Apologies for multiple reception of this message.
Satellite workshop of ECAI 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June
8, 2020
Strategic reasoning is a key topic in multi-agent systems research. The
extensive literature in the field includes a variety of
logics used for modeling strategic ability. Results from the field are
now being used in many exciting domains such as information
system security, adaptive strategies for robot teams, and automatic
players capable to outperform human experts. A common feature in all
these application domains is the requirement for sound theoretical
foundations and tools accounting for the strategies that artificial
agents may adopt in the situation of conflict and cooperation.
The SR international workshop series aims at bringing together
researchers working on different aspects of strategic reasoning in
computer science, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view.
SR 2020 will be held with ECAI 2020 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
The topics covered by SR include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Logics for reasoning about strategic abilities;
- Logics for multi-agent mechanism design, verification, and synthesis;
- Logical foundations of decision theory for multi-agent systems;
- Strategic reasoning in formal verification;
- Automata theory for strategy synthesis;
- Strategic reasoning under perfect and imperfect information;
- Applications and tools for cooperative and adversarial reasoning;
- Robust planning and optimisation in multi-agent systems;
- Risk and uncertainty in multi-agent systems;
- Quantitative aspects in strategic reasoning.
We invite three types of submissions:
(A) original contributions,
(B) published work, and
(C) challenging open problems.
Each submission should be clearly identified as belonging to one of
these three categories.
In all three categories, submissions will be evaluated by the usual high
standards of research publications. In particular, they should
contain enough detail to allow the program committee to identify the
main contribution of the work, to explain its significance, its
novelty, its relevance to the strategic-reasoning audience, and its
practical or theoretical implications, and include comparisons with
and references to relevant literature.
Strong preference will be given to contributions on topics of interest
to a broad, interdisciplinary audience and all papers should be
written so that they are accessible to such an audience.
Submissions should be in PDF, preferably using the EPTCS style
(http://style.eptcs.org), and not exceed 12 pages (not including
Authors are invited to submit their manuscript via EasyChair.
Submission webpage: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sr20200
Paper submission: March 13, 2020 (AoE)
Authors notification: April 15, 2020
Camera-ready deadline: May 15, 2020
Workshop: June 8, 2020
Bastien Maubert, University of Naples "Federico II"
Nir Piterman, University of Gothenburg
WEBSITE: http://bastien-maubert.fr/sr2020/
ICLP 2020
36th International Conference on Logic Programming
September 18 - September 24, 2020
University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
/*NOTE ABOUT COVID-19: We will follow advice from the ICLP2020 //
//organizers on the situation, and we will revise our workshop //
//timeline and other procedures accordingly if needed.*/
ICLP 2020, the 36th International Conference on Logic Programming,
will be held at the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, from
September 18 to September 24, 2020.
The ICLP conference series has a long standing tradition of hosting
a rich set of co-located workshops. ICLP workshops provide a unique
opportunity for the presentation and discussion of work that can be
preliminary in nature, novel ideas, and new open problems to a wide
and interested audience.
Co-located workshops also provide an opportunity for presenting
specialized topics and opportunities for intensive discussions and
project collaboration. The topics of the workshops co-located with
ICLP 2020 can cover any areas related to logic programming (e.g.,
theory, implementation, environments, language issues, alternative
paradigms, applications), including cross-disciplinary areas. However,
any relevant workshop proposal will be considered.
The format of the workshop will be decided by the workshop organizers,
but ample time should be allowed for general discussion. Workshops can
vary in length, but the optimal duration will be half a day or a full
Workshop Proposal:
Those interested in organizing a workshop at ICLP 2020 are invited to
submit a workshop proposal. Proposals should be in English and about
two pages in length. They should contain:
* The title of the workshop.
* A brief technical description of the topics covered by the workshop.
* A discussion of the timeliness and relevance of the workshop.
* A list of some related workshops held in the last years.
* The estimated length of the workshop and an estimate of the number
of expected attendees.
* The names, affiliation and contact details (email, web page,
phone) of the workshop organizers together with a designated
contact person.
