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WORDS 2019
12th International Conference
Loughborough, September 9–13, 2019
WORDS is a biannual international conference covering the mathematical theory of words (sequences of symbols) from all points of view: combinatorial, algebraic, algorithmic, as well as its applications to biology, linguistics, physics, and others.
The previous WORDS conferences have taken place in Rouen (1997, 1999), Palermo (2001), Turku (2003, 2013), Montreal (2005, 2017), Marseille (2007), Salerno (2009), Prague (2011), and Kiel (2015).
The 12th International Conference on Words, WORDS 2019 will take place on September 9-13 2019 at Loughborough University, UK (http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/compsci/).
Co-chairs of this edition are Robert Mercaș and Daniel Reidenbach.
*Invited Speakers*
Antonio Restivo (Palermo)
Florin Manea (Kiel)
Svetlana Puzynina (St. Petersburg)
Antonio Restivo (Palermo)
Gwenaël Richomme (Montpellier)
Aleksi Saarela (Turku)
Kristina Vuskovic (Leeds)
*Program Committee*
Marie-Pierre Béal (Paris)
Srecko Brlek (Montreal)
Émilie Charlier (Liège)
Volker Diekert (Stuttgart)
Gabriele Fici (Palermo)
Anna Frid (Marseille)
Amy Glen (Murdoch)
Štěpán Holub (Prague)
Shunsuke Inenaga (Kyushu)
Robert Mercas (Loughborough) co-chair
Dirk Nowotka (Kiel)
Jarkko Peltomäki (Turku)
Edita Pelantová (Prague)
Narad Rampersad (Winnipeg)
Daniel Reidenbach (Loughborough) co-chair
Jeffrey Shallit (Waterloo)
Arseny Shur (Yekaterinburg)
*Important dates*
Submission deadline: April 12, 2019
Notification to authors: May 20, 2019
Deadline for final versions: June 3, 2019
Conference: September 9–13, 2019
*Submission guidelines*
Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages and be prepared according to the following guidelines and LNCS-style LaTeX2e. All proofs omitted due to space constraints should be given in an appendix or made accessible through a reliable link to a freely available electronic preprint (updated before submission). These will be read at the discretion of the program committee.
Only original submission which have not been submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF through the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=words2019
The conference is organised by the Department of Computer Science, School of Science,
Loughborough University, UK.
(Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate.)
Updated information: Invited speakers
Fourth International Conference on
Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2019)
24 -- 30 June 2019, Dortmund, Germany
http://easyconferences.eu/fscd2019/ <http://easyconferences.eu/fscd2019/>
All deadlines are midnight anywhere-on-earth (AoE); late
submissions will not be considered.
Titles and Short Abstracts: 8 February 2019
Full Papers: 11 February 2019
Rebuttal period: 28 March -- 1 April 2019
Authors Notification: 8 April 2019
Final version for proceedings: 22 April 2019
FSCD covers all aspects of formal structures for computation and
deduction from theoretical foundations to applications. Building on
two communities, RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and TLCA
(Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications), FSCD embraces their core
topics and broadens their scope to closely related areas in logics,
models of computation (e.g. quantum computing, probabilistic
computing, homotopy type theory), semantics and verification in new
challenging areas (e.g. blockchain protocols or deep learning
Suggested, but not exclusive, list of topics for submission are:
1. Calculi:
Rewriting systems, Lambda calculus, Concurrent calculi, Logics,
Type theory, Homotopy type theory, Logical frameworks, Quantum
2. Methods in Computation and Deduction:
Type systems; Induction and coinduction; Matching, unification,
completion and orderings; Strategies; Tree automata; Model
checking; Proof search and theorem proving; Constraint solving and
decision procedures
3. Semantics:
Operational semantics; Abstract machines; Game Semantics; Domain
theory; Categorical models; Quantitative models
4. Algorithmic Analysis and Transformations of Formal Systems:
Type inference and type checking; Abstract interpretation;
Complexity analysis and implicit computational complexity; Checking
termination, confluence, derivational complexity and related
properties; Symbolic computation
5. Tools and Applications:
Programming and proof environments; Verification tools; Proof
assistants and interactive theorem provers; Applications in
industry (e.g. design and verification of critical systems);
Applications in other sciences (e.g. biology)
6. Semantics and verification in new challenging areas:
Certification; Security; Blockchain protocols; Data bases; Deep
learning and machine learning algorithms; Planning
* Beniamino Accattoli (INRIA, Paris, France)
https://sites.google.com/site/beniaminoaccattoli/ <https://sites.google.com/site/beniaminoaccattoli/>
* Amy Felty (University of Ottawa, Canada)
http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~afelty/ <http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~afelty/>
* Sarah Winkler (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/swinkler/ <http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/swinkler/>
* Hongseok Yang (KAIST, Korea)
https://sites.google.com/view/hongseokyang/ <https://sites.google.com/view/hongseokyang/>
The proceedings will be published as an electronic volume in the
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) of Schloss
Dagstuhl. All LIPIcs proceedings are open access.
