Hey everyone!

Winter has arrived, and before we get lost in the busy Christmas season, the DoC.NET Stammtisch will get together for the last meeting of this year, next Wednesday, Dec. 5, starting at 18:30 at Cafe Orient Expresso (Templergraben 46, www.orient-expresso.de). 

WHAT: Stammtisch

WHEN: Wed., Dec. 5, 18:30
WHERE: Orient Expresso Cafe (Templergraben 46)

So grab a colleague, friend, or those nice people you just met at the Christmas market and join us for a warm drink or dinner.

See you there!

--your DocBuddy team

Visit us on Facebook - RWTH DoC.NET (www.facebook.com/groups/31975098323) 


Have you heard of the DocBuddy program, which matches new international PhD students and post-docs with locals who already know their way around Aachen? Check out the program and sign up at the Website: www.rwth-aachen.de/bebuddy