International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD)
San Jose, California, USA, Oct 22 - 25, 2019
Paper submission: July 26, 2019
Notification: August 16, 2019
All deadlines are 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
FMCAD Tutorial Day: Oct 22, 2019
Regular Program: Oct 23 - 25, 2019
Student Forum provides a platform for students at any career stage
(undergraduate or graduate) to introduce their research to the wider
Formal Methods community and solicit feedback. The event will consist of
short presentations by the student authors of each accepted submission
and of a poster that will be on display throughout the duration of
the conference. All participants of the conference are encouraged to
attend the talks and approach the students during the poster presentation.
Accepted submissions will be listed in the description of Student Forum
in the conference proceedings. The authors will also have the option to
upload their poster and presentation to the FMCAD web site. Submissions
will not appear in the FMCAD proceedings; thus, the presentation at
Student Forum should not interfere with potential future submissions
of this research (to FMCAD or elsewhere).
Most of the applicants will receive up to $1000 of travel reimbursement
after the conference. The first author of each contribution will be given
priority over other authors. Please make sure you hold on to all receipts
for reimbursement. Further instructions on how to apply for travel grants
will be on the website.
Submissions for the event must be short reports describing research ideas or
ongoing work that the student is currently pursuing, and must be within the
scope of FMCAD. Work, part of which has been previously published, will be
considered; the novel aspect to be addressed in future work must be clearly
described in such cases. All submissions will be reviewed by a subgroup of
FMCAD program committee members.
Submissions should use the IEEE Transactions format on letter-size paper
with a 10-point font size and be 2 pages long including all figures and
references. Please submit using the EasyChair system:
Advice: Focus on the key idea and try to convey it to the reader in an
intuitive way. Provide a clear motivation and emphasize novel concepts/
contributions. Avoid unnecessary notational clutter unless it is a widely
used formalism and helps to make the paper more concise and clear. Only
describe related work that���s absolutely crucial to your contribution: the
limited space available should be used to present your work.
FMCAD 2019 is the nineteenth in a series of conferences on the theory and
applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD
provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for
presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical
results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD
covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification,
specification, synthesis, and testing.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Model checking, theorem proving, equivalence checking, abstraction and
reduction, compositional methods, decision procedures at the bit- and
word-level, probabilistic methods, combinations of deductive methods
and decision procedures.
- Synthesis and compilation for computer system descriptions, modeling,
specification, and implementation languages, formal semantics of
languages and their subsets, model-based design, design derivation and
transformation, correct-by-construction methods.
- Application of formal and semi-formal methods to functional and
non-functional specification and validation of hardware and software,
including timing and power modeling, verification of computing systems
on all levels of abstraction, system-level design and verification for
embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, automotive systems and other
safety-critical systems, hardware-software co-design and verification,
and transaction-level verification.
- Experience with the application of formal and semi-formal methods to
industrial-scale designs; tools that represent formal verification
enablement, new features, or a substantial improvement in the automation
of formal methods.
- Application of formal methods to verifying safety, connectivity and
security properties of networks, distributed systems, smart contracts,
blockchains, and IoT devices.
Clark Barrett, Stanford University
Jin Yang, Intel Corporation
Grigory Fedyukovich, Princeton University
Erika Abraham, Aachen University
June Andronick, CSIRO|Data61 and UNSW
Timos Antonopoulos, Yale University
Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University
Per Bjesse, Synopsys
Jasmin Blanchette, Inria Nancy
Roderick Bloem, Graz University of Technology
Gianpiero Cabodi, Politechnico Torino
Supratik Chakraborty, IIT Bombay
Sylvain Conchon, Universite Paris-Sud
Vijay D'Silva, Google
Rayna Dimitrova, University of Leicester
Malay Ganai, Synopsys
Alberto Griggio, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Liana Hadarean, Amazon
Joe Hendrix, Galois
Marijn Heule, University of Texas at Austin
Warren Hunt, University of Texas at Austin
Alexander Ivrii, IBM
George Karpenkov, Google
Panagiotis Manolios, Northeastern University
Ken McMillan, Microsoft Research
Rajdeep Mukherjee, Cadence
Alexander Nadel, Intel Corporation
Corina Pasareanu, NASA/CMU
Sandip Ray, University of Florida
Giles Reger, University of Manchester
Anna Slobodova, Centaur
Armando Solar-Lezama, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Niklas S��rensson, Mentor Graphics
Daryl Stewart, ARM
Christoph Sticksel, MathWorks
Chao Wang, University of Southern California
Georg Weissenbacher, Vienna University of Technology
Zhenkun Yang, Intel Corporation
Lenore Zuck, University of Illinois at Chicago
Sandip Ray, University of Florida
Tom van Dijk, Johannes Kepler University
Yoni Zohar, Stanford University
Florian Lonsing, Stanford University
Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University
Alan Hu, University of British Columbia
Warren Hunt, University of Texas at Austin
Vigyan Singhal, Oski Tech
Georg Weissenbacher, Vienna University of Technology
HIGHLIGHTS 2019: 7th annual conference on Highlights of LOGIC, GAMES, and
17-20 September 2019, Warsaw
HIGHLIGHTS 2019 is the seventh conference on Highlights of Logic, Games and
Automata that aims at integrating the community working in these fields.
