[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute
to interested parties.]
Applications are invited for a 4-year fully funded PhD studentship in LogiCS
Doctoral College - Logical Methods in Computer Science.
The faculty of the LogiCS doctoral college is looking for 16 doctoral
students, where 30% of the positions are reserved for highly qualified
female candidates.
LogiCS - Logical Methods in Computer Science is a joint doctoral program of
TU Wien, TU Graz, and JKU Linz, Austria, funded by the Austrian Science Fund
Deadline: Friday 31 August 2018.
Website: http://logic-cs.at/phd/
LogiCS focuses on logic and its applications in computer science. Successful
applicants will work on interdisciplinary research topics covering
(i) computational logic,
(ii) databases and artificial intelligence,
(iii) computer-aided verification, and
(iv) emerging application domains, such as cyber-physical systems,
distributed systems, and security & privacy.
- Austria has a vibrant and highly active and successful logic in computer
science community. Students are supervised by leading researchers in their
fields: E. Bartocci / A. Biere / R. Bloem / A. Ciabattoni / G. Gottlob / T.
Eiter / R. Grosu / L. Kovacs / M. Maffei / M. Ortiz / U. Schmid / M. Seidl /
S. Szeider / G. Weissenbacher / S. Woltran
- See: <https://dblp.uni-trier.de/> https://dblp.uni-trier.de/
- Details are provided on: http://logic-cs.at/phd/faculty/
- 4-years fully funded 16 positions, where 30% of the positions are reserved
for highly qualified female candidates.
- The doctoral positions are funded for a period of 4 years according to the
funding scheme of the Austrian Science Fund (details:
http://www.fwf.ac.at/de/forschungsfoerderung/personalkostensaetze/ ).
- Additional positions will be available through other funding.
- The applicants are expected to have completed an excellent master's degree
in computer science, mathematics, or a related field.
- Candidates with comparable achievements (e.g., bachelor of honors) may be
considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Applications by the candidates need to be submitted electronically.
- Applications will be screened: September 1, 2018
- The positions will be filled on continuous basis till October 2018.
- Applications by the candidates need to be submitted electronically.
Detailed information: http://logic-cs.at/phd/admission/
- Austria has a vibrant and highly active and successful logic in computer
science community. See: www.vcla.at
- Vienna, Graz, and Linz, located close to the Alps, are surrounded by
beautiful nature. Vienna is constantly ranked the city with the highest
quality of life in the world. Austria has an exciting cultural scene,
world-famous historical sites, a large international community, varied
cuisine, and famous coffee houses.
For further information please contact: info(a)logic-cs.at
Please register and attend HIGHLIGHTS 2018!
The programme is here:
HIGHLIGHTS 2018: 6th annual conference on Highlights of LOGIC, GAMES, and
18-21 September 2018, TU Berlin
+ ErichFest: Symposium to Celebrate Erich Grädel’s 60th Birthday, 17
+ Workshop on the Theory of Regular Cost Functions and Beyond, 21 September
HIGHLIGHTS 2018 is the 6th conference on Highlights of Logic, Games, and
Automata that aims to integrate the diverse research community working in
the areas of Logic and Finite Model Theory, Automata Theory, and Games for
Logic and Verification. Individual papers are dispersed across many
conferences, which makes them challenging to follow. A visit to the annual
Highlights conference offers a wide picture of the latest research in the
field and a chance to meet and interact with most of the members of the
research community. The speakers are encouraged to present their best
recent work at Highlights, whether already published elsewhere or not.
The conference is short (from 19 September to the mid-day on 21 September)
and it is preceded by the Highlights Tutorial Day (18 September). The
participation costs are modest and Berlin is easy to reach.
The Contributed Presentations will be around ten minutes long. All speakers
will be also invited to contribute to a Poster Session, which will open new
ways of interaction at the conference for the whole Highlights community.
+ Andrei Bulatov, The Complexity of Constraints: Dichotomies and Beyond
+ Nicole Schweikardt, Constant Delay Enumeration of Query Results
+ James Worrell, Algebraic Invariants for Affine Programs
+ Amir Abboud, Fine-Grained Complexity and Hardness in P
+ Christoph Berkholz, Interactions Between Proof Complexity and Finite
Model Theory
+ Joost-Pieter Katoen, Principles of Probabilistic Programming
+ Chair: Christel Baier, Multi-Objective Reasoning in Probabilistic Models
(Speakers: Stefan Kiefer, David Parker)
+ Chair: Martin Grohe, Logic and Learning (Speakers: Kristian Kersting,
Daniel Neider, Dan Olteanu)
+ Stéphane Gaubert, Nonarchimedean Convex Programming and Its Relation to
Mean-Payoff Games
+ Laura Kovács, Symbol Elimination for Program Analysis
+ Jan Křetínský, A Journey from LTL to Your Favourite Automaton
+ Amaury Pouly, Continuous Models of Computation: Computability,
Complexity, Universality
+ Jeffrey Shallit, Finite Automata and Additive Number Theory
[ We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Posted: July 4th 2018
One PhD Student Position in Information and Communication Technologies on the research project
"Quantum Annealing for SAT Solving (QUASI)"
is available at the International Doctorate School in Information and Communication Technologies (http://www.ict.unitn.it/) of the University of Trento, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Sebastiani, DISI, University of Trento, sponsored by and in direct collaboration with D-Wave Systems Inc. (http://www.dwavesys.com).
