> 40th Annual ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
> Software Verification and Testing Track
> Sicily, Italy, March 31 - April 4, 2025
> Submission deadline : October 13, 2024
> SAC 2025 website: https://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2025/
> SAC-SVT 2025 website: https://sac-svt.github.io/sac-svt-2025/
> ==== Important dates ====
> Oct 13, 2024 - Deadline submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts
> Nov 20, 2024 - Paper notification
> Nov 29, 2024 - Camera-ready and author registration
> Mar 31 - Apr 4, 2025 - ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
> ==== ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ====
> The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has gathered scientists
> from different areas of computing over the last thirty years. The forum
> gives participants an opportunity to interact with different communities sharing
> an interest in applied computing.
> SAC 2025 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied
> Computing (SIGAPP), and will take place on March 31 - Apr 4, 2025, Sicily, Italy.
> ==== Software Verification and Testing Track (SVT) ====
> The Software Verification and Testing track aims to contribute to the
> challenge of improving the usability of formal methods in software
> engineering. The track covers areas such as formal methods for
> verification and testing, based on theorem proving, model checking,
> static analysis, and run-time verification. We invite authors to submit
> new results in formal verification and testing, as well as development
> of technologies to improve the usability of formal methods in software
> engineering. We also welcome detailed descriptions of applications of
> mechanical verification to large scale software.
> ==== Topics ====
> Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
> * model checking
> * theorem proving
> * correct by construction development
> * model-based testing
> * software testing
> * symbolic execution
> * static and dynamic analysis
> * abstract interpretation
> * analysis methods for dependable systems
> * software certification and proof carrying code
> * fault diagnosis and debugging
> * verification and validation of large scale software systems
> * real-world applications and case studies applying software testing and verification
> * benchmarks and data sets for software testing and verification
> ==== Submission Guidelines ====
> Paper submissions must report on original, unpublished work. Submitted
> papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Author(s) name(s) and
> address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference
> should be avoided and made in the third person. We welcome research
> papers and posters. Research papers should have at most 8 two-column
> pages in ACM format (further two pages, to a total of 10 pages, may be
> available at a charge). The length of a poster is limited to 2 pages (one
> extra page may be available at a charge). Please comply to this page limit
> already at submission time.
> Furthermore, in the context of the Student Research Competition (SRC)
> program to provide graduate students the opportunity to meet and exchange
> ideas with researchers and practitioners in their areas of interest, graduate
> students are invited to submit research abstracts (single author, maximum
> of 3 pages in ACM camera-ready format) following the instructions published
> at the SAC 2025 website. Submission of the same abstract to multiple tracks
> is not allowed.
> Accepted papers will be published in the ACM SAC 2025 proceedings in the
> ACM digital library. Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of
> the paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending
> SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the paper/poster to be
> included in the ACM digital library. No-show of registered papers and posters
> will result in excluding them from the ACM digital library.
> The submission system for regular papers:
> https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=sac-2025
> The submission system for SRC (Student Research Competition) abstracts:
> https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=sacsrc-2025
> ==== Track Chairs ====
> Justyna Petke, University College London, United Kingdom
> Anton Wijs, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
40th Annual ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
Software Verification and Testing Track
Sicily, Italy, March 31 - April 4, 2025
Submission deadline : September, 20, 2024
SAC 2025 website: https://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2025/
SAC-SVT 2025 website: https://sac-svt.github.io/sac-svt-2025/
==== Important dates ====
Sep 20, 2024 - Deadline submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts
Oct 30, 2024 - Paper notification
Nov 29, 2024 - Camera-ready and author registration
Mar 31 - Apr 4, 2025 - ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
==== ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ====
The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has gathered scientists
from different areas of computing over the last thirty years. The forum
gives participants an opportunity to interact with different communities sharing
an interest in applied computing.
SAC 2025 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied
Computing (SIGAPP), and will take place on March 31 - Apr 4, 2025, Sicily, Italy.
==== Software Verification and Testing Track (SVT) ====
The Software Verification and Testing track aims to contribute to the
challenge of improving the usability of formal methods in software
engineering. The track covers areas such as formal methods for
verification and testing, based on theorem proving, model checking,
static analysis, and run-time verification. We invite authors to submit
new results in formal verification and testing, as well as development
of technologies to improve the usability of formal methods in software
engineering. We also welcome detailed descriptions of applications of
mechanical verification to large scale software.