Papers from these areas are dispersed across many conferences, which makes
them difficult to follow. A visit to the Highlights conference should offer
a wide picture of the latest research in the field and a chance to meet
everybody in the community, not just those who happen to publish in one
particular proceedings volume.
The conference is short (from 18 September to the mid-day on 20 September)
and it is preceded by the Highlights Tutorial Day (17 September). The
participation costs are modest and Warsaw is easy to reach.
The Contributed Presentations will be around ten minutes long. All speakers
will be also invited to contribute to a Poster Session, which will open new
ways of interaction at the conference for the whole Highlights community.
We encourage you to attend and present your best work, be it already
published or not, at the Highlights conference.
Representative areas include, but are not restricted to:
+ logic and finite model theory
+ automata theory
+ games for logic and verification
The main part of your submission is an abstract, which should serve as a
proposal for a presentation. Hence, submissions should have a single
author—the speaker. We expect you to present your favourite result of the
year, so there should be at most one submission per speaker. The Abstract
may include a list of co-authors.
There are no formal proceedings and we encourage submission of work
presented elsewhere. You may submit a pre-print of a paper that your
presentation is based on, but you are not required to do that.
10 June AoE: Submission deadline
20 June: Notification
3rd School on Foundations of Programming and Software Systems on
10-15 September 2019
19th International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling
Co-located with
MODELS 2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model
Driven Engineering Languages and System,
September 15-20, 2019, Munich, Germany
The goal of this workshop is to create a forum where researchers and
practitioners interested in building models using OCL or other kinds
of textual languages (e.g., OCL, textual MOF, Epsilon, or Alloy) can
directly interact, report advances, share results, identify tools for
language development, and discuss appropriate standards. In
particular, the workshop will encourage discussions for achieving
synergy from different modeling language concepts and modeling
language use. The close interaction will enable researchers and
practitioners to identify common interests and options for potential
## Topics of interest
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Mappings between textual modeling languages and other languages/formalisms
- Mathematical models and/or formal semantics for textual modeling languages
- Algorithms, evaluation strategies and optimizations in the context
of textual modeling languages for:
- validation, verification, and testing,
- model transformation and code generation,
- meta-modeling and DSLs, and
- query and constraint specifications
- Alternative graphical/textual notations for textual modeling languages
- Evolution, transformation and simplification of textual modeling
- Libraries, templates and patterns for textual modeling languages
- Tools that support textual modeling languages (e.g., verification of
OCL formulae, runtime monitoring of invariants)
- Model-driven security using textual modeling languages
- Complexity results for textual modeling languages
- Quality models and benchmarks for comparing and evaluating
textual modeling tools and algorithms
- Successful applications of textual modeling languages
- Case studies on industrial applications of textual modeling languages
- Experience reports:
- usage of textual modeling languages and tools in complex domains,
- usability of textual modeling languages and tools for end-users
- Empirical studies about the benefits and drawbacks of textual modeling
- Innovative textual modeling tools
- Comparison, evaluation and integration of modeling languages
- Correlation between modeling languages and modeling tasks
We particularly encourage submissions describing applications and case studies
of textual modeling as well as test suites and benchmark collections for evaluating
textual modeling tools.
