vom 27. November bis zum 02. Dezember diesen Jahres findet wieder unser
legendäres Niko Event, dieses mal in der XL Ausgabe, statt. Dazu werden
wir 10 Studierende aus ganz Europa einladen und ihnen in dieser Woche
ein ansprechendes kulturelles und touristisches Programm in Aachen und
der Euregio bieten. Um dieses Ereignis möglichst ansprechend über die
Bühne zu bringen suchen wir noch aachener Studierende, welche sich an
der Gestaltung des Programmes oder der Unterbringung unserer Gäste
beteiligen möchten. Wenn Ihr Interesse habt, so meldet euch bei uns,
oder kommt einfach donnerstags um 20:00, jedoch nicht am 27.10.,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
LC Aachen, Germany
Simon Gabriel, chairman
Ich hab in den letzten Tagen unsere Mailbox etwas vernachlässigt, daher
hier einige Einladunsmails.
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Hi eestec-ers,
> As you already know, EESTEC LC Bucharest wants to
> invite you to be a participant at the 2nd edition of
> “Energy Always a Challenge” workshop.
> We are trying to organize a special power engineering
> event, so we need 20 students, with high interest in
> sustainable development in power engineering. Please,
> put on your tie and your suit because we will invite
> representatives of UE, Ministry of Industry,
> Government, and councilors of the Romanian Presidency,
> to talk about our future in a round table. We will try
> to imagine the world in which we’ll
> live when we'll be 80. Also, there will be some
> press invited, so we really want you to look good
> (maybe a fashion agency will promote your image and
> you will be a SUPER-STAR).
> To give more time to think about our offer, we took
> the decision to postpone our event with one week
> (between 30th of October and 6th of November). So we
> are waiting for your applications to come before 20th
> of October. Every LC has the right to send 2 people,
> but the first come is the first served and then, of
> course, you know the stories about the waiting list.
> So WS is from 30.10.2005 and 6.10.2005.
> Deadline 20.10.2005
> Hugs and kisses from Bucharest.
> ...
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
LC Aachen, Germany
Simon Gabriel, chairman
Hier eine Einladung aus Skopje
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> ...
> What does NETWORK mean???
> Wanna find out!!!!!!!
> You'll get the ultra mega special explanation for that
> in Skopje, Macedonia from 23-31.10.2005.
> The classes will be on a basic level, so for being a
> participant on this workshop, we are only asking for
> an EESTEC spirit. Don't panic! We won't kill you wirh
> lessons, cause we know knowlidge seriously damages
> your health and brain; so that's why we're going to
> refresh your brain cells with alchoholic stuff in
> those 9 craiziest days. And of course on this workshop
> you'll get one "rehabilitation" weekend in Ohrid, the
> city which has one of the oldest lakes.
> So, don't miss this opportunity and click on THE APPLY
> BUTTON (your cp).
> We are waiting............
> Frosina Paunkovska
> CP of EESTEC LC Skopje
> PS: 13.10.2005 Deadline
> ...
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
LC Aachen, Germany
Simon Gabriel, chairman
Hier eine Einladung aus Athen:
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Von: Benno Doemer <B.Doemer(a)fz-juelich.de>
> Datum: 7. Oktober 2005 09:34:33 MESZ
> An: eestec(a)post.rwth-aachen.de
> Betreff: [Fwd: WS in Athens]
> ...
> Hello EESTEC members all around Europe!
> LC Athens strikes back with our second WS.
> Do you think that greece is ideal for your summer
> holidays??
> Let us proove that winter in Athens can be as
> fascinating as summer!!!
> This time the main theme is going to be energy. So
> the working title is
> "Power engineering: Past, Present, Future " and the
> power
> managment at greece. Of course there will be many
> interesting lectures and visits...
> We can host 20 eestec members ( 2 of each lc) and the
> dates are 4th of december to 11th of december (
> deadlines 1st of November)
> About having fun there is no question and the parties
> will be at least memoriable!!
> So dont think about it... Come to Athens!
> With regards
> Anagnwstou George
> CP of LC Athens
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
LC Aachen, Germany
Simon Gabriel, chairman
hier eine Einladung aus Helsinki
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Von: Benno Dömer <bennod(a)gmx.de>
> Datum: 6. Oktober 2005 14:59:08 MESZ
> An: EESTEC-Liste <eestec(a)rwth-aachen.de>
> Betreff: [EESTEC] [Fwd: WS: LC Helsinki, 20.-27.11. "Smart House"
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: WS: LC Helsinki, 20.-27.11. "Smart House" [UPDATE]
> Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 11:52:24 +0300 (EEST)
> From: Aki Oksanen <aki.oksanen(a)hut.fi>
> To: cp(a)eestec.org
> Hello again!
> The website of our Workshop has been published:
> http://sik.tky.fi/workshop/english.html
> You can find the newest information there, including the timetable and
> instructions/requirements for the essay "Living in 2020".
> Of course you can always ask <helsinki-cp(a)eestec.org> too.
> The DL for applications is 19.10. and there are no limits for each LC's
> participants. Altogether we can host 20 EESTECers. Welcome!
> Important Notice:
> Though there is only one day marked for "fun stuff" in the timetable,
> don't worry. There will be a lot of action throughout the week and you
> can
> experience the crazy Finnish spirit! That's just the timetable for
> professional part and it's included in our official promoting website.
> Best regards,
> Aki Oksanen
> CP of LC Helsinki
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Wake-up EESTECers! It's time for action!
> LC Helsinki is organizing a Workshop about the technologies related to
> Smart
> Houses. The WS will be very professional with eight interesting and
> important
> companies from electrical, construction and software fields and that's
> why we
> are looking for students in their further studies. It doesn't matter
> what kind
> of studying history the participants have, but one has to be motivated
> and
> interested in product development and innovativeness.
> The Workshop will be held between the 20th and 27th of November (incl.
> arrival
> and departure days) and it consists of two days of company visits and
> two days
> of groupwork for defined problem set. Naturally there will be several
> parties
> and crazy Finnish spirit, so we promise to you a week full of action
> and
> experiences!
> We can host altogether 20 interested EESTECers. To apply you should
> write a
> motivation essay of 1-2 A4 papers about the topic "Living in 2020" and
> send it
> t...
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
LC Aachen, Germany
Simon Gabriel, chairman
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Von: Benno Dömer <bennod(a)gmx.de>
> Datum: 6. Oktober 2005 14:58:43 MESZ
> An: EESTEC-Liste <eestec(a)rwth-aachen.de>
> Betreff: [EESTEC] [Fwd: Workshop in Banja Luka (5.11. - 13.11.)
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Workshop in Banja Luka (5.11. - 13.11.) [UPDATE]
> Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 09:45:17 +0100
> From: Milenko Adamovic <adamm(a)inecco.net>
> To: <cp(a)eestec.org>
> Hello again,
> I have forgotten to mention 2 things in my last email (bad CP, bad
> CP!!!!).
> first: deadline - 25th of October (thanks to people who remind me about
> that)
> second: all participants should make 2 presentation (one concerning
> some
> general information about country they are coming from and second about
> potentials and usage of renewable energy sources in their country).
> Greets,
> Milenko Adamovic
> bad CP of LC Banja Luka
> _______________________________________________
> EESTEC Aachen mailing list
> EESTEC(a)rwth-aachen.de
> http://mailman.ind.rwth-aachen.de/mailman/listinfo/eestec
Simon Gabriel +49 241 9814066
Bendstr. 21 +49 176 23500661
52066 Aachen Simon(a)EESTEC.de