* Previous experience of the workshop organizers in
workshop/conference organization.
Proposals are expected in text or PDF format. All proposals should be
submitted to the Workshop Chair by email by April 13, 2020.
Reviewing Process:
Each submitted proposal will be reviewed by the Workshop, Program and
General Chairs. Proposals that appear well-organized and that fit the
goals and scope of ICLP will be selected. The decision will be
notified by email to the responsible organizer by April 27, 2020.
The definitive length of the workshop will be planned according to the
number of submissions received by the different workshops. For every
accepted workshop, the ICLP local organizers will prepare a meeting
room. The workshops and the conference organizers will collaborate in
establishing a uniform approach to produce proficient and accessible
proceedings for the workshops.
Workshop Organizers' Tasks:
* Producing a "Call for Papers" for the workshop and posting it
on the Internet and other means. A web page URL should be provided
by May 25, 2020, and will be published on the ICLP 2020 home page.
* Providing a brief description of the workshop for the conference
* Reviewing/accepting submitted papers.
* Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the local
organizers and the Workshop Chair.
* Providing a workshop program in a format specified by the
conference organizers for posting by August 31, 2020.
* Coordinating the preparation of the workshop proceedings according
to the specifications provided by the Workshop Chair.
Workshops will be collocated with ICLP 2020 at the University of
Calabria, Rende, Italy. See the ICLP 2020 web site
(https://iclp2020.unical.it/) for location details.
Important Dates (Tentative):
April 13, 2020: Proposal submission deadline
April 27, 2020: Notification
May 25, 2020: Deadline for receipt of CfP and workshop web page URL
August 18, 2020: Deadline for acceptance notification of paper authors
August 31, 2020: Deadline for workshop program
Please submit your workshop proposals by email to the Workshop Chair.
Workshop Chair:
Martin Gebser martin.gebser(a)aau.at
*Dona il 5x1000* all'Università degli Studi di Sassaricodice fiscale:
The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms of TU Wien (Vienna University of
Technology), calls for the nomination of authors of outstanding theses and
scientific works in the field of Logic and Computer Science, in the following
two categories:
-Outstanding Master Thesis Award*
-Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award (Bachelor thesis or equivalent, 1st
cycle of the Bologna process)*
*The degree must have been awarded between November 15th, 2018 and December
31st, 2019 (inclusive).
The main areas of interest are:
-Computational Logic, covering theoretical and mathematical foundations such
as proof theory, model theory, computability theory, Boolean satisfiability
(SAT), QBF, constraint satisfaction, satisfiability modulo theories, automated
deduction (resolution, refutation, theorem proving), non-classical logics
(substructural logics, multi-valued logics, deontic logics, modal and temporal
-Algorithms and Computational Complexity, including design and analysis of
discrete algorithms, complexity analysis, algorithmic lower bounds,
parameterized and exact algorithms, decomposition methods, approximation
algorithms, randomized algorithms, algorithm engineering, as well as
algorithmic game theory, computational social choice, parallel algorithms,
graph drawing algorithms, and distributed algorithms.
-Databases and Artificial Intelligence, concerned with logical methods for
modeling, storing, and drawing inferences from data and knowledge. This
includes subjects like query languages based on logical concepts (Datalog,
variants of SQL, XML, and SPARQL), novel database-theoretical methods (schema
mappings, information extraction and integration), logic programming,
knowledge representation and reasoning (ontologies, answer-set programming,
belief change, inconsistency handling, argumentation, planning).
-Verification, concerned with logical methods and automated tools for
reasoning about the behavior and correctness of complex state-based systems
such as software and hardware designs as well as hybrid systems. This ranges
from model checking, program analysis and abstraction to new interdisciplinary
areas such as fault localization, program repair, program synthesis, and the
analysis of biological systems.
-Formal Methods for Security and Privacy, covering design and analysis
techniques for security and privacy critical systems, such as cryptographic
protocols, software, hardware and so on. The category of formal methods is to
be meant in a broad sense, including related questions in logic, model
checking, static analysis, dynamic monitoring, theorem proving, and artificial
-The Outstanding Master Thesis Award: 1200 EUR
-The Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award: 800 EUR
-The winners will be invited to present their work at an award ceremony in
-The degree must have been awarded between November 15th, 2018 and December
31st, 2019 (inclusive).