## Submissions
Four types of submissions will be considered:
* Presentation only submission (not included in the workshop
proceedings), e.g., for already published work. Authors should
submit a short (1 page) abstract of their presentation.
* Short papers (between 5 and 7 pages) describing new ideas or
position papers.
* Tool papers (between 5 and 7 pages) describing tools supporting
textual modeling tools
* Full papers (between 10 and 14 pages).
All submissions should follow the LNCS format guidelines and should be
uploaded to [EasyChair](
Accepted papers will be published online in [CEUR](
## Important Dates
- Submission of papers: 14 Jul 2019
- Notification: 25 Aug 2019
- Pre-Workshop CRC: 9 Sep 2019
- Post-Workshop CRC: 5 Oct 2019
Dr. Achim D. Brucker | Chair of Cybersecurity | University of Exeter |
@adbrucker | @logicalhacking
SLSP 2019: 3rd call for papers*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*
SLSP 2019
Ljubljana, Slovenia
October 14-16, 2019
Co-organized by:
Jožef Stefan Institute
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA), Brussels/London
SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between the two domains will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2019, significant room will be reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology.
SLSP 2019 will take place in Ljubljana, a charming city full of art and one of the smallest capital cities in Europe. The venue will be:
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
1000 Ljubljana
The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical models (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:
anaphora and coreference resolution
authorship identification, plagiarism and spam filtering
computer-aided translation
corpora and language resources
data mining and semantic web
information extraction
information retrieval
knowledge representation and ontologies
lexicons and dictionaries
machine translation
multimodal technologies
natural language understanding
neural representation of speech and language
opinion mining and sentiment analysis
part-of-speech tagging
question-answering systems
semantic role labelling
speaker identification and verification
speech and language generation
speech recognition
speech synthesis
speech transcription
spelling correction
spoken dialogue systems
term extraction
text categorisation
text summarisation
user modeling
SLSP 2019 will consist of:
invited talks
peer-reviewed contributions
Jure Leskovec (Stanford University), Learning and Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs
Alexandros Potamianos (National Technical University of Athens), Emotion and Behavioral Tracking in the Lab and in the Wild
Odette Scharenborg (Delft University of Technology), The Representation and Processing of Speech in Human Listeners and Deep Neural Network-based Automatic Speech Recognition Systems
Jon Barker (University of Sheffield, UK)
Roberto Basili (University of Rome Tor Vergata, IT)
Pushpak Bhattacharyya (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, IN)
Fethi Bougares (University of Le Mans, FR)
Philipp Cimiano (Bielefeld University, DE)
Carol Espy-Wilson (University of Maryland, US)
Nikos Fakotakis (University of Patras, GR)
Robert Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield, UK)
Julio Gonzalo (National Distance Education University, ES)
Reinhold Häb-Umbach (Paderborn University, DE)
John Hershey (Google, US)
Julia Hirschberg (Columbia University, US)
Jing Huang (JD AI Research, US)
Mei-Yuh Hwang (Mobvoi AI Lab, US)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College, US)
Martin Karafiát (Brno University of Technology, CZ)
Vangelis Karkaletsis (National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", GR)
Tomi Kinnunen (University of Eastern Finland, FI)
Sandra Kübler (Indiana University, US)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)
David Milne (University of Technology Sydney, AU)
Marie-Francine Moens (KU Leuven, BE)
Preslav Nakov (Qatar Computing Research Institute, QA)
Elmar Nöth (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE)
Senja Pollak (Jožef Stefan Institute, SI)
Stephen Pulman (University of Oxford, UK)
Matthew Purver (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Mats Rooth (Cornell University, US)
Tony Russell-Rose (UX Labs, UK)
Horacio Saggion (Pompeu Fabra University, ES)
Tanja Schultz (University of Bremen, DE)
Efstathios Stamatatos (University of the Aegean, GR)
Erik Tjong Kim Sang (Netherlands eScience Center, NL)
Isabel Trancoso (Instituto Superior Técnico, PT)
Josef van Genabith (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DE)
K. Vijay-Shanker (University of Delaware, US)
Atro Voutilainen (University of Helsinki, FI)
Hsin-Min Wang (Academia Sinica, TW)
Hua Xu (University of Texas, Houston, US)
Edmund S. Yu (Syracuse University, US)
François Yvon (CNRS - Limsi, FR)
Wlodek Zadrozny (University of North Carolina, Charlotte, US)
Tina Anžič (Ljubljana)
Jan Kralj (Ljubljana)
Matej Martinc (Ljubljana)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel Parra-Royón (Granada)
Senja Pollak (Ljubljana, co-chair)
Matthew Purver (London)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
Anita Valmarska (Ljubljana)
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see
Submissions have to be uploaded to:
A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series will be available by the time of the conference.
