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February 2009
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions
Hallo Leute,
Einige von euch (ETs und EETs) haben gesagt, sie würden gerne mal wo
anders hinfahren. Ich weiß nicht mehr genau, wer das war, also hier eine
Nachricht an die ganze Gruppe:
Unten stehen die Workshops, die im Moment aktuell sind. Wenn ihr
Interesse habt, meldet euch BEI MIR (aachen(a) Ich werde dann
Kontakt mit den jeweiligen Organisatoren aufnehmen. Sie brauchen nämlich
meine Bestätigung, dass ihr von LC Aachen seid. Ansonsten, traut euch,
fahrt weg. Und wer weiß, vielleicht werden ihr auch Spaß dabei haben
:-). Ich glaube ich kenne niemanden, der mal weg war und gesagt hat: Oh
mein Gott, das war ja entsetzlich, das mach ich nie wieder! Es sind
alles coole Leute und sehr gutes Programm! Im Grunde brauch ihr keine
Kenntnisse über das jeweilige Thema habe. Ihr brach nicht
Telekommunikation zu studiern um an einem solchen Event leitzunehmen.
Sollte mal tatsächlich Hintergrundwissen erforderlich sein, steht es in
der Einladung. Also, keine angst!
Grüße Andreea
And now in english:
some of you said, they wanted to go abroad. Here are some workshops,
which you can apply now. If you are interested, WRITE ME
(aachen(a) I will have to make contact with the organisers.
Direct applications won't be considered, because, they need my
confirmation, that you are from LC Aachen. So, be brave, take your
chance and visit other countries. The people are great and the scheduels
are great, too. You don't have to be expert in the field, which the
workshop will contain. You don't have to study telecommunications to
attend a worksop about mobile telec. If there should be, such a request,
the invitation will inform you. So don't be shy! The current workshops
are listed below:
*LC Ljubljana*
*Workshop:* *Next Generation Mobile Services*
*Date: 6th - 12th April 2009 *
*Deadline to apply is 1st of March.*
*Number of participants: 15
*Hello EESTEC people,
we are proud to present to you our next workshop, called *"Next
Generation Mobile Services"*. Not only are you going to learn about
recent trends and technologies in mobile and telecommunication industry,
you will actively take part in developing your own IP-based application,
that will be deployable on a range of devices, including mobile phones,
PCs, set-top boxes, PDAs... You will get to know the latest
production-quality IMS open source development framework, called Service
Development Studio. As SDS is Java-based framework, it is highly
advisable that you be familiar with object-oriented programming (OOP)
and have worked with an OOP language before. Do not worry if you do not
know Java, the first day will be dedicated to basics, so you will become
comfortable with IDE and language:)).
Of course, there is so much more to taking part in this workshop than
what you have just read! We are working hard so that you will spend
unforgettable time here in Ljubljana. There will be City Rally,
International drink and food night, visiting Ljubljana's castle,
You will be spending the weekend before departure in the countryside,
learning the secret "snake" game, getting to know "Mongolia" and dancing
"Here we come, here we go"! :))
*LC Ljubljana*
*Workshop:* *Power Engineering Today and Tomorrow*
*Date: 6th - 12th April 2009 *
*Deadline to apply is 1st of March.*
*Number of participants: 15*
<> Dear EESTECers!
After looong time LC Ljubljana is proud to announce its WS... *Power
Engineering Today and Tomorrow (PETT)*.
PETT is a traditional workshop, where we discuss about current problems
and future challenges in power engineering field. This year's topic will
Energy consumption everywhere is increasing every year, although there
haven't been many investments in infrastructure and new renewable
resources. In past the system has always been re-dimensioned, so regular
users (people) now don't aware that the whole system is on the edge of
its capabilities. I the last decade, ways of producing electrical energy
has been drastically changed, in addition to that, the whole concept of
production and distribution of electrical energy is on doorstep of its
changes. Instead of big producing units with conventional resources
(nuclear plants, thermo plants) and one-way distribution system, we have
now mass of small, low power renewable resources (wind turbines, solar
plants...). Can we cover all of the needs for electrical power with
renewable resources, is fission more appropriate, or do we expect from
scientists to handle the process of fusion?