-Students who obtained their degree at TU Wien are not eligible.
Nomination Requirements
Nominations must include:
-A cover page that contains the name and contact details of the nominated
person, the title of the work for which the person is being nominated, award
category, the date on which the degree was awarded, and the name of the
-An English summary of the thesis of maximum 3 pages, excluding references (A4
or letter page size, 11pt font min). The summary must clearly state the main
contribution of the work, its novelty, and its relevance to some of the
aforementioned areas of interest
-The CV of the nominated person, including publication list (if applicable
-An endorsement letter from a supervisor or another proposing person. The
letter must clearly state the independent and novel contribution of the
student, and why the proposer believes the student deserves the award. The
endorsement letter may be provided after the submission deadline, and emailed
directly to award (AT) logic-cs.at.
-The full thesis
All documents should be in English, with the exception of the thesis. In case
the thesis is in a different language, it must be accompanied by a research
report in English of at least 10 pages that should be sufficient for the
committee to evaluate the merit and quality of the submitted work.
Instructions for submitting nominations
-Nominations should be submitted electronically using the following link to
EasyChair here
-Submissions consist of two pdf files. The first is a single pdf file
containing all documents for the nomination except the full thesis; the
documents should appear in the order they are listed above. The second pdf
file is the full thesis
-The endorsement letter may optionally be sent by email by the endorser and
omitted from the Easychair submission. In this case, please email the letter
as a pdf file, including the name of the nominated person in the subject, to
award (AT) logic-cs DOT at
-The submission must be accompanied by a plain text electronic abstract of the
thesis of at most 400 words, and three keywords.
-The nominated student must be listed as the first and corresponding author in
the submission form.
Important dates
-Submission deadline (extended): April 9, 2020 (anywhere on Earth)
-Notification of decision: end of June 2020
-Award ceremony: TBA
Please send all inquiries to award(a)logic-cs.at
Website with the information on the award committee, and the previous awardees
Two fully funded PhD scholarships for EU/UK applicants are available
in the Security and Trust of Advanced Systems Group [1] (Prof. Achim
Brucker [2] and Dr. Diego Marmsoler [3]) at the Department of Computer
Science of the University of Exeter, UK [4].
We are looking for enthusiastic and outstanding Computer Science or
Mathematics students with a strong background in some of the following
- safety or security of (software) systems,
- formal modelling or formal reasoning/verification,
- program analysis or program verification,
- language-based security
- semantics of programming languages,
- theorem proving, model checking,
- cryptographic protocols,
- distributed systems (e.g., blockchain),
- specification-based testing, and
- design and implementation of security architectures.
This award provides annual funding to cover UK/EU tuition fees and a
tax-free stipend. For students who pay UK/EU tuition fees the award
will cover the tuition fees in full, plus at least £15,009 per year
tax-free stipend. The studentship will be awarded on the basis of
merit for 3.5 years of full-time study.
For more details, please consult the official advertisement:
The closing date for applications is midnight on 1 May 2020.
Project-specific queries should be directed to the supervisors, Prof
Achim Brucker (A.Brucker(a)exeter.ac.uk) or Dr Diego Marmsoler
Achim and Diego
[1] http://emps.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/research/cyber-security/
[2] https://www.brucker.uk/
[3] https://marmsoler.com/
[4] http://emps.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/
Prof. Achim Brucker | https://www.brucker.ch | https://logicalhacking.com/blog
*We are hiring:*
* Lecturer (Assistant Professor) - Deadline 2020-04-08:
* Two PhD Studentships (EU/UK Tuition Fees) - Deadline 2020-05-01:
Open Position: Lecturer in Computer Science (Exeter, Deadline 2020-04-08)
As part of the expansion of the Department of Computer Science at the
University of Exeter [1], we are recruiting for a Lecturer in
Cybersecurity. The lecturer will be part of the newly formed Security
and Trust of Advanced Systems Group [2].
