Hey everyone!
This is a reminder about the "rudirockt" event this Friday, October 1st.
For this event, teams of two (sign up alone or in pairs) run around
the city for a three-course meal, preparing and hosting one course and
visiting other participants' kitchens for the other two courses. At
each course you meet new people, and after dinner, there is a DJ-ed
party at Humbolt-Haus.
Please register as soon as possible at:
For more information, see the attached flyer or the original
announcement below.
--Your DoC.NET/BeBuddy team
"rudirockt" event on Oct. 1st for international and German PhD
students and post-docs
"rudirockt" is a fun, popular dinner/party event in which teams of two
cook and run around town together, serving one course themselves and
eating two other courses in other participants' kitchens. At every
course (appetizer, main course and dessert) you meet new people. After
dinner, everyone will come together at the Humbolt-Haus for a DJ-ed
party and have a drink with their new friends.
Sound like fun? Register at:
Unfortunately, the Website is only in German--so if you need some
translation, grab a colleague or a buddy, or write to us! Once
everyone is registered, you will all receive a message indicating
where you will eat which course of your meal and which your team will
cook and host.
So get your team together and register soon! See you at the after-
dinner party!
--Your DoC.NET/BeBuddy team
Liebe Eltern,
am Samstag, den 16. Oktober 2010 um 10.00 Uhr veranstaltet das International Office, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Eltern- Service Büro, ein Internationales Familienfrühstück im Humboldt- Haus in der Pontstrasse 41.
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein dabei zu sein!
Damit Sie ihr Frühstück in Ruhe genießen können, bieten wir im Haus eine Kinderbetreuung für ihr(e) Kinder an.
Wir nehmen einen kleinen Unkostenbeitrag von zwei Euro pro Erwachsenen, den sie am Tag des Familienfrühstücks bezahlen können.
Ich möchte Sie um kurze Rückmeldung bitten, mit wie vielen Erwachsenen und Kindern sie am Familienfrühstück teilnehmen werden.
Wir können den Einkauf und die Kinderbetreuung dann besser planen.
Genauere Informationen zur Anmeldung finden Sie in der angehängten Einladung. Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!
Mit den besten Grüßen,
Antje Becker
Dear parents,
on Saturday 16 October at 10 am the International Office and the Parent Services Center will be hosting an international family breakfast. Anybody interested is kindly invited to come along!
In order for you to be able fully to enjoy the breakfast, we provide a playcorner for your young children as well as a special childcare service at the facility.
If you wish to come to our breakfast, please let us know about how many adults and children you want to bring along by writing an e-mail to Ms. Antje Becker (antje.becker(a)zhv.rwth-aachen.de).
* Date: 16 October 2010
* Time and Location: 10 am, Humboldt-Haus, Pontsraße 41
We look forward seeing you,
Antje Becker
RWTH Aachen University
Dez. 2.0 - International Office
Abt. 2.2 - Betreuung / Dept. 2.2 - International Student and Scholar Services
Pontstrasse 41
52062 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)241 8099151
Fax: +49 (0)241 8092155
Email: antje.becker(a)zhv.rwth-aachen.de
http://www.humboldt.rwth-aachen.de <http://www.humboldt.rwth-aachen.de/>
Dear visiting researchers and doctoral students,
We are pleased to once again offer a beginner's German language course for women - your spouses and partners - who would like
to acquire basic oral and written communication skills.
The course will start on the 14th of October, deadline for registration is the 8th of October.
For registration details please see the information flyer attached.
Your Info-Service Center team
Liebe Gastwissenschaftler und Doktoranden,
wir freuen uns, Ihnen wieder einen Anfängerkurs Deutsch für Frauen anbieten zu können. Der Kurs ist konzipiert für Ihre Frauen und Partnerinnen, die Basiskenntnisse in mündlicher und schriftlicher Kommunikation erwerben möchten.
Kursbeginn ist diesmal der 14. Oktober, die Anmeldung muss bis zum 8. Oktober erfolgen.
Die Details zur Anmeldung entnehmen Sie bitte dem angehängten Flyer.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr Info-Service Center Team
RWTH Aachen University
Dezernat 2.0 - International Office
Info-Service Center
Abt. 2.2 - Betreuung / Dept. 2.2 - International Student and Scholar Services
Templergraben 57, Raum 329
52062 Aachen, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)241 80 90660
Fax: + 49 (0)241 80 92662
E-Mail: international(a)rwth-aachen.de <mailto:international@rwth-aachen.de>
www.rwth-aachen.de/internationales <http://www.rwth-aachen.de/internationales>
Mo, Di, Do und Fr von 9.30 bis 12.30 Uhr
Mi von 9:30 - 16.00 Uhr
Office Hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri 9:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m.
Wed 9:30 a.m - 4 p.m.
Hey everyone!
We are pleased to announce the first big event for the winter semester for DoC.NET/BeBuddy!
Get ready for a special session of "rudirockt" just for international and German PhD students and post-docs at RWTH Aachen!
"rudirockt" is a fun, popular dinner/party event in which teams of two cook and run around town together, serving one course themselves and eating two other courses in other participants' kitchens. At every course (appetizer, main course and dessert) you meet new people. After dinner, everyone will come together at the Humbolt-Haus for a DJ-ed party and have a drink with their new friends.
Sound like fun? Register at:
Unfortunately, the Website is only in German--so if you need some translation, grab a colleague or a buddy, or write to us! Once everyone is registered, you will all receive a message indicating where you will eat which course of your meal and which your team will cook and host.
So get your team together and register soon! See you at the after-dinner party!
--Your DoC.NET/BeBuddy team
Hey everyone,
This message is a reminder that the Stammtisch for international and
German PhD students and post-docs will take place next Tuesday evening,
September 7th, at 19:30 (7:30 p.m.) at Paella.
WHAT: Stammtisch
WHEN: first Tuesday of each month, 19:30
WHERE: Paella (tapas restaurant), Kockerellstr. 22
We hope to see you all there!
--Your DoC.NET team
Hey everyone,
This message is a reminder that the Stammtisch for international and German PhD students and post-docs will take place next Tuesday evening, September 7th, at 19:30 (7:30 p.m.) at Paella.
WHAT: Stammtisch
WHEN: first Tuesday of each month, 19:30
WHERE: Paella (tapas restaurant), Kockerellstr. 22
We hope to see you all there!
--Your DoC.NET team