Submissions can be made in two categories. Regular research papers
are limited to 15 pages (including references, with the possibility to
add an annex for technical details, e.g.\ proofs) and must present
original research which is unpublished and not submitted
elsewhere. System descriptions are limited to 15 pages (including
references) and must present new software tools in which FSCD topics
play an important role, or significantly new versions of such
tools. Submissions must be formatted using the LIPIcs style files and
submitted via EasyChair. Complete instructions on submitting a paper
can be found on the conference web site:
http://easyconferences.eu/fscd2019/ <http://easyconferences.eu/fscd2019/>
The program committee will consider declaring this award to a paper in
which at least one author is a junior researcher, i.e. either a
student or whose PhD award date is less than three years from the
first day of the meeting. Other authors should declare to the PC Chair
that at least 50% of contribution is made by the junior
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended
version for a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science.
H. Geuvers, Radboud U. Nijmegen (Chair)
Z. Ariola, U. of Oregon
M. Ayala Rincón, U. of Brasilia
A. Bauer, U. of Ljubljana
F. Bonchi, U. of Pisa
S. Broda, U. of Porto
U. Dal Lago, U. of Bologna & Inria
U. De'Liguoro, U. of Torino
D. Kapur, U. of New Mexico
P. Dybjer, Chalmers U. of Technology
M. Fernandez, King's College London
J. Giesl, RWTH Aachen
N. Hirokawa, JAIST
S. Lucas, U. Politecnica de Valencia
A. Middeldorp, U. of Innsbruck
F. Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon U.
B. Pientka, McGill U.
J. van de Pol, Aarhus U. & U. of Twente
F. van Raamsdonk, VU Amsterdam
C. Schürmann, ITU Copenhagen
P. Severi, U. of Leicester
A. Silva, U. College London
S. Staton, Oxford U.
T. Streicher, TU Darmstadt
A. Stump, U. of Iowa
N. Tabareau, Inria
S. Tison, U. of Lille
A. Tiu, Australian National U.
T. Tsukada, U. of Tokyo
J. Urban, CTU Prague
P. Urzyczyn, U. of Warsaw
J. Waldmann, Leipzig U. of Applied Sciences
Jakob Rehof, TU Dortmund
Boris Düdder, U. of Copenhagen
J. Vicary, Oxford U.
Sandra Alves , Porto U.
S. Alves (Porto U.),
M. Ayala-Rincón (Brasilia U.)
C. Fuhs (Birkbeck, London U.)
D. Kesner (Chair, Paris U.)
H. Kirchner (Inria)
N. Kobayashi (U. Tokyo)
C. Kop (Radboud U. Nijmegen)
D. Miller (Inria)
L. Ong (Chair, Oxford U.)
B. Pientka (McGill U.)
S. Staton (Oxford U.)
The Database Group at University of Bremen announces:
- one position at the level of Postdoc
- one position at the level of PhD student
Both positions are initally for the duration of 3 years, and
can be extended by two more years.
The positions include a teaching load of 4h per week during
teaching periods.
For further questions and applications please contact:
More details on these positions can be found below
(details for the PhD position are in German, but
non German speakers may apply).
Best regards,
Sebastian Maneth
(1) PostDoc Position:
At the University of Bremen in the department of mathematics and
informatics there is a full PostDoc position - under the condition of job
release – available, commencing at the earliest convenience, for a duration
of initially three years. The position is at the level of
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L
within the group "databases" headed by prof. Sebastian Maneth. The research
topics of this group lie at the intersection of databases, formal methods,
and automata theory. The position is funded by the university and includes
a teaching load of 4 hours per week during teaching periods (teaching may
be in English).
The employment is fixed-term and governed by the Act of Academic Fixed-Term
Contract, §2 I (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz – WissZeitVG). Therefore,
candidates may only be considered for appointment if they still have the
respective qualification periods available in accordance with § 2 (1)
Besides teaching the main tasks of the position are to carry out research
and to publish research results within the areas mentioned below. The
position serves for further scientific qualification with the aim of
Qualification: a PhD in computer science or mathematics and research
experience in at least on of the following areas:
- formal methods and automata
- databases
- algorithms
We expect good programming skills and eagerness to carry out and/or
coordinate programming tasks.