The goal of the QuaSI project is to investigate the usage of D-Wave's quantum annealers (QAs) to solve hard propositional satisfiability (SAT) problems --and related NP-Hard problems-- by exploiting quantum effects to cope with the inherent complexity of the problem. The proposed research is to develop effective and efficient encoding procedures from SAT to problems which fit into, and can be solved by, D-Wave's QAs. These procedures will be presumably based on Satisfiability Modulo theories, automated-reasoning and graph-manipulation techniques. The ultimate goal is to solve problems (e.g., from cryptanalysis) which are currently out of the reach of state-of-the-art SAT solvers).
Ph.D. courses will start in Autumn 2018, and the thesis must be completed in three-four years. The selected student should be available for an internship (e.g. 3-month) at D-Wave, in Vancouver (CA). People enrolled in Ph.D. courses are expected to move to Trento, and will receive monetary support during the phases of their activity.
The ideal candidate should have an MS or equivalent degree in computer science or engineering, mathematics or electronic engineering, and combine solid theoretical background (algorithms, logic) and excellent software development skills.
Background knowledge and/or previous experience is requested in at least one the following areas (in order of preference):
- Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT)
- Propositional Satisfiability (SAT)
- Automated reasoning and Computational Logic
- Constraint Solving and Optimization
- Operational Research
The candidate should be able to work in a collaborative environment, with a strong commitment to reaching research excellence and achieving assigned objectives. The position is subject to the acceptance of the assignment of the ownership of intellectual property to D-Wave Inc. of the research results.
Interested candidates should inquire for further information and/or apply by sending email to roberto.sebastiani(a)unitn.it, indicating "PHD on Quasi Project" in the subject.
Applications should contain a statement of interest, with a Curriculum Vitae, and three reference persons. PDF format is strongly encouraged.
Emails will be automatically processed and should have as subject the sentence:
(Emails not complying with the above format have high chances to be ignored.)
Eventually they must apply to the international call of the ICT school of DISI (http://ict.unitn.it), which is expected to appear by the end of July 2018 (application deadline: end of August 2018).
Software Engineering & Formal Methods Research Program
DISI, University of Trento,
via Sommarive 14, I-38100 Povo, Trento, Italy
mailto: roberto[dot]sebastiani[at]unitn[dot]it
url: http://disi.unitn.it/rseba/
CV: http://disi.unitn.it/rseba/inglcurr.pdf
University of Trento (http://www.unitn.it/en) has been recognized as the best university in Italy and #36 in Europe by Europe Teaching Rankings 2018 of Times Higher Education (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/rankings/europe-teaching/2018#!/page/0…). DISI (http://disi.unitn.it) has been recognized among the top three ICT University Department in Italy. DISI currently consists of ~40 faculties, ~70 research staff and support people, ~20 postdocs and ~140 Doctoral students, plus administrative and technical staff. DISI covers all the different areas of information technology (computer science, telecommunications, and electronics) and their applications.
D-Wave (www.dwavesys.com) is the world's only commercial supplier of quantum computers. D-Wave's systems are being used by some of the world's most advanced organizations and D-Wave is the leader in the development and delivery of quantum and hybrid quantum-classical computing systems and software. D-Wave's technology is focused on annealing-based quantum computing.
Trento is a lively town of about 100.000 inhabitants, located 130 km south of the border between Italy and Austria. It is well known for the beauty of its mountains and lakes, and it offers the possibility to practice a wide range of sports. Trento enjoys a rich cultural and historical heritage, and it is the ideal starting point for day trips to famous towns such as Venice or Verona, as well as to enjoy great naturalistic journeys. Detailed information about Trento and its region can be found at http://www.trentino.to/home/index.html?_lang=en.
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.
*** ETAPS 2004 ***
*** March 27 - April 4, 2004 ***
*** Barcelona, SPAIN ***
*** ***
*** http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04/ ***
The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS)
is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working
on topics related to Software Science. It is a confederation of five main
conferences, a number of satellite workshops and other events.
5 Conferences - 22 Satellite Workshops - Tutorials - Tool Demonstrations
*** ***
*** Submission deadline: October 17, 2003 ***
*** ***
CC 2004: International Conference on Compiler Construction
Chair: Evelyn Duesterwald (IBM, USA) duester(a)us.ibm.com
ESOP 2004, European Symposium On Programming
Chair: David Schmidt (Kansas, USA) schmidt(a)cis.ksu.edu
FASE 2004, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Co-Chairs: Tiziana Margaria (Dortmund, Germany) tmargaria(a)metaframe.de
Michel Wermelinger (Lisboa, Portugal) mw(a)di.fct.unl.pt
FOSSACS 2004 Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
Chair: Igor Walukiewicz (Bordeaux, France) igw(a)labri.fr
TACAS 2003, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
Co-Chairs: Kurt Jensen (Aarhus, Denmark) kjensen(a)daimi.au.dk
Andreas Podelski (Saarbrücken, Germany) podelski(a)mpi-sb.mpg.de
ETAPS main conferences accept two types of contributions:
* Research papers;
* Tool demonstration papers.
