Dear colleague, this is a gentle reminder to register for the D-CON meeting 2015 at Rolduc Abbey <http://www.rolduc.com/>, next to Aachen. The workshop will take place on March 5th and 6th. Please register until ** Wednesday, January 7th **. The workshop will feature talks and discussions on topics proposed by the participants as well as an invited talk given by Marieke Huisman (University of Twente, Netherlands). Up-to-date information can be found on the workshop's homepage: <http://moves.rwth-aachen.de/d-con2015/>. Please register and propose topics for D-CON '15 via e-mail to <d-con2015@cs.rwth-aachen.de>. Registration information should include your * Name * Institution * Arrival and departure date (arrival possible from Wednesday, March 4th, on) * Preference: single/double room * Dietary restrictions Important Dates --------------- * until 07.01.2015: registration * until 30.01.2015: talk and discussion topic proposals * 11.02.2015: announcement of preliminary program * 05.-06.03.2015: D-CON '15 (possible arrival on 04.03.2015) We are looking forward to see you for D-CON '15 at Rolduc! Best regards, Christina & Thomas
participants (1)
D-CON 2015