
LC Cosenza 

WorkShop: “R.A.M.S. - Power of Safety Control”

When: 6th – 13th May 2010

Number of participants: 20 EESTECers

Deadline: 30th May 2010

Application form: Apply now


Dear EESTECer, 

The Idea was born from a need to find a subject with the potentiality to be applied with a lot of enginnering systems, we know the importance of security but we know also that it can't constrain the progress....do you know a solution??? yes !!! R.A.M.S. analisys. You can came here and discover more about it.

It will be a workshop event, with lectures and lessons about R.A.M.S. analisys.

Not only academics part wait you but lots of parties, funny moments and special occasion to stay together, you can "taste" the italian culture....LC Cosenza are waiting you with its famous ospitality.

What else can we say but try not to miss this chance ..... Apply now!!

See you in Cosenza........greetings from Italy

Nicola Donato
Contact Person - LC Cosenza
Board Assistant - Department of Internal Affairs
EESTEC International
e-mail: nicola.donato86@gmail.com
mobile phone: +393208360188