We specifically support the employment of women and encourage qualified
female researchers to apply. Disabled applicants with equal qualification
will be favoured for the positions. Applicants with a migration background
are welcome.
Please send your application (consisting of a cover letter stating the name
of a referee who is willing to write a letter of recommendation, your CV,
your motivation to work in this area, your master's thesis, copies of
transcripts showing your courses and grades) until 7th December 2018 by
indicating the job A294/18 to (applications sent after this date will also
be considered):
Universitaet Bremen
Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maneth
Bibliothekstrasse 1
28359 Bremen
or in electronic form (one PDF file) to maneth(a)uni-bremen.de
We kindly ask you to send us only copies of your application documents (no
folders) because they will not be returned for economic reasons.
(2) PhD position
An der Universität Bremen ist im Fachbereich 3 (Mathematik und Informatik)
zum nächstmöglichen Termin (vorbehaltlich der Stellenfreigabe) befristet
auf drei Jahre eine ganze Stelle zu besetzen:
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
Informatik - Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L
Die Befristung erfolgt zur wissenschaftlichen Qualifikation nach § 2 Abs. 1
WissZeitVG (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz). Demnach können nur
Bewerberinnen und Bewerber berücksichtigt werden, die noch in dem
entsprechenden Umfang über Qualifizierungszeiten nach § 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG
Die Stelle ist der Arbeitsgruppe „Datenbanken“ (DB) von Prof. Sebastian
Maneth zugeordnet, deren Forschungsgebiete unter anderem
Datenkomprimierung, formale Methode und die Anwendung von Automatentheorie
innerhalb der Datenbanken umfassen. Es handelt sich um eine aus Mitteln
der Universität finanzierte Landesstelle, die mit einer Lehrverpflichtung
von 4 SWS verbunden ist.
Die Stelle ist für Promovierende geeignet und kann für die eigene
wissenschaftliche Qualifikation genutzt werden (Promotion). Die
Stelleninhaberin/der Stelleninhaber soll die AG DB in Forschung und Lehre
verstärken. In der Lehre wird Engagement bei der Durchführung von Tutorien
zu Grundlehrveranstaltungen in Datenbanken erwartet. Bei vorhandener
Qualifikation können auch eigene Lehrveranstaltungen angeboten werden.
Voraussetzung ist ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Master) der
Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation. Gute Grundkenntnisse in
mindestens einem der folgenden für die AG derzeit relevanten
Forschungsthemen sind erforderlich:
- formale Methoden (z.B. Transducer) für “data wrangling”
- automatische Lernverfahren für Datensäuberungs- und “wrangling”-Prozesse
- Transformationen und Abfragen auf heterogenen Daten
- Schemasprachen für Graphdaten (z.B. RDF)
- Algorithmen auf Grammatik-komprimierten Graphen.
Es werden gute Programmierkenntnisse in einer der Programmiersprachen
Scala, C++ oder Java erwartet, so wie das Interesse und die Bereitschaft
Programmieraufgaben innerhalb der obigen Forschungsthemen zu übernehmen
und/oder zu koordinieren.
Die Universität Bremen fördert die Einstellung von Frauen. Es wird begrüßt,
wenn sich der Anteil von Frauen erhöht. Aus diesem Grund fordern wir vor
allem qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen nachdrücklich auf, sich zu
Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei gleicher Eignung der
Vorrang gegeben. Bewerbungen von Menschen mit einem Migrationshintergrund
sind willkommen.
Weitere Nachfragen und Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen richten Sie
bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer A237/18 bis zum 07.12.2018 an
(Bewerbung die nach dem Datum eingehen werde auch berücksichtigt):
Universität Bremen
Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maneth
Bibliothekstraße 1
28359 Bremen
oder in elektronischer Form (in einer pdf-Datei) an maneth(a)uni-bremen.de
Bewerbungen werden auch nach der Frist berücksichtigt, bis die Stelle
besetzt ist. Wir bitten Sie, uns von Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen nur Kopien
(keine Mappen) einzureichen, da wir sie nicht zurücksenden können.
Bewerbungs- und Vorstellungskosten werden nicht erstattet.