We are looking for a candidate with an outstanding research record
in any area related to cyber security (information security) such as
(but not limited to):
- access control
- usable security
- software/application security
- formal methods for security
- language-based security/privacy
- secure programming
- information flow
- security protocols
- network security
- security of distributes systems
- human aspects of security
- hardware security
- security economics
- security-by-design
- applied cryptography
- privacy-enhancing technologies
- threat hunting, security analytics
- threat modelling
- forensics, reverse engineering
- trustworthy AI/ML
- security/penetration testing
You will have a PhD or equivalent in Cybersecurity, Computer Science,
Mathematics, Engineering or a related area. Please refer to the job
description for full details.
We understand **security and safety entangled concepts**: in most
modern systems one cannot be achieved without the other. Hence, we
encourage also candidates working in related domains such as **safety,
dependability, resilience, or reliability** to apply.
Please apply by 8th of April 2020! See the full announcement and
application details at
We are happy to do online/remote interviews. Feel free to contact me
for informal inquiries about the post.
[1] https://www.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/
[2] https://emps.exeter.ac.uk/computer-science/research/cyber-security/
Prof. Achim Brucker | https://www.brucker.ch | https://logicalhacking.com/blog
*We are hiring:*
* Lecturer (Assistant Professor) - Deadline 2020-04-08:
* Two PhD Studentships (EU/UK Tuition Fees) - Deadline 2020-05-01:
*** Due to the current health situation, the submission deadline for nominations has been postponed to July, 1. ***
PhD dissertations in topics specified by the CSL and LICS conferences,
which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a university or
equivalent institution between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2019 are eligible for nomination for the award.
The new deadline for submission is 1 July 2020. Submission details follow below.
*** The Award
The 2020 Ackermann award will be presented to the recipient(s) at CSL 21, the annual conference of the EACSL, in Ljubljana, January 25-28, 2021.
The award consists of
* a certificate,
* an invitation to present the thesis at the CSL conference,
* the publication of the laudatio in the CSL proceedings,
* an invitation to the winner to publish the thesis in the FoLLI subseries of Springer LNCS, and
* financial support to attend the conference.
The jury is entitled to give the award to more (or less) than one
dissertation in a year.
*** The Jury
The jury consists of:
* Christel Baier (TU Dresden);
* Michael Benedikt (Oxford University);
* Mikolaj Bojanczyk (University of Warsaw);
* Jean Goubault-Larrecq (ENS Paris-Saclay);
* Prakash Panangaden (McGill University);
* Simona Ronchi Della Rocca (University of Torino), the vice-president of EACSL;
* Thomas Schwentick (TU Dortmund) , the president of EACSL;
* Alexandra Silva, (University College London), ACM SigLog representative.
*** How to submit
The candidate or his/her supervisor should submit
1. the thesis (ps or pdf file);
2. a detailed description (not longer than 20 pages) of the thesis
in ENGLISH (ps or pdf file);
3. a supporting letter by the PhD advisor and two supporting letters
by other senior researchers (in English);
supporting letters can also be sent directly to Thomas Schwentick
4. a short CV of the candidate;
5. a copy of the document asserting that the thesis was accepted as
a PhD thesis at a recognized University (or equivalent institution) and
that the candidate has received his/her PhD within the specified period.
The submission should be sent by e-mail as attachments to the chair of
the jury, Thomas Schwentick: thomas.schwentick(a)tu-dortmund.de
The e-mail should have the following subject line and text:
* Subject: Ackermann Award 20 Submission
* Text: Name of candidate, list of attachments
Submissions can be sent via several e-mail messages. If this is the case,
please indicate it in the text.
https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/advances-in-modal-logic-2020 <https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/advances-in-modal-logic-2020>
Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting the state of the art in modal logic and its various applications. The initiative consists of a conference series together with volumes based on the conferences. Information about the AiML series can be obtained at http://www.aiml.net <http://www.aiml.net/>
AiML 2020 is the 13th conference in the series.