A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.
The registration form can be found at:
DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):
Paper submission: June 1, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: July 8, 2019
Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNAI proceedings: July 15, 2019
Early registration: July 15, 2019
Late registration: September 30, 2019
Submission to the journal special issue: January 16, 2020
Institut "Jožef Stefan"
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA), Brussels/London
LOPSTR 2019: Call for Papers
29th International Symposium on
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation
Porto, Portugal, October 8-10, 2019
(co-located with the Symposium on Formal Methods, FM'19
and a part of the FM Week)
The aim of the LOPSTR series is to stimulate and promote international
research and collaboration on logic-based program development. LOPSTR
is open to contributions in logic-based program development in any
language paradigm. LOPSTR has a reputation for being a lively,
friendly forum for presenting and discussing work in progress. Formal
proceedings are produced only after the symposium so that authors can
incorporate this feedback in the published papers.
The 29th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and
Transformation (LOPSTR 2019) will be held at the Porto, Portugal. Previous
symposia were held in Namur, Edinburgh, Siena, Canterbury, Madrid, Leuven,
Odense, Hagenberg, Coimbra, Valencia, Lyngby, Venice, London, Verona,
Uppsala, Madrid, Paphos, London, Venice, Manchester, Leuven, Stockholm,
Arnhem, Pisa, Louvain-la-Neuve, Manchester and Frankfurt. LOPSTR 2019
will be co-located with the Symposium on Formal Methods, FM'19
and a part of the FM Week.
Topics of interest cover all aspects of logic-based program development,
all stages of the software life cycle, and issues of both programming-in-the-small
and programming-in-the-large.
This year LOPSTR extends its traditional topics to include also logic-based program
development based on integration of sub-symbolic and symbolic models, on machine
learning techniques and on differential semantics. Both full papers and extended
abstracts describing applications in all these areas are especially welcome.
Contributions are welcome on all aspects of logic-based program development,
including, but not limited to:
* synthesis
* transformation
* specialization
* composition
* optimization
* inversion
* specification
* analysis and verification
* testing and certification
* program and model manipulation
* machine learning for program development
* integration of sub-symbolic and symbolic models
* differential semantics
* transformational techniques in SE
* applications and tools
Survey papers that present some aspects of the above topics from a new
perspective, and application papers that describe experience with
industrial applications are also welcome.
Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in
English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal,
conference, or workshop with refereed proceedings. Work that already
appeared in unpublished or informally published workshop proceedings
may be submitted (please contact the PC chair in case of questions).
Important Dates
Abstract submission: June 17, 2019
Paper/Extended abstract submission: June 24, 2019
Notification: July 24, 2018
Camera-ready (for electronic pre-proceedings): August 7, 2019
Symposium: October 8-10, 2019
Submission Guidelines
Authors should submit an electronic copy of the paper (written in
English) in PDF, formatted in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
style. Each submission must include on its first page the paper title;
authors and their affiliations; contact author's email; abstract; and
three to four keywords which will be used to assist the PC in
selecting appropriate reviewers for the paper. Page numbers (and, if
possible, line numbers) should appear on the manuscript to help the
reviewers in writing their report. Submissions cannot exceed 15 pages
including references but excluding well-marked appendices not intended
for publication. Reviewers are not required to read the appendices,
and thus papers should be intelligible without them. Papers should be
submitted via the Easychair submission website for LOPSTR 2019.
Best Paper Award and Prize
A best paper award will be granted, which will include a 500 EUR prize
provided by Springer. This award will be given to the best paper
submitted to the conference, based on the relevance, originality, and
technical quality. The program committee may split the award among two
or more papers, also considering authorship (e.g., student paper).
