Dear Participants,
In the link below, you receive the abstracts and slides.
The schedule is attached as well.
See you at the venue.
M.Sc. Hamid Reza Bayat
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Assistant
RWTH Aachen, Institut für Angewandte Mechanik (IFAM),
Prof. Dr.-Ing. S. Reese
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1,
52074 Aachen.
Tel.: +49-(0)241 80-25004 (Sekretariat -25001)
Fax.: +49-(0)241 80-22001
Mail: hamid.reza.bayat(a)<>
Dear Participants of the Euromech Colloquium 600,
we are very much looking forward to seeing you here in Aachen.
Hopefully, you will have a safe travel and easily find your hotels and the meeting place!
If anything goes completely wrong, please call
Stefanie Reese +49 172 6562025
Eva-Maria Goertz +49 241 80 25001
The weather has improved again. There was snow in the morning (!), but now the sun shines, not for long I assume.
The next days will be mixed but unfortunately not warm (below 10 degrees and some rain ...).
Best regards
Stefanie, Peter and the organization team
Sarah Berns, Eva-Maria Goertz & Axel Mittendorf
Euromech Colloquium 600: Team Organisation & Verwaltung
RWTH Aachen Universität
Institut für Angewandte Mechanik
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1
52074 Aachen
Tel.: +49 (0) 80-25011 oder 80-25001
Fax.: +49(0) 80-22001
E-Mail: euromech600(a)
Dear Euromech 600 participants,
Since we are approaching the colloquium days, a guide on the direction to the venue might be helpful. Please visit the link below:
We wish you a nice weekend.
See you soon,
Organization team
M.Sc. Hamid Reza Bayat
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Assistant
RWTH Aachen, Institut für Angewandte Mechanik (IFAM),
Prof. Dr.-Ing. S. Reese
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1,
52074 Aachen.
Tel.: +49-(0)241 80-25004 (Sekretariat -25001)
Fax.: +49-(0)241 80-22001
Mail: hamid.reza.bayat(a)<>
Dear Participants of the Euromech Colloquium 600,
we are looking forward to seeing you in Aachen!
In this e-mail we would like to provide some further information about the special format of the colloquium.
As you may have noticed, every contribution is planned to have a duration of 30 minutes. However, please be aware that
This means that you do not have to prepare so many slides. Certainly you can have backup slides. But important is the following:
THE SLOT ENDS AFTER 30 MINUTES, independently of the fact, whether you have shown all slides.
· It is completely in your hands, how you steer the discussion. For instance you could focus on a theoretical formulation. Then it would be good to present that in such a way that the auditorium can follow and ask THE questions you might want to have. You can also put questions directly on the slides. Or you focus on a specific application. Then you might plan to go through the theory quickly and show more details about the application.
· But certainly ... questions can come about every part of your presentation, maybe just about the parts which are not described in detail ... Also questions about notation are absolutely normal and welcome to clarify the probably upcoming 20 different notations ... ;).
· There will be the possibility to write something on the board.
· The outcome and value of the discussion depends on us altogether. It will be the task of the chairpersons to steer the group a little. For example, It should not happen that a discussion between only two participants eats up 15 minutes or so. In the opposite case that there are not enough questions, the chairperson should trigger some discussion ...
In order to help us all to be better prepared for the discussion, we ask every speaker to
The DEADLINE for that is March 7, because we need some time to construct a pdf file and to send it around. This file will contain the abstract and the slides for every contribution.
We are very much looking forward to the discussion and to learn new things ...
Best regards!
Stefanie and the EUR600 organization team
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Reese
RWTH Aachen University
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1
D-52074 Aachen
+49(0)241-80 25000<>