Creation of the World Logic Day: January 14
Day of birth of Alfred Tarski and of death of Kurt Gödel
See details in "Logic Prizes et Cætera":
Jean-Yves Beziau
Logica Universalis
VerifyThis Verification Competition 2019
Competition to be held at ETAPS 2019
Get involved, even if you cannot participate in the competition: provide a challenge!
Problems submission deadline: 28 January 2019
Competition: 6 and 7 April 2019
VerifyThis 2019 will take place as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2019) on 6 and 7 April 2019.
It is the 8th event in the VerifyThis competition series.
Information on previous events and participants can be found at http://verifythis.ethz.ch
The aims of the competition are:
- to bring together those interested in formal verification, and to provide an engaging, hands-on, and fun opportunity for discussion
- to evaluate the usability of logic-based program verification tools in a controlled experiment that could be easily repeated by others.
The competition will offer a number of challenges presented in natural language. Participants have to formalize the requirements, implement a solution, and formally verify the implementation for adherence to the specification.
There are no restrictions on the programming language and verification technology used. The correctness properties posed in problems will have the input-output behaviour of programs in focus. Solutions will be judged for correctness, completeness and elegance.
To be able to offer a broad and diverse set of verification challenges, we are collecting submissions of ideas for verification challenges and problems.
We welcome both problems of academic interest as well as challenges based on themes that are relevant in industry.
We encourage suggestions at any level of detail, including submissions without a fully worked out verification task.
- a problem may contain an informal statement of the algorithm to be implemented (optionally with complete or partial pseudocode) and the requirement(s) to be verified
- a problem should be solvable, at least in part, within a 60-90 minute time slot
- submission of reference solutions is welcome but not mandatory
- problems mainly suitable for specific languages or tools should be clearly identified as such
- problems that contain several subproblems or other means of difficulty scaling are especially welcome
- the organizers reserve the right (but no obligation) to use the problems in the competition, either as submitted or with modifications
- submissions from (potential) competition participants are allowed
Problems from previous competitions can be seen at http://verifythis.ethz.ch
Submissions are to be sent by email to verifythis(a)cs.nuim.ie by the date indicated above.
The submission most interesting and suitable for the competition will receive a prize.
* Claire Dross, AdaCore, France
* Carlo A. Furia, Universit�� della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Switzerland
* Marieke Huisman, University of Twente, the Netherlands
* Rosemary Monahan, Maynooth University, Ireland
* Peter M��ller, ETH Z��rich, Switzerland
Email: verifythis(a)cs.nuim.ie
Web: http://verifythis.ethz.ch
[Please circulate. Apologies for multiple copies.]
WoLLIC 2019
26th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
July 2nd to 5th, 2019
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Utrecht University, Faculty of Humanities, The Netherlands (host university)
Centro de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research
involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural
language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials
as well as contributed papers. The twenty-fifth WoLLIC will be held at
Utrecht University, The Netherlands, from July 2nd to 5th, 2019. It is
sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Interest Group
in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL), the The Association for Logic, Language
and Information (FoLLI), the European Association for Theoretical Computer
Science (EATCS), the European Association for Computer Science Logic
(EACSL), ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (ACM-SIGLOG)
(TBC), the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), and the Sociedade
Brasileira de Lógica (SBL).
Just before and after the main WoLLIC 2019 event, Utrecht University will
host two satellite workshops:
-Proof Theory in Logic on 1-2 July 2019. This workshop on the role of
structural proof theory in the study of logics will consist of invited
talks by researchers in that area.
-Compositionality in formal and distributional models of natural language
semantics, on July 6 2019.
The workshop programs will be announced end of December 2018 via the WoLLIC
2019 website (https://wollic2019.sites.uu.nl). Attendance of these
satellite workshops is free, but registration is required.
Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular
interest in cross-disciplinary topics. Typical but not exclusive areas of
interest are: foundations of computing and programming; novel computation
models and paradigms; broad notions of proof and belief; proof mining, type
theory, effective learnability; formal methods in software and hardware
development; logical approach to natural language and reasoning; logics of
programs, actions and resources; foundational aspects of information
organization, search, flow, sharing, and protection; foundations of
mathematics; philosophy of mathematics; philosophical logic; philosophy of
language. Proposed contributions should be in English, and consist of a
scholarly exposition accessible to the non-specialist, including
motivation, background, and comparison with related works. Articles should
be written in the LaTeX format of LNCS by Springer (see authors
instructions at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0).