==== Topics ====
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
* model checking
* theorem proving
* correct by construction development
* model-based testing
* software testing
* symbolic execution
* static and dynamic analysis
* abstract interpretation
* analysis methods for dependable systems
* software certification and proof carrying code
* fault diagnosis and debugging
* verification and validation of large scale software systems
* real-world applications and case studies applying software testing and verification
* benchmarks and data sets for software testing and verification
==== Submission Guidelines ====
Paper submissions must report on original, unpublished work. Submitted
papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Author(s) name(s) and
address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference
should be avoided and made in the third person. We welcome research
papers and posters. Research papers should have at most 8 two-column
pages in ACM format (further two pages, to a total of 10 pages, may be
available at a charge). The length of a poster is limited to 2 pages (one
extra page may be available at a charge). Please comply to this page limit
already at submission time.
Furthermore, in the context of the Student Research Competition (SRC)
program to provide graduate students the opportunity to meet and exchange
ideas with researchers and practitioners in their areas of interest, graduate
students are invited to submit research abstracts (single author, maximum
of 3 pages in ACM camera-ready format) following the instructions published
at the SAC 2025 website. Submission of the same abstract to multiple tracks
is not allowed.
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM SAC 2025 proceedings in the
ACM digital library. Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of
the paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending
SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the paper/poster to be
included in the ACM digital library. No-show of registered papers and posters
will result in excluding them from the ACM digital library.
The submission system for regular papers:
The submission system for SRC (Student Research Competition) abstracts:
==== Track Chairs ====
Justyna Petke, University College London, United Kingdom
Anton Wijs, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
[Apologies for multiple postings]
Final Call for Participation
19th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques
DisCoTec 2024
Groningen, The Netherlands, June 17-21, 2024
DisCoTec is one of the major events sponsored by the International
Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and the European Association
for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS).
DisCoTec 2024 will take place in Groningen, The Netherlands, between June
17-21, 2024, hosted by the University of Groningen.
* Registration *
Detailed information about registration can be found at
Deadline June 12, 2024 (23:59 CEST).
* Keynote Speakers *
- Marieke Huisman (University of Twente, NL)
VerCors: Inclusive Software Verification
- Laura Kovács (Vienna University of Technology, AT)
Automated Reasoning in BlockChain Security
- Paulo Veríssimo (KAUST, SA)
Platform Resilience? Beware of Threats from the “basement”
See https://www.discotec.org/2024/invited for further details.
* Main Conferences (June 18 - June 20) *
- COORDINATION 2024 (https://www.discotec.org/2024/coordination)
26th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
PC Chairs: Ilaria Castellani (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France) and
Francesco Tiezzi (University of Florence, Italy)
- DAIS 2024 (https://www.discotec.org/2024/dais)
24th International Conference on Distributed Applications and
Interoperable Systems
PC Chairs: Rolando Martins (University of Porto, Portugal) and Mennan
Selimi (South East European University, North Macedonia)
- FORTE 2024 (https://www.discotec.org/2024/forte)
44th International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed
Objects, Components, and Systems
PC Chairs: Valentina Castiglioni (Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Netherlands) and Adrian Francalanza (University of Malta, Malta)
* Programme *
The full programme can be found at
* Accepted Papers *
See https://www.discotec.org/2024/accepted-papers
<http://www.discotec.org/2024/accepted-papers> for details.
* Satellite Events (June 17 and June 21) *
- DiDiT 2024 (https://distributeddigitaltwins.github.io/2024/)
1st International Workshop on Distributed Digital Twins
- ICE 2024 (https://www.discotec.org/2024/ice)
17th Interaction and Concurrency Experience
- PLNL 2024 (https://conf.researchr.org/home/plnl-2024)
4th VERSEN Workshop on Programming Languages in The Netherlands
To receive live, up-to-date information, follow us on X @DisCoTecConf (
Please distribute (apologies for multiple postings):
PostDoc/PhD position in Formal Methods at the University of Konstanz
The newly established research group in Formal Methods for Software Engineering
at the University of Konstanz, led by TT-Prof. Emanuele D’Osualdo, is inviting
applications for a PhD position or a Postdoctoral position in Formal Methods,
Verification and Programming Languages:
* PhD position: Full time (4 years)
* Postdoc position: Full time (2 years + extensions)
Closing date: June 30th (not strict)
Starting date: as soon as possible
Application link: https://stellen.uni-konstanz.de/jobposting/1de6846cd08fd19408180654ed1d2131…
Doctoral and Postdoctoral researchers have a status as employee with a salary according to the German federal employee scale TV-L E13.