The formal post-conference proceedings will be published by Springer
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Full papers can be
directly accepted for publication in the formal proceedings, or
accepted only for presentation at the symposium and inclusion in
informal proceedings. After the symposium, all authors of extended
abstracts and full papers accepted only for presentation will be
invited to revise and/or extend their submissions in the light of the
feedback solicited at the symposium. Then, after another round of
reviewing, these revised papers may also be published in the formal
After the symposium, a selection of the best papers might be invited for
submission to a special issue of a journal.
Program Committee
Sabine Broda - University of Porto, Portugal
Manuel Carro - Technical University of Madrid and IMDEA, Spain
Ugo Dal Lago - University of Bologna, Italy
Daniel De Schreye - KU Leuven, Belgium
Santiago Escobar - Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Moreno Falaschi - University of Siena, Italy
Laurent Fribourg - CNRS, France
Arnaud Gotlieb - SIMULA Research Laboratory, Norway
Gopal Gupta - The University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.A
Andy King - University of Kent, U.K.
Herbert Kuchen - University of Muenster, Germany
Jacopo Mauro - University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Hernan Melgratti - University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maria Chiara Meo - University G. D'Annunzio, Chieti Pescara, Italy
Carlos Olarte - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Hirohisa Seki - Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Caterina Urban - INRIA, France
Herbert Wiklicky - Imperial College London, U.K.
Program Chair
Maurizio Gabbrielli - University of Bologna, Italy
General Chair of FM 19
Jose' Nuno Oliveira, INESC TEC & University of Minho
Publicity Chair
Tong Liu - University of Bologna, Italy
2nd Call for Papers
Formal Methods 2019 - Doctoral Symposium
Porto, Portugal, October 7th, 2019
In conjunction with the
23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods and
3rd World Congress on Formal Methods
Porto, Portugal, October 7-11, 2019
A Doctoral Symposium will be held on the 7th October in conjunction
with the 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods and 3rd World
Congress on Formal Methods which will take place in Porto, Portugal,
from 7 to 11 October 2019. This symposium aims to provide a helpful
environment in which selected PhD students can present and discuss
their ongoing work, meet other students working on similar topics, and
receive helpful advice and feedback from a panel of researchers and
academics. If you are a PhD student researching any topic that falls
within the area of formal methods, you are warmly invited to submit a
Research Abstract for consideration to be selected as a participant.
There will be a best presentation award. Scholarships for attendance
will also be available.
Research Abstracts should be no more than 4 pages in LNCS format.
Your Research Abstract should:
- Outline the problem being addressed, its relevance, the solution you
are working on, your research approach (such as your research method)
and your expected contribution.
- Contain a very brief literature survey indicating the most important
references related to:
(a) the problem being addressed and/or
(b) existing solutions as appropriate.
- Indicate your progress to date and the current stage of research.
The Research Abstract should be written by yourself as sole author,
but should include references to any papers you have already
published, including joint publications with your supervisor.
Submission deadline: June 10, 2019 (AoE)*
Notification: July 5, 2019
Doctoral Symposium: October 7, 2019
Please upload a PDF version of your Research Abstract, including your
name, affiliation, and email address to:
Alexandra Silva, University College London
Antonia Lopes, University of Lisbon
Alessandro Fantechi, University of Florence
Ana Cavalcanti, University of York
André Platzer, CMU
Carlo A. Furia, USI - Università della Svizzera Italiana
Dalal Alrajeh, Imperial College
Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo
Elvira Albert, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Jaco van de Pol, University of Twente
Matteo Rossi, Politecnico di Milano
Stefania Gnesi, ISTI-CNR
Stephan Merz, INRIA Nancy
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this call]
QBF 2019
International Workshop on
Quantified Boolean Formulas and Beyond
Lisbon, Portugal, July 7, 2019
Affiliated to and co-located with:
Int. Conf. on Theory and Applications
of Satisfiability Testing (SAT'19)
Lisbon, Portugal, July 7-12, 2019
Quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) are an extension of propositional
logic which allows for explicit quantification over propositional
variables. The decision problem of QBF is PSPACE-complete, compared to
the NP-completeness of the decision problem of propositional logic (SAT).
