SCOPUS indexed conference ICECOCS’20 (IEEE ID : #50124) Kenitra Morocco --CFP-- December 02-03, 2020

IEEE I*C**E**C**O**C**S**’**20 *Call for Papers, Kenitra, Morocco *Call for Papers:** I**C**E**C**O**C**S**’**20* *[IEEE conference record number : #50124]* ** <> * <> The *2**nd** IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization and Computer Science **I**C**E**C**O**C**S**’**20* *December 02 – 03, 2020 - Kenitra, Morocco* [image: image.png] *=========================================================================* *Dear Professors and Colleagues,* We are pleased to invite you to submit your original papers for the *2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization and Computer Science* (*I**C**E**C**O**C**S**’**20*) which will be held from 02 to 03 December 2020 in Kenitra, Morocco. Please consider to contribute and distribute this CFP to your contacts, networks and appropriate groups. Thanks for your collaboration. We apologies for cross-posting. *======================================================================================* Accepted and presented papers will be published in *IEEE Xplore*, and selected papers will be considered for publication in *High Quality Indexed Journals*. *======================================================================================* *TOPICS:* ICECOCS’20 will be organized (but not limited) along the main following topics : *A*-COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES, *B* - ELECTRONICS, *C*-, CONTROL, *D*-OPTIMIZATION, *E*-MODELING AND SIMULATION and *F*- IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING *======================================================================================* *DEADLINES:* The ICECOCS'20 conference dates are as follows: Ø *Papers submission deadline* *May 01st, 2020* Ø *Acceptance notification* * July 31st, 2020* Ø *Camera ready* * August 31st, 2020* Ø *Registration deadline* * October 17th, 2020* *======================================================================================* *REGISTRATION FEES(*): *The registration fee includes conference Proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception, and closing. *Before October 15th, 2020* *After October 15th, 2020* *Moroccan Students* *1300 MAD / 130 Euro* *1800 MAD / 180 Euro* *Moroccan Academics* *1800 MAD / 180 Euro* *2300 MAD / 230 Euro* *International Students* *1500 MAD / 150 Euro* *2000 MAD / 200 Euro* *International Academics* *2000 MAD / 200 Euro* *2500 MAD / 250 Euro* *(*) : *IEEE members can send their IEEE membership id to request the reduced rate. *======================================================================================* *CONTACT:* ICECOCS’2020 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Phone: +212 694 500 536 /+212 694 500 554 /+212 694 500 096 / +212 661 353 272 Email: * <>* For more information we invite you to refer to: ** <>
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