We invite submissions on all aspects of modal logic, including:
- history of modal logic
- philosophy of modal logic
- applications of modal logic
- automated reasoning for modal logics
- computational aspects of modal logic
(complexity and decidability of modal and temporal logics, model checking, model generation)
- theoretical aspects of modal logic
(topological/algebraic/categorical perspectives on modal logic, co-algebraic modal logic, completeness and canonicity, correspondence and duality theory, many-dimensional modal logics, modal fixed-point logics, model theory of modal logic, proof theory of modal logic)
- specific instances and variations of modal logic
(description logics, modal logics over non-boolean bases, dynamic logics and other process logics, epistemic and deontic logics, modal logics for agent-based systems, modal logic and game theory, modal logic and grammar formalisms, provability and interpretability logics, conditional logics, spatial and temporal logics, hybrid logic, intuitionistic (modal) logics, intermediate logics, bunched implication and separation logics)
Papers on related subjects will also be considered.
There will be two types of submissions for AiML 2020:
(1) Full papers for publication in the proceedings and presentation at the conference.
(2) Short presentations intended for presentation at the conference but not for the published proceedings.
Both types of papers should be submitted electronically using the EasyChair submission page at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aiml2020 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aiml2020>
At least one author of each accepted paper or short presentation must register for and attend the conference.
Authors are invited to submit, for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings, full papers reporting on original research and not submitted elsewhere. The proceedings of AiML 2020 will be published by College Publications (http://www.collegepublications.co.uk <http://www.collegepublications.co.uk/>) in a volume to be made available at the conference.
The submissions should be at most 15 pages, with an optional technical appendix of up to 5 pages, together with a plain-text abstract of 100-200 words. The submissions must be typeset in LaTeX, using the style files and template that will be provided on the AiML 2020 website:
https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/advances-in-modal-logic-2020 <https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/advances-in-modal-logic-2020> in due time.
Authors must submit an abstract in plain text via EasyChair by the abstract deadline prior to full submission of their paper.
The presentations of accepted full papers will be 30 minutes long.
These should be at most 5 pages. They may describe preliminary results, work in progress etc., and will be subject to light reviewing. The accepted submissions will be made available at the conference, and the authors will have the opportunity to give short presentations (of up to 15 minutes) on them.
Bahareh Afshari (University of Amsterdam and Gothenburg University)
Nick Behanishvilii (University of Amsterdam)
Melvin Fitting (City University of New York)
Nina Gierasimczuk (Danish Techical University, Copenhagen)
- Natasha Alechina, Utrecht University
- Maria Aloni, University of Amsterdam
- Philippe Balbiani, CNRS, IRIT Toulouse
- Guram Bezhanishvili, New Mexico State University
- Marta Bílková, Charles University Prague
- Patrick Blackburn, University of Roskilde
- Agata Ciabattoni, TU Wien
- Giovanna Corsi, University of Bologna
- Giovanna D'Agostino, University of Udine
- Stéphane Demri, CNRS, LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay
- Hans van Ditmarsch, CNRS, LORIA, University of Lorraine
- David Fernández-Duque, Ghent University
- David Gabelaia, TSE Razmadze Mathematical Institute
- Didier Galmiche, CNRS, LORIA, University of Lorraine
- Silvio Ghilardi, University of Milan
- Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University
- Rajeev Goré, The Australian National University
- Davide Grossi, University of Groningen
- Helle Hvid Hansen, Delft University of Technology
- Wesley Holliday, UC Berkeley
- Agi Kurucz, King's College London
- Roman Kuznets, TU Wien
- Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen
- George Metcalfe, University of Bern
- Larry Moss, Indiana University
- Cláudia Nalon, University of Brasilia
- Sara Negri, University of Helsinki
- Eric Pacuit, University of Maryland
- Xavier Parent, University of Luxembourg
- Valeria De Paiva, Samsung Research America, Birmingham University
- Sophie Pinchinat, IRISA, University of Rennes I
- Mark Reynolds, The University of Western Australia
- Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester
- Ilya Shapirovsky, Institute for the Information Transmission Problems
- Valentin Shehtman, Institute for the Information Transmission Problems
- Thomas Studer, University of Bern
- Sara L. Uckelman, Durham University
- Yde Venema, University of Amsterdam
- Yanjing Wang, Peking University
- Michael Zakharyashev, Birbeck University of London.