The focus of the group is:
* Verification of concurrent systems
(e.g. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3477082 and https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3571219),
* Foundations of logics and types
(e.g. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3563298 and https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3563318), and
* Verification of probabilistic programs
(e.g. https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.18708).
Outstanding people, even with only a partial match to these topics, are encouraged to apply.
As a member of our team, you will have the opportunity to contribute to
state-of-the-art research and interact with high-profile international
collaborators (e.g. from Uni. Toronto, Cornell, MPI-SWS, Imperial, Groningen).
The working language is English.
The University of Konstanz is one of the eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany, and is located in the beautiful city of Constance, by Lake Constance.
Please reach out to Prof. Emanuele D’Osualdo at emanuele.dosualdo(a)uni-konstanz.de for any questions.
For more info: https://stellen.uni-konstanz.de/jobposting/1de6846cd08fd19408180654ed1d2131…
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe an meinem Lehrstuhl eine wissMA-Stelle (Doktorand/in, Post-Doc, Akademische Rätin auf Zeit/Akademischer Rat auf Zeit) zu besetzen und würde mich freuen, wenn die Stellenausschreibung
an alle Interessenten verbreitet werden könnte.
Vielen Dank und beste Grüße
Gerald Lüttgen
Prof. Dr. Gerald Lüttgen
Lehrstuhl Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen, Fakultät WIAI, Universität Bamberg, 96045 Bamberg
Mail: gerald.luettgen(a)uni-bamberg.de | Web: https://www.swt-bamberg.de/ | Tel.: 0951 863-3850
Liebe D-CON Gemeinschaft,
wie bei unserem Treffen besprochen, steht die Wahl
für das Leitungsgremium unserer GI-Fachgruppe an.
Bitte meldet Euch
bis zum 29. März per Mail bei Kirstin und mir,
wenn Ihr im Leitungsgremium mitwirken möchtet.
Im Anschluss geben wir die Kandidaturen an die GI weiter,
die dann eine Online-Wahl organisieren wird.
Vielen Dank und beste Grüße
Prof. Dr. Roland Meyer
TU Braunschweig
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
Mühlenpfordtstr. 23, 346
38106 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0)531 391 9524
Fax: +49 (0)531 391 9529
Choreographic Programming: Call for Contributions
First International Workshop on Choreographic Programming co-located with
PLDI 2024
One-day event, TBD within 24–28th of June 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
Important dates
- Submission deadline: March 22nd, 2024 (AoE)
- Notification to authors: May 3rd, 2024 (AoE)
- Workshop day: TBD in week 26
Theme and Topics
Choreographies are coordination plans for concurrent and distributed
systems, which define the roles of the involved participants and how they
are supposed to work together. In the paradigm of choreographic programming
(CP), choreographies are programs that can be compiled to executable
CP originated primarily in the context of process calculi, with preliminary
work done to establish its foundations and experiment with implementations.
Recently, several proposals have shown that one can adapt CP to work in
synergy with mainstream programming paradigms, such as object-oriented and
functional programming. These works substantiate the interest of a growing
community of researchers and practitioners in evolving CP into a mature
paradigm, able to improve the productivity and reliability of programming
concurrent and distributed systems.
The aim of this workshop is to catalyse the community around CP by
soliciting contributions in the following topics:
- Theory and models of choreographic programming.
- Design and implementation of choreographic programming languages,
encompassing both standalone and library-based implementations.
- Design and implementation of runtime systems for choreographic
- Verification and testing of choreographic programs.
- Type systems for choreographic languages.
- Interactions with software engineering (e.g., software requirements,
design, construction, testing, analysis, and maintenance and software
development methodologies).
- Fault tolerance and reliability in the context of choreographic
- Synergies and comparisons with adjacent approaches for concurrent and
distributed programming (e.g., multitier programming).
Contributions and Evaluation
Contributions can be work in progress, scientific work published or
submitted for publication, tutorials, or practical experience reports.
Submissions should be no more than 6 pages excluding bibliography, using
the ACM Proceedings format. Templates for Microsoft Word and LaTeX can be
found at the SIGPLAN author information page.
Submissions will be evaluated following a lightweight double-blind review
For further details, refer to the workshop website and for any further
queries, please contact the chairs.
