* PhD researcher position (f/m/d) *
At the University of Bremen in the department of mathematics and
informatics there is a full-time PhD position available (under the
condition of job release), commencing at the earliest convenience.
The position is at the level of
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (f/m/d)
Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L within the group "databases" headed by Prof.
Sebastian Maneth.
* Job description *
The position is for a duration 3 years. This position is research only
(= no teaching obligations) within a project that is funded by the DFG.
The topic of the project is "definability of tree transformations".
The time limitation is based on § 2 (1) WissZeitVG
(Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, i.e. temporary science employment
act). Therefore, candidates may only be considered who dispose of the
respective scope of qualification periods according to § 2 (1) WissZeitVG.
Example questions addressed by the project are:
- Given a functional bottom-up tree transducer, is it decidable
whether or not its translation can be realized by a deterministic
top-down tree transducer?
- Given an attributed tree transducer, is it decidable whether or
not it is equivalent to a deterministic top-down tree transducer?
These questions are difficult and open research problems.
* Requirements *
We are looking for a doctoral researcher (f/m/d) with a completed
master’s degree and an excellent track record in automata theory or
formal language theory and with the will and enthusiasm to crack these
hard problems.
* General hints *
We specifically support the employment of women and encourage qualified
female researchers to apply. In case of equal personal aptitudes and
qualification, disabled persons will be given priority. Applicants with
a migration background are welcome.
Applications (consisting of a cover letter stating the name of a referee
who is willing to write a letter of recommendation, your CV, your
motivation to work in this area, your master's thesis, copies of
transcripts showing your courses and grades) have to be submitted by
December 22th, 2020, quoting the reference number A242/20, to
Universitaet Bremen
Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maneth
Bibliothekstrasse 1
28359 Bremen
or in electronic form (one PDF file) to maneth(a)uni-bremen.de
For further questions please contact Prof. Dr. Maneth, using the above
mentioned e-mail address.
The School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow is offering up to 17 studentships to support PhD research for students starting in 2021. Funding is available to support tuition fees for both home and international students, and in most cases to support living expenses at the recommended UKRI rate (currently £15,285 per annum) in addition.
Whilst the above funding is open to students in all areas of computing science, applications in the area of programming languages are welcomed. Available supervisors in this area at the School include (check the PL theme website https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/research/researchthemes/pl-theme/ <https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/research/researchthemes/pl-theme/> for further details)
* Dr Ornela Dardha (programming language foundations, logic, session types for concurrent/distributed systems), email ornela.dardha(a)glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:ornela.dardha@glasgow.ac.uk>
* Prof Simon Gay (programming language theory, verification techniques based on session types for concurrent/distributed systems), email simon.gay(a)glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:simon.gay@glasgow.ac.uk>
* Dr Jeremy Singer (compilers, cloud, managed run-times, parallelism, resource management), email Jeremy.singer(a)glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:Jeremy.singer@glasgow.ac.uk>
* Prof Phil Trinder (programming languages, functional programming, parallel/distributed systems), email phil.trinder(a)glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:phil.trinder@glasgow.ac.uk>
* Prof Wim Vanderbauwhede (programming languages, compilation, heterogeneous & FPGA computing), email wim.vanderbauwhede(a)glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:wim.vanderbauwhede@glasgow.ac.uk>
Students can apply for admission to PhD study at any time, but to be considered for the studentships we are offering at this round, we must receive your application by 31 January 2021. For more information about how to apply, see https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestu… <https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestu…>. This web page includes information about the research proposal, which is required as part of your application.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact a potential supervisor and discuss an application before the submission deadline. See https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestu… <https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestu…> and https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestu… <https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestu…> for more details about the funding available.
Information session: we will be running an information session for potential applicants on Friday 11 December from 1100-1200 GMT. The session is intended to give you an insight into the research currently undertaken in the School of Computing Science, scholarships and other sources of funding available, and how to make your application. The event will take place via Zoom; to obtain a link, you must sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pgr-information-session-tickets-129903562051 <https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pgr-information-session-tickets-129903562051>.
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The School of Computer Science at the University of Sydney is searching for full-time faculty members at all ranks.
Advert: https://tinyurl.com/y4djckaq
Closing date: 11:30pm, Monday 30 November 2020 (Sydney Time)
Although the advert mentions specific areas of interest, exceptional candidates in all areas are sought. Informal enquiries are welcome, and can be made to Sasha Rubin (sasha.rubin(a)sydney.edu.au<mailto:sasha.rubin@sydney.edu.au>)
Finite model theorists may be interested in the online CSL conference,
which takes place from Jan 25-28 2021
The European Association for Computer Science Logic invites
you to participate in the 2021 edition of CSL, which will be held online
from Mon Jan 25 to Thu Jan 28, 2021, organised by the Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics at the University of Ljubljana
# The Conference
Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European
Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). It is an
interdisciplinary conference spanning both basic and
application-oriented research in mathematical logic and computer
science. CSL 2021 will be the 29th edition in the series. CSL moved away
from its former August/September slot in 2020. CSL 2021 is the second
conference in the series that takes place in January.
## Invited Speakers
- Assia Mahboubi, INRIA, Rennes, France
- Sophia Drossopoulou, Imperial College, London, UK
- Linda Westrick, Penn State University, State College, PA, USA
- Sylvain Schmitz, Université de Paris, Paris, France
- Bartek Klin, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsawa, Poland
## Programme
Thirty-four contributed papers have been selected for presentation at
CSL 2021; see the
[list of accepted papers](https://csl2021.fmf.uni-lj.si/accepted-papers/)
## Registration
To register, please follow the link and information provided on the
[CSL website](https://csl2021.fmf.uni-lj.si)
The registration deadlines are:
- *14th December 2020*: deadline for speaker registration. At least one
author of every contributed paper must register as a speaker.