Research papers:
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English presenting
original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted
for publication elsewhere. In particular, simultaneous submission of the
same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences is forbidden.
The proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series. Final papers will be no more than 15 pages
long in the format specified by Springer-Verlag at
It is recommended that submissions adhere to that format and length.
Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately.
Instructions on how to submit are available at the URL of each individual
Tool demonstration papers:
Demonstrations of novel and state-of-the-art tools are also invited.
A submission should have a clear connection to one of the
main ETAPS conferences, possibly complementing a paper submitted separately.
Tool demonstrations are an integrated part of the ETAPS programme.
Selected demonstrations will be presented in ordinary conference sessions,
using state-of-the-art projection. The time allowed will be approximately
the same as that for the presentation of a research paper. The demonstration
will be accompanied by the publication of a short paper (up to 4 pages) in
the proceedings of the relevant ETAPS conference, describing the main features
of the tool. There will be opportunities for follow-up demonstrations with
individuals and small groups.
Submissions should follow the instructions published in the URL of the
relevant conference. They should take the form of a self-contained tool
description of no more than 4 pages in the format specified by
Springer-Verlag at
The tool description should be accompanied by an appendix (not intended for
publication, and not included in the page limit) indicating which features
of the tool would be demonstrated - preferably with some sample screen
snapshots - followed by a detailed specification of the hardware, software,
and licensing requirements for installing and using the tool.
N.B. Tool demonstrations should not be confused with research contributions
to the TACAS conference, which emphasizes principles of tool design,
implementation, and use, rather than focusing on specific domains
of application.
Satellite Workshops
* A-UML - Agents and UML
Contact: Marc-Philippe Huget (M.P.Huget(a)csc.liv.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/auml2004
* AVIS'04 - Third International Workshop on Automatic Verification
of Infinite-State Systems
Contact: Dr. Ramesh Bharadwaj (ramesh(a)itd.nrl.navy.mil)
URL: http://chacs.nrl.navy.mil/AVIS04
* CMCS 2004 - Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science 2004
Contact: Jiri Adamek (J.Adamek(a)tu-bs.de)
URL: http://www.iti.cs.tu-bs.de/~cmcs/
* COCV - 3rd International Workshop on Compiler Optimization Meets
Compiler Verification
Contact: Jens Knoop (Jens.Knoop(a)FernUni-Hagen.De)
URL: http://sunshine.cs.uni-dortmund.de/~knoop/COCV2004/cocv2004.html
* CP+CV'04 - Workshop on Constraint Programming and Constraints
for Verification
Contact: Thom Fruehwirth (Thom.Fruehwirth(a)informatik.uni-ulm.de)
URL: http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/pm/mitarbeiter/fruehwirth/cp_etaps04.html
* DCC - Designing Correct Circuits
Contact: Mary Sheeran (ms(a)cs.chalmers) and
Tom Melham (Tom.Melham(a)comlab.ox.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~ms/DCC04/
* FESCA - Formal Foundation of Embedded Software and
Component-based Software Architectures
Contact: Juliana Küster Filipe (jkfilipe(a)inf.ed.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/fesca
email: fesca-04(a)inf.ed.ac.uk
* FUSE 2004 - Foundations of Unanticipated Software Evolution
Contact: Tom Mens, (Tom.Mens(a)vub.ac.be)
URL: http://joint.org/fuse2004/
* GT-VMT - Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques
Contact: Reiko Heckel
URL: http://www.uni-paderborn.de/cs/ag-engels/GT-VMT04
email: gtvmt04(a)upb.de
* INT - Third International Workshop on Integration of Specification
Techniques for Applications in Engineering
Contact: Hartmut Ehrig (ehrig(a)cs.tu-berlin.de) and
Gunnar Schroeter (schroetg(a)cs.tu-berlin.de)
URL: http://tfs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~gschroet/int04/index.html
* LDTA - Fourth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications
Contact: Joao Saraiva (jas(a)di.uminho.pt)
URL: http://www.di.uminho.pt/LDTA04
* MBT 2004 - International Workshop on Model-Based Testing
Contact: Alexander Kossatchev (kos(a)ispras.ru)
URL: http://www.ispras.ru/news/MBT2004.html
* QAPL'04 - 2nd Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages
Contact: Alessandra Di Pierro
URL: http://qapl04.di.unipi.it/
email: qapl04(a)di.unipi.it
* RV'04 - Fourth Workshop on Runtime Verification
Contact: Klaus Havelund (havelund(a)email.arc.nasa.gov)
URL: http://ase.arc.nasa.gov/rv2004
* SC 2004 - Software Composition
Contact: Uwe Assmann (uweas(a)ida.liu.se)
URL: http://www.ida.liu.se/~uweas/sc2004
* SFEDL - Semantic Foundations of Engineering Design Languages
Contact: Michael Mendler (michael.mendler(a)wiai.uni-bamberg.de)
URL: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/~ba7gi99/sfedl04/
* SLAP 2004 : Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programs
Contact: Florence Maraninchi (Florence.Maraninchi(a)imag.fr)
URL: http://www.inrialpes.fr/pop-art/people/girault/Slap04
* SPIN - 11th International Workshop on Model-Checking of Software
Contact: Susanne Graf, Verimag/CNRS (spin04(a)imag.fr)
URL: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/SPIN-2004
* TACoS - Test and Analysis of Component-Based Systems
Contact: Mauro Pezzè (pezze(a)disco.unimib.it)
URL: www.lta.disco.unimib.it/tacos
* WADT'04 - 17th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques
Contact: Peter Mosses (wadt2004(a)brics.dk)
URL: http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04/wadt2004/index.html
* WITS'04 - Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security
Contact: Peter Y A Ryan (peter.ryan(a)ncl.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.dsi.unive.it/IFIPWG1_7/wits2004.html
* WITS'04 - Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security
Contact: Peter Y A Ryan (peter.ryan(a)ncl.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04/wadt2004/index.html
* WRLA 2004 - 5th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic
and its Applications
Contact: Narciso Marti-Oliet (narciso(a)sip.ucm.es)
URL: http://www.fdi.ucm.es/wrla2004
email: wrla2004(a)sip.ucm.es
Proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials related to ETAPS 2004 are
invited. Tutorial proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their
assessed benefit for prospective participants to ETAPS 2004.