Many problems from application domains such as model checking, formal
verification or synthesis are PSPACE-complete and hence could be
encoded as a QBF in a natural way. Considerable progress has been made
in QBF solving throughout the past years. However, in contrast to SAT,
QBF is not yet widely applied to practical problems in academic or
industrial settings. For example, the extraction and validation of
models of (un)satisfiability of QBFs has turned out to be
challenging, given that state-of-the-art solvers implement different
solving paradigms.
The goal of the International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas
and Beyond (QBF 2019) is to bring together researchers working on
theoretical and practical aspects of QBF solving. In addition to that,
it addresses (potential) users of QBF in order to reflect on the
state-of-the-art and to consolidate on immediate and long-term
research challenges.
The workshop also welcomes work on reasoning with quantifiers in
related problems, such as dependency QBF (DQBF), quantified constraint
satisfaction problems (QCSP), and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT)
with quantifiers.
Alexander Feldman, PARC
May 25: Submission (extended)
June 5: Notification (extended)
June 15: Camera-ready versions
Please see the workshop webpage for any updates:
The workshop is concerned with all aspects of current research on all
formalisms enriched by quantifiers, and in particular QBF. The topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Applications, encodings and benchmarks with quantifiers
- QBF proof theory and complexity results
- Certificates and proofs for QBF, QCSP, SMT with quantifiers, etc.
- Experimental evaluations of solvers or related tools
- Case studies illustrating the power of quantifiers
- Formats of proofs and certificates
- Implementations of proof checkers and verifiers
- Decision procedures
- Calculi and their relationships
- Data structures, implementation details and heuristics
- Pre- and inprocessing techniques
- Structural reasoning
Submissions of extended abstracts are invited and will be managed via
In particular, we invite the submission of extended abstracts on work
that has been published already, novel unpublished work, or work in
The following forms of submissions are solicited:
- Proposals for short tutorial presentations on topics related to the
workshop. The number of accepted tutorials depends on the overall
number of accepted papers and talks, with the aim to set up a
balanced workshop program.
- Talk abstracts reporting on already published work. Such an abstract
should include an outline of the planned talk, and pointers to
relevant bibliography.
- Talk proposals presenting work that is unpublished or in progress.
- Submissions which describe novel applications of QBF or related
formalisms in various domains are particularly welcome.
Additionally, this call comprises known applications that have been
shown to be hard for QBF solvers in the past as well as new
applications for which present QBF solvers might lack certain
features still to be identified.
Each submission should have an overall length of 1-4 pages in LNCS
format. Authors may decide to include an appendix with additional
material. Appendices will be considered at the reviewers' discretion.
The accepted extended abstracts will be published on the workshop
webpage. The workshop does not have formal proceedings.
Authors of accepted contributions are expected to give a talk at the
Hubie Chen, Birkbeck, University of London
Florian Lonsing, Stanford University
Martina Seidl, University of Linz, Austria
Friedrich Slivovsky, TU Wien, Austria
Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications
Second Call for Papers
Porto, 9 October, 2019
(part of the 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods 2019)
Building on the pioneer intuitions of Floyd-Hoare logic, dynamic logic
was introduced in the 70's as a suitable logic to reason about, and
verify, classic imperative programs. Since then, the original
intuitions grew to an entire family of logics, which became
increasingly popular for assertional reasoning about a wide range of
computational systems. Simultaneously, their object (i.e. the very
notion of a program) evolved in unexpected ways. This lead to dynamic
logics tailored to specific programming paradigms and extended to new
computing domains, including probabilistic, continuous and quantum
computation. Both its theoretical relevance and practical potential
make dynamic logic a topic of interest in a number of scientific
venues, from wide-scope software engineering conferences to modal
logic specific events. However, no specific event is exclusively
dedicated to it. This workshop aims at filling fill such a gap,
joining an heterogeneous community of colleagues, from Academia to
Industry, from Mathematics to Computer Science.
Support: PT-FLAD Chair & DaLi - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692
Submissions are invited on the general field of dynamic logic, its
variants and applications, including, but not restricted to
Dynamic logic, foundations and applications
Logics with regular modalities
Modal/temporal/epistemic logics
Kleene and action algebras and their variants
Quantum dynamic logic
Coalgebraic modal/dynamic logics
Graded and fuzzy dynamic logics
Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems
Dynamic epistemic logic
Complexity and decidability of variants of dynamic logics
and temporal logics
Model checking, model generation and theorem proving for
dynamic logics
Original papers (unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere), up to 15 pages in LNCS style. As in the previous edition,
post-proceedings will be published by Springer in a Lecture Notes of
Computer Science volume. We will also have a special issue with
extended, revised contributions in the Journal of Logic and Algebraic
Methods in Programming, Elsevier.