Program Chairs
Saverio Giallorenzo, University of Bologna, IT (
Lindsey Kuper, University of California, Santa Cruz, US (lkuper(a)ucsc.edu)
Marco Peressotti, University of Southern Denmark, DK (peressotti(a)sdu.dk)
Program Committee
Owen Arden, UC Santa Cruz, US
Marco Carbone, IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Ethan Cecchetti, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US
Luís Cruz-Filipe, University of Southern Denmark, DK
Eva Graversen, University of Southern Denmark, DK
Andrew K. Hirsch, University at Buffalo, SUNNY, US
Sung-Shik Jongmans, Open University of the Netherlands; CWI, NL
Ivan Lanese, University of Bologna, IT
Hugo A. López, Technical University of Denmark, DK
Rumyana Neykova, Brunel University London, UK
Larisa Safina, INRIA Lillle, FR
Guido Salvaneschi, University of St. Gallen, CH
Ian Sweet, Galois, Inc., US
Dear D-CON participants,
This a quick reminder for you to complete the survey on the computer games based around formalisms https://survey.bbisping.de/613437 . (Hit “Submit” if you haven't yet!)
I'll use the feedback as it's present at the start of the coffee break (~10:30) to announce the winners at the end of the break.
If you want to find some of the games again in the future, go to https://pr.mtv.tu-berlin.de/ .
Thanks for playing and
Best regards,
Paper Submission Deadline: 15 March 2024
Reduced participation fee: till 30 March 2024
Dear Colleagues,
You are encouraged to participate in the CPS&IoT’2024 Summer School<https://mecoconference.me/ss-cpsiot2024/> - the 5th Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things and submit papers to the CPS&IoT'2024 Conference<https://mecoconference.me/cpsiot2024/> - the 12th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things that will be held in the Conference Venue: Hotel Budva<https://www.hotel-budva.net/>, Budva, Montenegro, and online, 11-14 June, 2024.
Special Focus: Green CPS&IoT for Green World
Special Theme of CPS&IoT’2024: Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, Architectures, Methods and Tools for Autonomous Robots, Vehicles, Assistive, Environmental and other advanced CPS&IoT
The Summer School as a part of a major European CPS&IoT’2024 Conference Event<https://mecoconference.me/> composed of:
* CPS&IoT’2024 Summer School<https://mecoconference.me/ss-cpsiot2024/> – the 5th Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things,
* CPS&IoT’2024 Conference<https://mecoconference.me/cpsiot2024/> - the 12th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, and
* MECO'2024 Conference<https://mecoconference.me/meco2024/> - the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing
(more details: https://mecoconference.me/ss-cpsiot2024/).
Registration to CPS&IoT’2024 Summer School entitles to free participation in CPS&IoT’2024 Conference and MECO’2024 Conference sessions.
A distinguishing feature of the CPS&IoT’2024 Summer School is that its lectures, demonstrations, and practical hands-on sessions:
• are based on results from numerous currently running or recently finished European R&D projects in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and
• will be given by top specialists in particular CPS, IoT and AI fields form European industry and academia, and will deliver very fresh advanced knowledge.
The School gives a unique opportunity to interact with outstanding specialists in the CPS, IoT and AI area.
Both industrial participation and academic participation are encouraged.
Ph.D. students and Postdocs participation is especially encouraged.
Only a limited number of participants will be admitted to the CPS&IoT’2023 Summer School.
Register as soon as possible. Reduced participation fee is till 30 March 2024.
To submit your application and register follow the instructions at the CPS&IoT’2024 Summer School web-page: https://mecoconference.me/ss-cpsiot2024/#registration
In case of any problem or question related to the registration or fee payment please do not hesitate to contact Radovan Stojanović (stox(a)ac.me<mailto:stox@ac.me>).
In case of questions related to the CPS&IoT’2023 Summer School Program please contact Lech Jóźwiak (L.Jozwiak(a)tue.nl<mailto:L.Jozwiak@tue.nl>).
You are encouraged to submit your papers to the CPS&IoT’2024 Conference or MECO’2024 Conference – Paper Submission Deadline: 15 March 2024. To submit papers follow the instructions at the CPS&IoT’2024 Conference web-page: https://mecoconference.me/cpsiot-submissions/.
Please distribute this Call among your colleagues, students, and within your project consortia.
Best regards,
Lech Jóźwiak
Program Chairman of the CPS&IoT’2024 Summer School and Conference Event
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Radovan Stojanović
Organizing Chairman of the CPS&IoT’2024 Summer School and Conference Event
University of Montenegro, Montenegro