Proposals should include a description of the material that will be covered
in the tutorial; a justification of the relevance of the tutorial for ETAPS
2004; a short history of the tutorial if it has been given before;
the duration of the tutorial; scope of the tutorial; the key learning
objectives for the participants; the intended audience for the tutorial
and required background; and the credentials for the instructor(s).
Contact: Jordi Cortadella - http://www.lsi.upc.es/~jordic/
Serge Abiteboul, INRIA-Rocquencourt, France
Hubert Comon, Cachan, France
Robin Milner, Cambridge, UK
Peter O'Hearn, London, UK
Gruia-Catalin Roman, Washington Univ., USA
Mary Lou Soffa, Pittsburgh, USA
Antti Valmari, Tampere, Finland
October 17, 2003 Submission deadline for the main conferences and tutorials
December 12, 2003 Notification of acceptance/rejection
January 9, 2004 Camera-ready version due
March 29 - April 2, 2004 ETAPS 2004 main conferences
March 27 - April 4, 2004 ETAPS 2004 satellite events
you received this e-mail via the individual or collective address
to unsubscribe from ETAPS list: contact etaps04(a)lsi.upc.es
Please apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message.
*** ETAPS 2004 ***
*** March 27 - April 4, 2004 ***
*** Barcelona, SPAIN ***
*** ***
*** http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04/ ***
The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS)
is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working
on topics related to Software Science. It is a confederation of five main
conferences, a number of satellite workshops and other events.
5 Conferences - 22 Satellite Workshops - Tutorials - Tool Demonstrations
*** ***
*** Submission deadline: October 17, 2003 ***
*** ***
CC 2004: International Conference on Compiler Construction
Chair: Evelyn Duesterwald (IBM, USA) duester(a)us.ibm.com
ESOP 2004, European Symposium On Programming
Chair: David Schmidt (Kansas, USA) schmidt(a)cis.ksu.edu
FASE 2004, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Co-Chairs: Tiziana Margaria (Dortmund, Germany) tmargaria(a)metaframe.de
Michel Wermelinger (Lisboa, Portugal) mw(a)di.fct.unl.pt
FOSSACS 2004 Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
Chair: Igor Walukiewicz (Bordeaux, France) igw(a)labri.fr
TACAS 2003, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
Co-Chairs: Kurt Jensen (Aarhus, Denmark) kjensen(a)daimi.au.dk
Andreas Podelski (Saarbrücken, Germany) podelski(a)mpi-sb.mpg.de
ETAPS main conferences accept two types of contributions:
* Research papers;
* Tool demonstration papers.
Research papers:
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English presenting
original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted
for publication elsewhere. In particular, simultaneous submission of the
same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences is forbidden.
The proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series. Final papers will be no more than 15 pages
long in the format specified by Springer-Verlag at
It is recommended that submissions adhere to that format and length.
Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately.
Instructions on how to submit are available at the URL of each individual
Tool demonstration papers:
Demonstrations of novel and state-of-the-art tools are also invited.
A submission should have a clear connection to one of the
main ETAPS conferences, possibly complementing a paper submitted separately.
Tool demonstrations are an integrated part of the ETAPS programme.
Selected demonstrations will be presented in ordinary conference sessions,
using state-of-the-art projection. The time allowed will be approximately
the same as that for the presentation of a research paper. The demonstration
will be accompanied by the publication of a short paper (up to 4 pages) in
the proceedings of the relevant ETAPS conference, describing the main features
of the tool. There will be opportunities for follow-up demonstrations with
individuals and small groups.