- *11th January 2021*: deadline for non-speaker registration. All
participants must register. Note that student non-speaker registration
is free of charge.
If you have any questions, please contact the local organisers
Sixth International Conference on
Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2021)
July 17 - July 24, 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina
In-cooperation with ACM SIGLOG and SIGPLAN
NOTE: Due to the Covid 19 pandemic situation, the 2021 edition of FSCD and its satellite workshops will be held online.
All deadlines are midnight anywhere-on-earth (AoE); late submissions will not be considered.
Abstract: February 12, 2021
Submission: February 15, 2021
Rebuttal: April 2-5, 2021
Notification: April 19, 2021
Final version: May 3, 2021
FSCD (http://fscd-conference.org/) covers all aspects of formal structures for computation and deduction from theoretical foundations to applications. Building on two communities, RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications), FSCD embraces their core topics and broadens their scope to closely related areas in logics, models of computation, semantics and verification in new challenging areas.
The suggested, but not exclusive, list of topics for submission is:
1. Calculi:
- Rewriting systems (string, term, higher-order, graph, conditional, modulo, infinitary, etc.);
- Lambda calculus;
- Logics (first-order, higher-order, equational, modal, linear, classical, constructive, etc.);
- Proof theory (natural deduction, sequent calculus, proof nets, etc.);
- Type theory and logical frameworks;
- Homotopy type theory;
- Quantum calculi.
2. Methods in Computation and Deduction:
- Type systems (polymorphism, dependent, recursive, intersection, session, etc.);
- Induction, coinduction;
- Matching, unification, completion, orderings;
- Strategies (normalization, completeness, etc.);
- Tree automata;
- Model building and model checking;
- Proof search and theorem proving;
- Constraint solving and decision procedures.
3. Semantics:
- Operational semantics and abstract machines;
- Game Semantics and applications;
- Domain theory and categorical models;
- Quantitative models (timing, probabilities, etc.);
- Quantum computation and emerging models in computation.
4. Algorithmic Analysis and Transformations of Formal Systems:
- Type Inference and type checking;
- Abstract Interpretation;
- Complexity analysis and implicit computational complexity;
- Checking termination, confluence, derivational complexity and related properties;
- Symbolic computation.
5. Tools and Applications:
- Programming and proof environments;
- Verification tools;
- Proof assistants and interactive theorem provers;
- Applications in industry;
- Applications of formal systems in other sciences.
6. Semantics and Verification in new challenging areas:
- Certification;
- Security;
- Blockchain protocols;
- Data Bases;
- Deep learning and machine learning algorithms;
- Planning.
The proceedings will be published as an electronic volume in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) of Schloss Dagstuhl. All LIPIcs proceedings are open access.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science.
The submission site is:
Submissions can be made in two categories. Regular research papers are limited to 15 pages, excluding references and appendices. They must present original research which is unpublished and not submitted elsewhere. System descriptions are limited to 15 pages (including references) and must present new software tools in which FSCD topics play an important role, or significantly new versions of such tools. An archive of the code with instructions on how to install and run the tool must be submitted. In addition, a webpage where the system can be experimented with should be provided. Complete instructions on submitting a paper can be found on the conference web site:
One author of an accepted paper is expected to present it at the conference
The program committee will select a paper in which at least one author is a junior researcher, i.e. either a student or whose PhD award date is less than three years from the first day of the meeting. Other authors should declare to the PC Chair that at least 50% of contribution is made by the junior researcher(s).
Naoki Kobayashi, The University of Tokyo
M. Ayala-Rincón, Universidade de Brasília
S. Berardi, University of Torino
F. Blanqui, INRIA
E. Bonelli, Stevens Institute of Technology
É. Contejean, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay
T. Coquand, University of Gothenburg
T. Ehrhard, Université de Paris, CNRS
S. Escobar, Univ. Politècnica de València
J. Espírito Santo, University of Minho
C. Faggian, Université de Paris, CNRS
A. Felty, University of Ottawa
S. Figueira, Universidad de Buenos Aires
M. Fiore, University of Cambridge
M. Gaboardi, Boston University
S. Ghilezan, University of Novi Sad
I. Hasuo, National Institute of Informatics
D. Kesner, Université de Paris
R. Krebbers, Radboud University Nijmegen
T. Kutsia, Johannes Kepler University Linz
B. König, University of Duisburg-Essen
M. Lenisa, University of Udine
N. Nishida, Nagoya University
L. Ong, University of Oxford
P. Parys, University of Warsaw
J. Rehof, TU Dortmund University
C. Rocha, Pontificia Univ. Javeriana Cali
A. Silva, University College London
N. Szasz, Universidad ORT Uruguay
A. Tiu, Australian National University
S. Winkler, University of Verona
H. Yang, KAIST, South Korea
Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Quilmes Univ. & ICC/CONICET
Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Universidade de Brasília
Carlos López Pombo, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Jamie Vicary, Oxford University
Carsten Fuhs, Birkbeck, University of London
Z. Ariola, University of Oregon
M. Ayala-Rincón, University of Brasilia
C. Fuhs, Birkbeck, University of London
H. Geuvers, Radboud University
S. Ghilezan, University of Novi Sad
S. Guerrini, University of Paris 13
D. Kesner (Chair), University of Paris Diderot
H. Kirchner, Inria
C. Kop, Radboud University
D. Mazza, University of Paris 13
L. Ong, Oxford University
J. Rehof, TU Dortmund
J. Vicary, Oxford University
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