Hello everyone!

The DocBuddy Stammtisch (regulars' table) will be meeting next Wednesday, February 8th, same time (starting at 18:30), same place (Buddha Bar)--as always this semester, the second Wednesday evening of the month. We'll meet upstairs in the non-smoking section.

WHAT: Stammtisch
WHEN: Wed., Feb. 8, 18:30
WHERE: Buddha Bar (Büchel 14)

There were some new people from the Facebook group last time, so spread the word and we'll see how many new Faces we can get together this time =)

As always, friends and colleagues are welcome, so come on down and have a drink or some nice Indian-style food with us, and let's try to beat the cold with some nice hot chili peppers!

See you there!

--your DocBuddy team