Submissions should follow the instructions published in the URL of the
relevant conference. They should take the form of a self-contained tool
description of no more than 4 pages in the format specified by
Springer-Verlag at
The tool description should be accompanied by an appendix (not intended for
publication, and not included in the page limit) indicating which features
of the tool would be demonstrated - preferably with some sample screen
snapshots - followed by a detailed specification of the hardware, software,
and licensing requirements for installing and using the tool.
N.B. Tool demonstrations should not be confused with research contributions
to the TACAS conference, which emphasizes principles of tool design,
implementation, and use, rather than focusing on specific domains
of application.
Satellite Workshops
* A-UML - Agents and UML
Contact: Marc-Philippe Huget (M.P.Huget(a)csc.liv.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/auml2004
* AVIS'04 - Third International Workshop on Automatic Verification
of Infinite-State Systems
Contact: Dr. Ramesh Bharadwaj (ramesh(a)itd.nrl.navy.mil)
URL: http://chacs.nrl.navy.mil/AVIS04
* CMCS 2004 - Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science 2004
Contact: Jiri Adamek (J.Adamek(a)tu-bs.de)
URL: http://www.iti.cs.tu-bs.de/~cmcs/
* COCV - 3rd International Workshop on Compiler Optimization Meets
Compiler Verification
Contact: Jens Knoop (Jens.Knoop(a)FernUni-Hagen.De)
URL: http://sunshine.cs.uni-dortmund.de/~knoop/COCV2004/cocv2004.html
* CP+CV'04 - Workshop on Constraint Programming and Constraints
for Verification
Contact: Thom Fruehwirth (Thom.Fruehwirth(a)informatik.uni-ulm.de)
URL: http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/pm/mitarbeiter/fruehwirth/cp_etaps04.html
* DCC - Designing Correct Circuits
Contact: Mary Sheeran (ms(a)cs.chalmers) and
Tom Melham (Tom.Melham(a)comlab.ox.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~ms/DCC04/
* FESCA - Formal Foundation of Embedded Software and
Component-based Software Architectures
Contact: Juliana Küster Filipe (jkfilipe(a)inf.ed.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/fesca
email: fesca-04(a)inf.ed.ac.uk
* FUSE 2004 - Foundations of Unanticipated Software Evolution
Contact: Tom Mens, (Tom.Mens(a)vub.ac.be)
URL: http://joint.org/fuse2004/
* GT-VMT - Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques
Contact: Reiko Heckel
URL: http://www.uni-paderborn.de/cs/ag-engels/GT-VMT04
email: gtvmt04(a)upb.de
* INT - Third International Workshop on Integration of Specification
Techniques for Applications in Engineering
Contact: Hartmut Ehrig (ehrig(a)cs.tu-berlin.de) and
Gunnar Schroeter (schroetg(a)cs.tu-berlin.de)
URL: http://tfs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~gschroet/int04/index.html
* LDTA - Fourth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications
Contact: Joao Saraiva (jas(a)di.uminho.pt)
URL: http://www.di.uminho.pt/LDTA04
* MBT 2004 - International Workshop on Model-Based Testing
Contact: Alexander Kossatchev (kos(a)ispras.ru)
URL: http://www.ispras.ru/news/MBT2004.html
* QAPL'04 - 2nd Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages
Contact: Alessandra Di Pierro
URL: http://qapl04.di.unipi.it/
email: qapl04(a)di.unipi.it
* RV'04 - Fourth Workshop on Runtime Verification
Contact: Klaus Havelund (havelund(a)email.arc.nasa.gov)
URL: http://ase.arc.nasa.gov/rv2004
* SC 2004 - Software Composition
Contact: Uwe Assmann (uweas(a)ida.liu.se)
URL: http://www.ida.liu.se/~uweas/sc2004
* SFEDL - Semantic Foundations of Engineering Design Languages
Contact: Michael Mendler (michael.mendler(a)wiai.uni-bamberg.de)
URL: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/~ba7gi99/sfedl04/
* SLAP 2004 : Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programs
Contact: Florence Maraninchi (Florence.Maraninchi(a)imag.fr)
URL: http://www.inrialpes.fr/pop-art/people/girault/Slap04
* SPIN - 11th International Workshop on Model-Checking of Software
Contact: Susanne Graf, Verimag/CNRS (spin04(a)imag.fr)
URL: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/SPIN-2004
* TACoS - Test and Analysis of Component-Based Systems
Contact: Mauro Pezzè (pezze(a)disco.unimib.it)
URL: www.lta.disco.unimib.it/tacos
* WADT'04 - 17th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques
Contact: Fernando Orejas (orejas(a)lsi.upc.es)
* WITS'04 - Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security
Contact: Peter Y A Ryan (peter.ryan(a)ncl.ac.uk)
URL: http://www.dsi.unive.it/IFIPWG1_7/wits2004.html
* WRLA 2004 - 5th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic
and its Applications
Contact: Narciso Marti-Oliet (narciso(a)sip.ucm.es)
URL: http://www.fdi.ucm.es/wrla2004
email: wrla2004(a)sip.ucm.es
Proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials related to ETAPS 2004 are
invited. Tutorial proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their
assessed benefit for prospective participants to ETAPS 2004.