Nicola Olivetti, LIS, Aix-Marseille University
Rineke Verbrugge, University of Groningen
Sara Negri, University of Helsinki (chair)
Gabriel Sandu, University of Helsinki (co-chair)
Fausto Barbero
Annika Kanckos
Eugenio Orlandelli
Edi Pavlovic
Abstracts of full papers submission deadline: 11 March 2020
Full papers submission deadline: 18 March 2020
Full papers acceptance notification: 18 May 2020
Short presentations submission deadline: 25 May 2020
Short presentations acceptance notification: 8 June 2020
Final version of full papers and short presentations due: 11 June 2020
Conference: 17 August -- 21 August 2020
Please see https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/advances-in-modal-logic-2020 <https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/advances-in-modal-logic-2020>
E-mail enquiries should be directed to the PC chairs, sent to
aiml2020(a)easychair.org <mailto:aiml2020@easychair.org>
[Apologies for cross-posting]
*IMPORTANT NOTE: We are continuously monitoring the COVID-19 situation
from local authorities and the World Health Organization. ICLP 2020 is
half a year away, and we are confident that COVID-19 emergency will pass
over and the conference will be held in September, as planned. And, if
necessary, alternative solutions, such as postponement, remote
presentations, etc will be looked into and identified.*
ICLP 2020
The 36th International Conference on Logic Programming
September 18 - September 24, 2020
University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Are you a researcher in logic programming working on a problem that appears
to be particularly challenging? Perhaps you feel a little stuck? Or, are you
facing a problem that needs some LP technology you are not familiar with?
Would you like to open a discussion for collaboration? The goal of the
Research Challenges Track is to help researchers overcome their
challenges by
providing a venue to invite input from the broader community.
Contributors to
this less formal track will be given an opportunity to exchange ideas with
other researchers who may have come up against, or are currently working on,
similar problems. We hope the track will foster discussion and possibly even
new collaborations.
Expected contributions:
The Research Challenges Track at ICLP 2020 invites submissions describing LP
research challenges in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to:
⁃ Industry-level application of logic programming
⁃ Applications of logic programming to other sciences and AI
natural language processing, digital forensics, etc.)
⁃ Logic programming and big data
⁃ Machine learning and logic programming
⁃ Logic programming and other computational paradigms
⁃ Theoretical foundations of logic programming
Evaluation and Feedback:
In this track, the selection process will be less formal. While authors will
receive some feedback, the review process will not be typical. We do not
expect contributions only from seasoned researchers. Ph.D. students and
researchers are more than welcome to contribute. Also, contributors
outside the
LP community will be given special attention. Any contribution that clearly
describes a research problem relevant to logic programming will be
positively. The chance to interact with other researchers during the
will provide additional feedback and hopefully lead to a longer-term
Important Dates:
Abstract registration (regular papers): May 8, 2020
Paper submission (regular paper): May 15, 2020
Notification to authors (regular paper): June 19, 2020
Paper Submission (short papers): June 30, 2020
Revision submission (TPLP papers): July 6, 2020
Final notifications (TPLP papers): July 17, 2020
Camera-ready copy due: July 27, 2020
Main Conference starts: September 19, 2020
Submission Details:
All submissions must be written in English. Submissions should be no
more than
4 pages in EPTCS format (http://info.eptcs.org/), including references, and
should describe a research problem or challenge. Accepted papers will be
presented during the conference. Authors of accepted papers are expected to
register to ICLP and present their work.
