Fwd: [CP] [EVENT] LC Delft - Size Does Matter 6th - 12th of June

Klingt interessant! Möchte jemand nach Delft? Grüße Andreea ********************************************* Organizing LC : LC Delft Workshop: Size does Matter When: 06.06.2010 - 12.06.2010 Number of participants: 20 Deadline: 2.5.2010 Email to contact: eestec-news@etv.tudelft.nl Website: http://eestec.net/lc/delft/workshop-size-does-matter (log in first) ************************************************************************** Workshop Size Does Matter In the first workshop to Delft in two years you will get a great chance in getting to know Delft, Amsterdam and the rest of the Netherlands.The Lectures and Excursions will be about the importance of size in Electrical Engineering. We will visit a High Voltage Lab, a Microelectronics Lab and join a conference on e-paper. Of course you will learn a lot about the Dutch and especially the Delft traditions. When Jun 06, 2010 to Jun 12, 2010 Deadline May 02, 2010 12:00 AM The TU Delft is one of the oldest western Universities of Technology. The presence of students definitely left a mark in the historic city. The city, where famous painters created their masterpieces, now has a nightlife that is entirely dominated by students. In our workshop we will go into detail about the Delft student life at one hand, and the importance of size in electrical engineering on the other. Draft of the program: The workshop will be in the week of the 5th till the 10th of June. During the week you will feel how it is to be a little bit Dutch, get firsthand experience in our party scene and learn/see some unique things that only the Netherlands / Delft has to offer. * On Sunday people are expected to arrive by bus, train or any other means possible at the hosts. Some lucky participants may get the chance to be picked up by the ETV board limo. * On Monday, after the official opening, the participants will have a chance to get to know our faculty (including the kick-ass research labs we have). In the afternoon you will go outside and you will see the history of Delft. Of course this trip ends in one of Delfts typical cafés were we will teach you how to go Dutch. * On Tuesday morning we will teach you how to become a Delft student. You will learn how a student gets around and how to tie a tie. In the afternoon we will get to take part in the E-Paper conference. * Wednesday will be all about Amsterdam. We will go there by train, first have a guided tour and then some free time in the Dutch capital. * We cannot really say much about the program for Thursday. Some lectures about the importance of size in Medical Engineering are in the pipeline. We will, of course, do this in cooperation with our local EMSA partner. * Because of the exiting week, on Friday youll have a typical Delft anti-hangover breakfast, on the roof of our library. In order to relax some more, we will go to the beach of Scheveningen. On the way there the tram passes the Peace Palace in The Hague, were the International Court of Justice is located. To make the week complete, youll get a change to visit Madurodam, a museum were all famous Dutch landmarks are rebuild in miniature size so you cant miss anything. _______________________________________________ EESTEC Contact Persons mailing list
participants (1)
CP Aachen