Proposals should include a description of the material that will be covered
in the tutorial; a justification of the relevance of the tutorial for ETAPS
2004; a short history of the tutorial if it has been given before;
the duration of the tutorial; scope of the tutorial; the key learning
objectives for the participants; the intended audience for the tutorial
and required background; and the credentials for the instructor(s).
Contact: Jordi Cortadella - http://www.lsi.upc.es/~jordic/
Serge Abiteboul, INRIA-Rocquencourt, France
Hubert Comon, Cachan, France
Robin Milner, Cambridge, UK
Peter O'Hearn, London, UK
Gruia-Catalin Roman, Washington Univ., USA
Mary Lou Soffa, Pittsburgh, USA
Antti Valmari, Tampere, Finland
October 17, 2003 Submission deadline for the main conferences and tutorials
December 12, 2003 Notification of acceptance/rejection
January 9, 2004 Camera-ready version due
March 29 - April 2, 2004 ETAPS 2004 main conferences
March 27 - April 4, 2004 ETAPS 2004 satellite events
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Sorry for multiple copies of this call.
<<< NEW DEADLINE: April 25th !! >>>>
Call for Papers :
ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on
The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and
their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications.
September 4-6, 2003, Toulouse, France
Endorsed by SIGSEM, the ACL's Special Interest Group in Computational
A great deal of attention has been devoted in the past ten years in
the linguistic and computational linguistics communities to the syntax
and the semantics of nouns, verbs and also, but to a lesser extent, to
adjectives. Related phenomena such as quantification or tense and
aspect have motivated a number of in-depth studies and projects. In
contrast, prepositions have received less attention. The reasons are
quite clear: prepositions are probably the most polysemic category,
possibly more so than adjectives, and linguistic realizations are
extremely difficult to predict, not to mention the difficulty of
identifying cross-linguistic regularities.
Let us mention, however, several projects devoted to prepositions
expressing space, time and movement in AI and in NLP, and also the
development of formalisms and heuristics to handle PP attachment
ambiguities. Let us also mention the large number of studies in
psycholinguistics and in ethnolinguistics around specific preposition
senses. Finally, prepositions seem to reach a very deep level in the
cognitive-semantic structure of the brain: cognitive grammar
developers often use prepositions in their metalanguage, in order to
express very primitive notions. An important and difficult question to
address, is whether these notions are really primitive or can be
decomposed and lexically analysed
In argument structure, prepositions often play the crucial role of a
mediator between the verb's expectations and the semantics of the
nominal argument. The verb-preposition-noun semantic interactions are
very subtle, but totally crucial for the development of an accurate
semantics of the proposition. Let us note that a number of languages
have postpositions or other markers like case instead of prepositions
that play a quite similar role. Finally, languages like English have
verbal compounds that integrate prepositions (compositionally or as
collocations) while others, like Romance languages or Hindi either
incorporate the preposition or include it in the prepositional
phrase. All these configurations are semantically as well as
syntactically of much interest.
Prepositions turn out to be a very useful category in a number of
applications such as indexing and knowledge extraction since they
convey basic meanings of much interest like instruments, means,
comparisons, amounts, approximations, localizations, etc. They must
necessarily be taken into account---and rendered accurately---for
effective machine translation and lexical choice in language
Prepositions are also closely related to semantic structures such as
thematic roles, semantic templates or frames. From a linguistic
perspective, several investigations have been carried out on quite
diverse languages, emphasizing e.g., monolingual and cross-linguistic
contrasts or the role of prepositions in syntactic alternations. These
observations cover in general a small group of closely related
prepositions. The semantic characterization of prepositions has also
motivated the emergence of a few dedicated logical frameworks and
reasoning procedures.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together linguists, NLP
researchers and practitioners, and AI people in order to define a
common ground, to advance the state-of-the-art, to identify the
primary issues and bottlenecks, and to promote future
collaborations. If appropriate, the workshop will also establish a
working group and the development of projects and resources.
Paper presentations
Both short research notes (3 pages) and longer conference-style papers
(up to 10 pages) submissions as well as working session proposals (1
page proposal on a precise topic) are welcome. Papers must be in .ps,
.pdf or .doc formats. The 12 point Times new Roman font is preferred,
leave about 2.5 cm margins on both sides. More precise formatting
instructions will be given for final versions, since a book
publication is under preparation. Paper must be sent in electronic
form to: stdizier(a)irit.fr
The main topics are:
- The syntax of prepositions: formal or descriptive syntax,
prepositions in alternations, principles in the syntax of PPs,
syntactic and semantic restrictions. General syntactic-semantic
principles. Postpositions or other equivalent markers (e.g. case).
- Polysemy of prepositions, identification and classification of
preposition senses, contrastive uses, metaphorical uses, semantic and
cognitive foundations for prepositions.
- Descriptions: Potential WordNet / EuroWordNet descriptions of
preposition uses, productive uses versus collocations, multi-lingual
descriptions: mismatches, incorporation, divergences. Prepositions
and thematic roles, prepositions in semantic frameworks
(e.g. Framenet.).
- Cognitive or logic-based formalisms for the description of the
semantics of prepositions, in isolation, and in
composition/confrontation with the verb and the NP. Compositional
semantics. Logical and reasoning aspects.