Any additional questions can be directed towards the Research Challenges
Track Chairs
Research Challenges Track Chairs:
Gerhard Friedrich, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Fabrizio Riguzzi, Università di Ferrara, Italy
*Dona il 5x1000* all'Università degli Studi di Sassaricodice fiscale:
[Apologies for cross-posting]
*IMPORTANT NOTE: We are continuously monitoring the COVID-19 situation
from local authorities and the World Health Organization. ICLP 2020 is
half a year away, and we are confident that COVID-19 emergency will pass
over and the conference will be held in September, as planned. And, if
necessary, alternative solutions, such as postponement, remote
presentations, etc will be looked into and identified.*
*** Call for Papers ***
ICLP 2020
The 36th International Conference on Logic Programming
September 18 - September 24, 2020
University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
The 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2020) will
take place from the 18th to the 24nd of September 2020 in Rende (CS),
Italy, with the main program starting immediately after the sister
conference KR 2020. Since the first conference held in Marseille in 1982,
ICLP has been the premier international event for presenting research in
logic programming.
Contributions are solicited in all areas of logic programming and related
areas, including but not restricted to:
• Foundations: Semantics, Formalisms, Answer-Set Programming, Non-monotonic
Reasoning, Knowledge Representation.
• Declarative Programming: Inference engines, Analysis, Type and mode
inference, Partial evaluation, Abstract interpretation, Transformation,
Validation, Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing, Logic-based
domain-specific languages, constraint handling rules.
• Related Paradigms and Synergies: Inductive and Co-inductive Logic
Programming, Constraint Logic Programming, Interaction with SAT, SMT and
CSP solvers, Logic programming techniques for type inference and theorem
proving, Argumentation, Probabilistic Logic Programming, Relations to
object-oriented and Functional programming, Description logics,
Neural-Symbolic Machine Learning, Hybrid Deep Learning and Symbolic
• Implementation: Concurrency and distribution, Objects, Coordination,
Mobility, Virtual machines, Compilation, Higher Order, Type systems,
Modules, Constraint handling rules, Meta-programming, Foreign interfaces,
User interfaces.
• Applications: Databases, Big Data, Data Integration and Federation,
Software Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Web and Semantic Web,
Agents, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Education, Computational
life sciences, Education, Cybersecurity, and Robotics.
Tracks and Special Sessions
Besides the main track, ICLP 2020 will host additional tracks and special
• Applications Track: This track invites submissions of papers on emerging
and deployed applications of LP, describing all aspects of the
deployment, and evaluation of logic programming systems to solve
problems, including interesting case studies and benchmarks, and
lessons learned.
• Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track: This track provides a
forum to discuss important results related to logic programming that
recently (from January 2017 onwards) in selective journals and
but have not been previously presented at ICLP.
• Special Session: Women in Logic Programming: This special session will
invited talks and presentations by women in logic programming.
• Research Challenges in Logic Programming Track: This track invites
of papers describing research challenges that an individual
researcher or a
research group is currently attacking. The goal of the track is to
discussions, exchange of ideas, and possibly stimulate new
Papers submitted to this track do not go through the usual review and
will not
be published in the proceedings – they will be distributed at the
conference as
a technical report.
Every of the above four tracks will have its own dedicated chairs, PC,
criteria, and CFP with related submission details (see the specific call
for papers).
In addition to the presentations of accepted papers, the technical
program will
include invited talks, advanced tutorials, the doctoral consortium, and
Submission Details
All submissions must be made via the EasyChair conference system:
Regular papers must be in the condensed TPLP format (template here) and
not exceed
14 pages including bibliography. Regular papers may be supplemented with
for proofs and details of datasets which do not count towards the page
limit and
which will not be made available as appendices to the published paper.
Three kinds of regular papers will be accepted:
• Technical papers for technically sound, innovative ideas that can
advance the
state of logic programming;
• Application papers that impact interesting application domains;
• System and tool papers which emphasize novelty, practicality,
usability, and
availability of the systems and tools described.
Application, system, and tool papers need to be clearly marked in their
All submissions must be written in English and describe original,
unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for
elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously accepted
workshop papers
with a limited audience and/or without archival proceedings.
Papers of the highest quality will be selected to be published in the
journal of
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge University
Press (CUP).
In order to ensure the quality of the final version, papers may be
subject to more
than one round of refereeing (within the decision period).