They must not exceed 12 pages, with up to 5 additional pages for references
and technical appendices. The paper's main results must not be published or
submitted for publication in refereed venues, including journals and other
scientific meetings. It is expected that each accepted paper be presented
at the meeting by one of its authors. (At least one author is required to
pay the registration fee before granting that the paper will be published
in the proceedings.) Papers must be submitted electronically at the WoLLIC
2019 EasyChair website. (Please go to
http://wollic.org/wollic2019/instructions.html for instructions.) A title
and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by Feb 22, 2019, and the
full paper by Feb 26, 2019 (firm date). Notifications are expected by April
5, 2019, and final papers for the proceedings will be due by April 15, 2019
(firm date).
The proceedings of WoLLIC 2019, including both invited and contributed
papers, will be published in advance of the meeting as a volume in
Springer's LNCS series. In addition, abstracts will be published in the
Conference Report section of the Logic Journal of the IGPL, and selected
contributions will be published (after a new round of reviewing) as a
special post-conference WoLLIC 2019 issue of a scientific journal (to be
ASL sponsorship of WoLLIC 2019 will permit ASL student members to apply for
a modest travel grant (deadline: May 1st, 2019). See
http://www.aslonline.org/studenttravelawards.html for details.
Feb 22, 2019: Paper title and abstract deadline
Feb 26, 2019: Full paper deadline
April 5, 2019: Author notification
Apr 15, 2019: Final version deadline (firm)
Raffaella Bernardi (University of Trento)
Nick Bezhanishvili (University of Amsterdam)
Giuseppe Greco (Utrecht University)
Philippe de Groote (INRIA Nancy)
Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University) (Co-CHAIR)
Roberto Maieli (Department of Mathematics and Physics, University "Roma
Michael Moortgat (Utrecht University) (Co-CHAIR)
Richard Moot (CNRS (LIRMM) & University of Montpellier)
Larry Moss (Indiana University Bloomington)
Sara Negri (University of Helsinki)
Carlo Nicolai (King's College London)
Valeria de Paiva (Nuance Comms and University of Birmingham)
Alessandra Palmigiano (Delft University of Technology)
Ruy de Queiroz (Centro de Informatica, Univ Federal de Pernambuco)
Yde Venema (University of Amsterdam)
Fan Yang (University of Helsinki)
Samson Abramsky, Johan van Benthem, Anuj Dawar, Joe Halpern, Wilfrid
Hodges, Juliette Kennedy, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Daniel Leivant, Leonid Libkin,
Angus Macintyre, Lawrence Moss, Luke Ong, Hiroakira Ono, Valeria de Paiva,
Ruy de Queiroz, Jouko Väänänen. (Former Member: Grigori Mints (deceased).)
Giuseppe Greco (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) (Local co-chair)
Anjolina G. de Oliveira (Univ Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil)
Ruy de Queiroz (Univ Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil) (co-chair)
Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL)
The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI)
Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL)
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)
European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL)
ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (ACM-SIGLOG) (TBC)
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC)
Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL)
Contact one of the Co-Chairs of the Organising Committee.
The 1st Logic Prizes Contest was organized during UNILOG'2018
(6th World Congress and School in Universal Logic)
in Vichy, France, June 16-26, 2018.
There was the participation of winners of 9 different countries.
All the contestants presented their work during a special session Sunday
And it was decided which was the best paper among the 9 by a jury formed by
7 world famous logicians.
The winning paper as well as the other ones have been published in a
special issue of Logica Universalis (Birkhäuser / Springer Nature)
This issue is freely accessible to anybody:
Jean-Yves Beziau
Logica Universalis
EPIT 2019 - Spring school on databases, logic and automata
CIRM - Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques - Marseille Luminy - France
April 7-12, 2019
**** NEWS ****
*** Pre-registration is open (until January 13, 2019)
Please pre-register at https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/1934.html
IMPORTANT : Note that registration will be finalised only after receiving confirmation from us, and paying registration fees.
*** Registration fees will be around 150 Euros per participant. Registration is free for CNRS agents.
EPIT (École de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique, https://epit.irif.fr/) is a French recurrent spring school in theoretical computer science, initiated by Maurice
Nivat in 1973. It has since then spanned many exciting topics in foundational computer science, and has become a major event for the research community in France and beyond.
The 2019 edition of the EPIT will cover the foundations of data management.
It will in particular focus on the fruitful interaction between database theory and two other main areas of theoretical computer science : logic and automata - as well as other closely related fields, such as finite model theory, descriptive complexity, game theory, and inference.