Participants will receive lectures by some of European most acknowledged
experts and professors, on:
* renewable resources
* nuclear energy
* transmission of energy
* overview of current situation in energetic in Europe
* distributed generation of electrical energy
* vision and future plans for European electrical energy development
* and more
On practical part will participants make some of practical experiments
and make some solutions on current problems in energetic field, which
concerns our every day life. There will be also excursion to nuclear
power plant Krško.
*As we say in Ljubljana, WORK HARD, PARTY HARDER!!!* There will also be
plenty of time for sightseeing and attending parties in local clubs and
pubs (who has the craziest parties in EESTEC !?!). After the long but
still to short(!) week, we'll take you out of city for the weekend to
relax and to get some outdoor fun.
We really look forward to see you in Ljubljana. Be ready for an amazing
week, full of quality lectures, crazy parties and be prepared to push
your creativity, mind and spirit to the limits!
*LC Banja Luka*
Workshop: *"World of Networks '09: Next Generation Networks"*
When: *from* *14^th to 20^th March*
Number of places: *20 EESTECers*
Deadline to apply: *25^th February* <>
Website: <>
Hello EESTECers!
Well people, you can be sure that those who come will spend seven
memorable days and enjoy the spring colors of our city... A lot of fun,
a lot of parties, gigs, gallons of beer, girls, guys, etc. are reasons
good enough to come here and together we will make this event an
unforgettable one. Girls should skip the next sentence, but there are
still some boys without girlfriends left - a few, but enough!:) They say
that female:male ratio in Banja Luka is 7:1. I don't know if that is
true, but believe me, it might be nearly like that. You must come and
check it for yourself!
Brave ones will take part in a rafting tour down the Vrbas river. It was
planned as an obligation for every participant if the Workshop was in
summer, but since the water is very very (even more very) cold, only
those who really want some more adrenaline in their blood will raft...
...what am I saying ... of course that everyone will raft. Free aspirin
(with rakija) and warm blankets will be given afterwards.
I am sure that we will not disappoint you on this funturistic part of
the Workshop.
Now, something about educational part of this Workshop. There will be at
least two days of lectures and presentations. Of course, workshop will
be about */telecommunication networks/*. The main topic will be */Next
Generation Networks and IMS/* and their key role in delivering
multimedia services (including voice, pictures, text and video, or any
combination of these) across fixed and mobile networks. We will discuss
how this convergence of networks and services affects implementing
triple play, and what will be further development of future
telecommunication networks.
More information will be available soon on our website
*Event:* E-Health
*Organizing LC:* LC Madrid
*Time:* 12th April - 19th April 2009
*Deadline:* 24th February 2009
*Participants number:* 20 (probably higher)
We're proud to announce our first event for 2009! Due to the high
success of our last event, we've decided to strike back with the same
topic for this year's workshop: *E-Health*. The topic, (as maybe you can
infere from the title) is Bioengineering and Telemedicine. The event
will be held from 12th to 19th April.
And what about party? As we say about our city: Madrid never sleeps.
During the whole week you'll have a lot of chances to feel Madrid's
party and lifestyle, as well as to visit some of the landmarks of our
city and participate in the traditional city rally.
We're also organizing a huge surprise for the weekend you'll definitely
like :D. If you want to know more about this, you have no other choice
than applying from the event and discovering it yourself!
Another important point... We're sorry to have to say this, but as we
don't apply for EU grant, every year we have to make great efforts to
find sponsors for our events. In previous events some years back, we had
problems with some people showing a total lack of consideration for our
work, sleeping during conferences with the sponsors and university
professors, which made us lose all our credibility among them. This time
we won't tolerate anything similar. Joking apart, participants will be
warned and eventually expelled from the event if warnings are
disregarded. When there is time to party, we party (and trust me, there
will be! :D), but when it's time to work, we work (and later we have
Acceptance criteria won't be FIFO, but the time of your application will
be highly considered