The program committee may recommend some regular papers to be published
as Technical
communications in EPTCS format (http://info.eptcs.org). Technical
communications must
not exceed 14 pages, including the bibliography. The authors of the
communications can also elect to convert their submissions into extended
of 2 or 3 pages, for inclusion in the EPTCS proceedings. This should
allow authors
to submit a long version elsewhere.
All regular papers and technical communications will be presented during
conference. So, at least one author per accepted paper is expected to
register and
attend the conference. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be
included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates
from the
Logic Programming Newsletter at no cost.
Important Dates
Abstract registration (regular papers): May 8, 2020
Paper submission (regular paper): May 15, 2020
Notification to authors (regular paper): June 19, 2020
Paper Submission (short papers): June 30, 2020
Revision submission (TPLP papers): July 6, 2020
Final notifications (TPLP papers): July 17, 2020
Camera-ready copy due: July 27, 2020
Main Conference starts: September 19, 2020
Autumn School on Logic Programming
A school on logic programming will be held before the conference. More
up to date
information is available at the school web page.
Doctoral Consortium
The 16th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming provides students
with the
opportunity to present and discuss their research directions, and to
obtain feedback
from both peers and experts in the field. Accepted participants will
receive partial
financial support to attend the event and the main conference. The best
paper from
the DC will be given the opportunity to make a presentation in a session
of the main
ICLP conference.
The DC will have its own CFP, including the submission details. For
please visit the DC Web Page.
The ICLP 2020 program will include several workshops. They are perhaps
the best places
for the presentation of preliminary work, underdeveloped novel ideas,
and new open
problems to an interested audience with opportunities for intensive
discussions and
project collaborations.
The ICLP 2020 program will include several tutorials. They offer the
reviews of specific subfields as well as hands-on sessions by leading
Conference Organization
General Chairs:
• Sergio Greco, University of Calabria, Italy
• Nicola Leone, University of Calabria, Italy
Program Chairs:
• Francesco Ricca, University of Calabria, Italy
• Alessandra Russo, Imperial College London
Organizing Chairs:
• Marco Calautti, University of Calabria, Italy
• Carmine Dodaro, University of Calabria, Italy
Publicity Chair:
• Laura Pandolfo, University of Sassari, Italy
*Dona il 5x1000* all'Università degli Studi di Sassaricodice fiscale:
(Apologies for cross posting.)
First Call for Contributions
LCC 2020
21th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity
July 7, 2020, Saarbruecken, Germany
Collocated with LICS/ICALP 2020
LCC meetings are aimed at the foundational interconnections between
logic and computational complexity, as present, for example, in
implicit computational complexity (descriptive and type-theoretic
methods); deductive formalisms as they relate to complexity
(e.g. ramification, weak comprehension, bounded arithmetic, linear
logic and resource logics); complexity aspects of finite model theory
and databases; complexity-mindful program derivation and verification;
computational complexity at higher type; and proof complexity. The
program will consist of invited lectures as well as contributed talks
selected by the Program Committee.
* submission April 22, 2020 (AoE)
* notification May 13, 2020
* workshop July 7, 2020
Submissions must be in English and in the form of an abstract of about
3-4 pages. All submissions should be submitted through Easychair at:
We also welcome submissions of abstracts based on work submitted or
published elsewhere, provided that all pertinent information is
disclosed at submission time. There will be no formal reviewing as is
usually understood in peer-reviewed conferences with published
proceedings. The program committee checks relevance and may provide
additional feedback.
Martin Avanzini (INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, France, co-chair)
Diego Figueira (CNRS Bordeaux, France)
Joanna Ochremiak (CNRS Bordeaux, France)
Magdalena Ortiz (TU Wien, Austria)
Thomas Seiller (CNRS Paris, France)
Jakob Grue Simonsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Thomas Zeume (TU Dortmund, Germany, co-chair)
To contact the workshop organizers, please send an e-mail to lcc20(a)easychair.org
Thomas Zeume
Lehrstuhl Informatik 1 - Logik in der Informatik
Technische Universität Dortmund
Otto-Hahn-Str. 12, Raum 3.016
D-44227 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 231 755 6374
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