* Arrival before dinner
* Morning: Introduction to database theory (Pierre Senellart, ENS Paris)
* Afternoon :
- Optimal joins (Szymon Toruńczyk, Warsaw)
- Poster session
* Morning: Logic and automata for semi-structured data (Diego Figueira, Bordeaux)
* Afternoon:
- Logic-based distributed query processing (Frank Neven, Hasselt)
- Incremental query evaluation (Thomas Schwentick, Dortmund)
* Morning: Graph data management (Wim Martens, Beyreuth)
* Morning: Databases and descriptive complexity (Nicole Schweikardt, Humboldt)
* Afternoon:
- View-based query processing (Nadime Francis, Marne la Vallée)
- Incomplete data management (Leonid Libkin, Edinburgh)
* Morning : Ontologies and rules (Meghyn Bienvenu, Montpellier)
Poster sessions will be organised, so that participants who are willing to, will be able to present their work.
All courses will be given in English.
A detailed schedule of activities is available here https://www.cirm-math.fr/ProgWeebly/2019/Renc1934/Prog1934.pdf.
Lectures are intended to be accessible to a wide audience. No prior knowledge of database theory will be assumed, but some familiarity with basic automata theory and logic is recommended.
The EPIT 2019 Spring School is primarily addressed to PhD students and young researchers, but more senior participants are also encouraged to join.
Date and Venue
The EPIT 2019 Spring School will take place from Monday, April 8th to Friday, April 12th, 2019 in France, at CIRM, the International Center for Mathematical Meetings (https://www.cirm-math.fr/) in Luminy, Marseille.
Directions for reaching CIRM are available here https://www.cirm-math.com/getting-to-cirm.html.
Consider arriving at CIRM on Sunday April 7th before dinner and leaving on Friday April 12th after lunch.
Pre-registration is open on the Webpage of the event https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/1934.html until January 13th 2019.
IMPORTANT : after pre-registration you will have to wait for our confirmation before proceeding to the payment of registration fees. Only then the registration will be finalised.
We plan to enable registration a week after the pre-registration deadline at the latest.
Registration fees, including accommodation and meals at CIRM, will be around 150 Euros per participant (the precise amount will be announced soon). Registration will be free for CNRS agents.
The school is organised by :
Amélie Gheerbrant <amelie(a)irif.fr>
Leonid Libkin <libkin(a)inf.ed.ac.uk>
Luc Segoufin <luc.segoufin(a)inria.fr>
Pierre Senellart <pierre(a)senellart.com>
Cristina Sirangelo <cristina(a)irif.fr>
For any further information please contact the organisers.
The Database Group at the School of Informatics, University of
Edinburgh, is recruiting three post-doctoral researchers. The
positions are open to database researchers with a promising
publication record who have a PhD, or are close to completing their
PhD, in computer science or closely related field.
The post is in connection with an EPSRC programme grant "VADA: Value
Added Data Systems" that combines database teams from Edinburgh,
Oxford, and Manchester. The current focus of the database group in
Edinburgh is on formal semantics of query languages for relational and
graph databases, developing languages for graph databases, handling
incomplete data, and querying inconsistent databases. We are looking
for researchers with both theory and systems building skills.
These full-time posts are available from 1 December 2018 for one year
(with a possibility of extension).
To apply please visit
Informal inquiries to:
Paolo Guagliardo (paolo.guagliardo at ed.ac.uk), Leonid Libkin (libkin
at ed.ac.uk), Andreas Pieris (apieris at inf.ed.ac.uk)
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Call for Participation:
Winter School in Computer Science and Engineering on Blockchains and
We are soliciting graduate student and postdoc applications for a Third
Winter School in Computer Science and Engineering on Blockchains and
Cryptocurrencies at the Israeli Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) to
be held 16-21 December 2018.
The CSE Winter School has organized annual Advanced Schools in
Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Economic Theory, Life Science and the
Humanities for more than thirty years. They have achieved international
recognition and consistently attract the top students and postdoctoral
scholars worldwide to Jerusalem. For this year's Winter School in
Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies Michael Rabin, a Turing laureate, will
serve as general director, and Prof. Maurice Herlihy and Prof. Moshe Vardi
will serve as co-directors.
The Michael Rabin lecture will be given by Silvio Micali (MIT).
Other confirmed speakers are:
Ittai Abraham (VMWare Research)
Maurice Herlihy (Brown University)
Emin Gun Sirer (Cornell University)
Aviv Zohar (The Hebrew University)
Register at: http://ias.huji.ac.il/cse3.
Israel Institute for Advanced Studies | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Edmond J. Safra Campus | Jerusalem | 91904 | Israel | 02-6584735
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