Submit via the EasyChair link
Dexter Kozen, Cornell University
Paper Submission: June 14, 2019
Notification: July 19, 2019
Camera Ready: September 2, 2019
Workshop: October 9, 2019
Guillaume Aucher (IRISA, FR)
Carlos Areces (U Cordoba, AR)
Alexandru Baltag, (UvA, NL) - PC co-chair
Luis S. Barbosa, (U Minho, PT) - PC co-chair
Mario Benevides (UFRJ, BR)
Johan van Benthem (U Stanford, USA)
Patrick Blackburn, (U Roskilde, DK)
Thomas Bolander (DTU, Denmark)
Zoe Christoff (U Bayreuth, Germany)
Fredrik Dahlqvist (UCL, UK)
Hans van Ditmarsch (LORIA, Nancy, FR)
Nina Gierasimczuk (DTU, Denmark)
Valentin Goranko (U Stockholm, SE)
Davide Grossi (U Groningen, NL)
Reiner Hahle (TU Darmstadt, DE)
Rolf Hennicker (LMU, Munchen, DE)
Andreas Herzig (U Toulouse, FR)
Dexter Kozen (Cornell, USA)
Clemens Kupke (U Strathclyde, UK)
Alexandre Madeira (U Aveiro, PT)
Manuel A. Martins (U Aveiro, PT)
Paulo Mateus (IST, PT)
Stefan Mitsch (CMU, USA)
Renato Neves (U Minho, PT)
Valeria de Paiva (Nuance Comms, USA)
Aybuke Ozgun (ILLC, NL)
Fernando Velazquez-Quesada (ILLC, NL)
Olivier Roy (U Bayreuth, DE)
Lutz Schroeder (FAU, Erlangen-Nurenberg, DE)
Alexandra Silva (UCL, UK)
Sonja Smets (UvA, NL)
Rui Soares Barbosa (U Oxford, UK)
Tinko Tinchev (Sofia U, BG)
Renata Wassermann (USP, BR)
[apologies for any cross-posting]
Call for Papers
AIIA19 - The 18th International Conference of the Italian Association
for Artificial Intelligence
UNICAL, Rende (CS), 19-22 November 2019
Topics of Interest
The conference covers broadly the many aspects of theoretical and
applied Artificial Intelligence. A series of workshops dedicated to
specific topics enhances the program. AIIA 2019 welcomes submissions
covering all areas of AI, including (but not limited to) machine
learning, search, planning, knowledge representation, reasoning,
constraint satisfaction, natural language processing, robotics and
perception, and multiagent systems. We encourage all types of
high-quality contributions including theoretical, engineering and
applied papers. We also encourage contributions on AI techniques in the
context of novel application domains, such as security, sustainability,
health care, transportation, and commerce.
Besides regular original papers, in this edition we also welcome
discussion papers containing descriptions of results recently published
or accepted for the presentation in international conferences.
Discussion papers are expected to be more broadly accessible than
regular papers, they are an opportunity for the authors to present their
recent results to the AI community, and a valuable addition for the
attendees of AIIA 2019.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and
attend the conference to present the work.
Important Dates
Abstract submission by 28 May 2019
Paper submission by 4 June 2019
Notification to authors by 23 July 2019
Camera-ready copies due by 3 September 2019
Proceedings of Regular Papers
The regular papers will be included in the proceedings of the
conference, and will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence series. Authors of selected regular
papers accepted to the main track will be invited to submit an extended
version for publication on "Intelligenza Artificiale", the International
Journal of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, edited
by IOS Press and indexed by Thomson Reuters' "Emerging Sources Citation
Index" and Scopus by Elsevier.
Proceedings of Discussion Papers
The discussion papers will not be included in the LNCS proceedings of
the conference, and will be made available through the conference
WEB-Site and possibly published on CEUR WS Proceedings upon request.
