudhe (ACM India, Member)
Jayalal Sarma (IIT Madras) – co-chair
Contact Information
All questions about submissions should be emailed to the PC chairs:
anuj.dawar(a)cl.cam.ac.uk or venkatg(a)berkeley.edu