- The role of prepositions in applications, in particular:
* in machine translation
* in information extraction
* in lexicalization in language generation.
- Corpus-based studies that support or challenge any of the approaches described above.
- Lexical knowledge bases and prepositions. Prepositions in AI, KR and
in reasoning procedures.
Submission deadline: April 25th, 2003 <<<<< NEW DEADLINE >>>>>>
Notification to authors: May 30th
Final paper due July 1st (a book publication is under preparation)
Registration preferably before July 7th. (to be confirmed)
Registration frees will be kept as low as possible, around 100 Euros with lunch.
Programme Committee:
Nicholas Asher (Austin)
Pushpak Bhattacharyya (IIT Mumbai)
Harry Bunt (Tilburg)
Nicoletta Calzolari (Pisa)
Bonnie Dorr (Maryland)
Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton)
Claire Gardent (CNRS Nancy)
Betsy Klipple (Upenn)
Alda Mari (ENST Paris)
Palmira Marraffa (Lisboa)
Martha Palmer (Upenn)
James Pustejovsky (Brandeis)
Patrick Saint-Dizier (Chair, IRIT, Toulouse)
Gloria Vazquez (Lerida)
Laure Vieu (IRIT, Toulouse)
Contacts :
Submissions and inquiries : stdizier(a)irit.fr and submissions also to :
Local organizing committee : Farah Benamara, Patrick Saint-Dizier
WEB site: www.irit.fr/cgi-bin/voir-congres
Please apologize for multiple submission
The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS)
is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers
working on topics relating to Software Science. Started in 1998, ETAPS is
an annual event which takes place in Europe each spring. The seventh meeting,
ETAPS 2004 will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from March 29 to April 2, 2004,
hosted by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).
The main conferences of ETAPS are: the International Conference on Compiler
Construction (CC), the European Symposium on Programming (ESOP),
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), Foundations of
Software Science and Computation Structures (FOSSACS), and Tools and
Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS).
These conferences will be held from March 29 to April 2, 2004.
Workshops affiliated to ETAPS 2004 will be held before and after the main
conferences, on 27-28 March and 3-4 April, 2004. Researchers and practitioners
wishing to organize such a workshop are invited to contact the ETAPS 2004
Workshop Chair, Jordi Cortadella, e-mail jordic(a)lsi.upc.es, by November
Final workshop proposals are due December 1, 2002, and should be submitted
to the ETAPS 2004 Workshop Chair by electronic mail in ASCII, PDF or Postscript
format. A proposal should not exceed two pages and should describe the topic
of the workshop, the names and contact information of the organizers, the
estimated dates for paper submissions, notification of acceptance, and
final versions (before February 15, 2004), the expected number of participants
and duration, the preferred period (March 27-28 or April 3-4), and any other
relevant information (e.g., invited speakers, panels, publication policy,
demo sessions etc.).
The proposals will be evaluated by the ETAPS 2004 organizing committee on
the basis of their assessed benefit for prospective participants to
ETAPS 2004. Acceptance decisions will be made by January 10, 2003. The
titles and brief information related to accepted workshop proposals will
be included in the conference program and advertised in the call for
participation. Workshop organizers will be responsible for producing a Call
for Papers, Web site, reviewing and making acceptance decisions on submitted
papers and scheduling workshop activities in consultation with the local
Any further information needed for preparing a workshop proposal can
be obtained from the ETAPS 2004 Workshop Chair: Jordi Cortadella,
Important dates :
November 1, 2002 : Contact the Workshop Chair
December 1, 2002 : Workshop proposals
January 15, 2003 : Notification of acceptance
ETAPS 2004 Web site: http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04
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[Apologies if you receive this message more times than you would like to]
Sixth International Workshop
Prague, The Czech Republic
Important Dates
Submission deadline: October 15, 2002
Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2002
Final versions due: January 15, 2003
Workshop: April 3-5 (Thu-Sat), 2003
Invited Speakers (Tentative):
David Berlinski
(author of "A Tour of the Calculus" and "The Advent of the Algorithm"):
On Discrete and Continuous Mathematics
David Harel
(Weizmann Institute of Science):
From Aerospace to C. elegans: Modeling and Analyzing the
Behavior of Complex Reactive Systems
Udi Peless
(Friendly Machines Inc.):
Lessons from the Development of a Commercial Autonomous Lawn Mower
The Workshop on Hybrid Systems attracts researchers from academia
and industry interested in modeling, analysis, and implementation of
dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete (integer,
logical, symbolic) and continuous behaviors. It is a forum for the
latest developments in all aspects of hybrid systems, including formal
models and computational representations, algorithms and heuristics,
computational tools, and new challenging applications. The Sixth HSCC
International Workshop continues the series of workshops held in
Grenoble, France (HART'97), Berkeley, California, USA (HSCC'98),
Nijmegen, The Netherlands (HSCC'99), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
(HSCC 2000), Rome, Italy (HSCC2001) and Palo Alto, California USA
(HSCC2002). Accepted papers will be allotted 14 pages each in a volume
to be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series.