Best Papers
The Program Committee will select the Best Student Paper Award and the
Best Paper Award from the accepted regular papers. In order to be
eligible for the Best Student Paper award, at least one author must be a
Submission Instructions
The submitted papers should be written in English and formatted
according to the Springer LNCS style.
Regular papers must be original papers which are not being submitted
simultaneously for publication elsewhere. These papers should not exceed
12 pages plus bibliography.
The discussion papers report results already published or accepted for
the publication in international conferences, and should not exceed 8
pages plus bibliography.
Paper submission is electronic via easychair at the address:
Conference Web Site
For the most up to date information, please visit:
Organizing Committee
Conference Chair:
Nicola Leone (UNICAL, Italy)
Program Chairs:
Mario Alviano (UNICAL, Italy)
Gianluigi Greco (UNICAL, Italy)
Francesco Scarcello (UNICAL, Italy)
Organization Chairs:
Francesco Ricca (UNICAL, Italy)
Chiara Ghidini (FBK, Trento)
Workshop and Tutorial Chair:
Rafael Penaloza (UNIMIB, Italy)
Doctoral Consortium Chair:
Marco Maratea (UNIGE, Italy)
Publicity and Web Chair:
Luca Pulina (UNISS, Italy)
*Dona il 5x1000* all'Università degli Studi di Sassaricodice fiscale:
TPNC 2019: 1st call for papers*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*
TPNC 2019
Kingston, Canada
December 9-11, 2019
Co-organized by:
Royal Military College of Canada
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice
Brussels / London
TPNC is a conference series intending to cover the wide spectrum of computational principles, models and techniques inspired by information processing in nature. TPNC 2019 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology. The conference aims at attracting contributions to nature-inspired models of computation, synthesizing nature by means of computation, nature-inspired materials, and information processing in nature.
TPNC 2019 will take place in Kingston, a city midway between Toronto and Montréal with an important military history. The venue will be:
Royal Military College of Canada
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7K 7B4
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Theoretical contributions to:
ant colony optimization
artificial immune systems
artificial life
cellular automata
cognitive computing
collective behaviour
collective intelligence
computational intelligence
computing with words
developmental systems
DNA computing
DNA nanotechnology
evolutionary algorithms
evolutionary computing
fuzzy logic
fuzzy sets
fuzzy systems
genetic algorithms
genetic programming
granular computing
intelligent agents
intelligent systems
machine intelligence
molecular programming
multiobjective optimization
neural networks
quantum communication
quantum computing
quantum information
rough sets
soft computing
swarm intelligence
unconventional computing
- Applications of natural computing to:
human-computer interaction
knowledge discovery
natural language processing
pattern recognition
planning and scheduling
web intelligence
A flexible "theory to/from practice" approach would be the perfect focus for the expected contributions.
TPNC 2019 will consist of:
- invited talks
- peer-reviewed contributions
- posters
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: (to be completed)
Thomas Bäck (Leiden University, NL)
Mauro Birattari (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE)
Shyi-Ming Chen (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TW)
Carlos A. Coello Coello (CINVESTAV – National Polytechnic Institute, MX)
Marco Dorigo (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE)
Matthias Ehrgott (Lancaster University, UK)
Andries Engelbrecht (Stellenbosch University, ZA)
Deborah M. Gordon (Stanford University, US)
Etienne E. Kerre (Ghent University, BE)
Chung-Sheng Li (Accenture, IE)
Gui Lu Long (Tsinghua University, CN)
Vittorio Maniezzo (University of Bologna, IT)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)
Luis Martínez López (University of Jaén, ES)
Serge Massar (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE)
Geoffrey Pond (Royal Military College of Canada, CA)
Shahab Shamshirband (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO)
José Luis Verdegay (University of Granada, ES)
Xin-She Yang (Middlesex University, UK)
Yi Zhang (Sichuan University, CN)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel Parra-Royón (Granada)
Geoffrey Pond (Kingston, co-chair)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez (Cáceres)
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see
Submissions have to be uploaded to:
A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.
A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.
The registration form can be found at:
DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):
Paper submission: July 27, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: August 31, 2019
Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: September 7, 2019
Early registration: September 7, 2019
Late registration: November 25, 2019
Submission to the journal special issue: March 11, 2020
Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada
IRDTA – Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London