Scientific Program and Topics
Sessions will include presentations of contributed papers and a
small number of invited talks. In keeping with the tradition of
previous workshops, there will be ample time and space for informal
discussions. Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to
the design, analysis and implementation of hybrid systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- modeling and representations,
- timed and hybrid automata,
- formal methods for analysis, synthesis and verification,
- numerical aspects of simulating, and verifying hybrid systems,
- computer-aided design,
- control methods and algorithms, optimization
- hybrid models in biology and other sciences,
- engineering applications, including but not limited to
manufacturing and production systems, intelligent robots, avionics,
automotive control systems, railway systems, energy systems, and
transportation networks.
Reports on case studies and tool development are particularly encouraged.
A strong representation of multiple disciplines, including formal methods,
symbolic computation, control theory, artificial intelligence, and
numerical methods, assures a lively and productive workshop.
The workshop will be held at Prague, the lovely capital
of the Czech Republic in the Pyramida Hotel.
Researchers are invited to submit either a postscript or pdf file
of an extended abstract using the electronic-submission procedure
through the workshop web-page http://www-hscc03.imag.fr
The abstract should not exceed 10 pages.
The first page should contain:
- the title of the paper,
- each author's name and affiliation,
- complete contact information for the corresponding author (postal
and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers), and a
- one-paragraph summary of the contribution.
Full versions of the accepted submissions will be published in the
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The proceedings
will be available at the workshop.
Workshop Co-chairs: Amir Pnueli and Oded Maler
Program Committee:
Rajeev Alur University of Pennsylvania
Eugene Asarin VERIMAG, Grenoble
Alberto Bemporad University of Siena
Jennifer Davoren University of Melbourne
Sebastian Engell University of Dortmund
Mark Greenstreet University of British Columbia
Bruce Krogh Carnegie Mellon University
Benjamin Kuipers University of Texas, Austin
Kim Larsen University of Aalborg
John Lygeros University of Cambridge
Oded Maler VERIMAG, Grenoble
Manfred Morari ETH, Zurich
George Pappas University of Pennsylvania
Anders Rantzer University of Lund
Amir Pnueli Weizmann Institute, Rehovot
Anders Ravn University of Aalborg
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli University of California, Berkeley
Shankar Sastry University of California, Berkeley
Olaf Stursberg Carnegie Mellon University
Ashish Tiwari SRI international
Paolo Traverso IRST, Trento
Howard Wong-Toi Cadence Berkeley Labs
Steering Committee:
Maria Di Bendetto, Mark Greenstreet, Bruce Krogh (chair),
Oded Maler, Manfred Morari, Amir Pnueli, Anders Ravn,
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Claire Tomlin.
Local Organization:
The workshop is locally sponsored by Honeywell Prague Laboratory with
support of Guarant travel agency.
Amir Pnueli
Department of Computer Science
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100
Oded Maler
2, av. de Vignate
38610 Gieres
Please apologize for multiple submission
The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS)
is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers
working on topics relating to Software Science. Started in 1998, ETAPS is
an annual event which takes place in Europe each spring. The seventh meeting,
ETAPS 2004 will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from March 29 to April 2, 2004,
hosted by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).
The main conferences of ETAPS are: the International Conference on Compiler
Construction (CC), the European Symposium on Programming (ESOP),
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), Foundations of
Software Science and Computation Structures (FOSSACS), and Tools and
Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS).
These conferences will be held from March 29 to April 2, 2004.
Workshops affiliated to ETAPS 2004 will be held before and after the main
conferences, on 27-28 March and 3-4 April, 2004. Researchers and practitioners
wishing to organize such a workshop are invited to contact the ETAPS 2004
Workshop Chair, Jordi Cortadella, e-mail jordic(a)lsi.upc.es, by November
Final workshop proposals are due December 1, 2002, and should be submitted
to the ETAPS 2004 Workshop Chair by electronic mail in ASCII, PDF or Postscript
format. A proposal should not exceed two pages and should describe the topic
of the workshop, the names and contact information of the organizers, the
estimated dates for paper submissions, notification of acceptance, and
final versions (before February 15, 2004), the expected number of participants
and duration, the preferred period (April 5-6 or April 12-13), and any other
relevant information (e.g., invited speakers, panels, publication policy,
demo sessions etc.).
The proposals will be evaluated by the ETAPS 2004 organizing committee on
the basis of their assessed benefit for prospective participants to
ETAPS 2004. Acceptance decisions will be made by January 10, 2003. The
titles and brief information related to accepted workshop proposals will
be included in the conference program and advertised in the call for
participation. Workshop organizers will be responsible for producing a Call
for Papers, Web site, reviewing and making acceptance decisions on submitted
papers and scheduling workshop activities in consultation with the local
Any further information needed for preparing a workshop proposal can
be obtained from the ETAPS 2004 Workshop Chair: Jordi Cortadella,
Important dates :
November 1, 2002 : Contact the Workshop Chair
December 1, 2002 : Workshop proposals
January 15, 2003 : Notification of acceptance
ETAPS 2004 Web site: http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04
you received this e-mail via the individual or collective address
to unsubscribe from ETAPS list: contact etaps04(a)lsi.upc.es