Merci beaucoup a tous pour vos remarques, marques d'interets, appels. Notre
campagne est d'ores et deja un succes. L'objectif est presque atteint !
La levee de fonds sur AYOMI s'acheve **Vendredi 5/7 a 23h59**, il vous reste
**4 jours** pour y participer !
>> Investissez aujourd'hui via ce lien
Samedi 6/7, il sera trop tard. Possibilit e de paiement en ligne ou par
virement bancaire. (le virement peut s'effectuer d'ici **Vendredi 5/7**
dernier d elai)
Vous avez une question ? 2 possibilites a votre convenance :
\- Contactez moi directement sur mon portable
\- Contactez Sophie Pidault et l'equipe en charge des relations investisseurs
au sein d'AYOMI. Ils sont joignable au **+33(0) 7 57 93 36 93** ou [Prenez
rdv directement dans son agenda](
A tres vite,
****Jean-patrice GLAFKIDES
_L 'investissement s'effectue via la plateforme securisee AYOMI qui est une
plateforme de financement participatif presente en France et en Belgique. La
plateforme a leve 1 Million d'euros en Mars 2018 pour elle-meme. Elle a les
agrements necessaires aupres de l'Autorite des Marches Financiers et plus de 9
Millions d'euros y ont transite pour differentes societes._
| | ![](https://marketing-image-…)
Cet email a été envoyé à d-con(a) parce que vous faites parti du réseau de
Jean-Patrice GLAFKIDES
Ayomi est une fintech qui permet aux entreprises d'obtenir des financements au
sein de leur réseau de confiance.
Si vous êtes en recherche de financement vous pouvez prendre un rendez-vous
avec un conseiller AYOMI au +33 (0)7 55 54 05 56 ou via ce [lien de
01 rue de Hauteville, Paris, Il 75010…
View in a browser
Being the Lead Guest Editor in Special Issues
The ITS Editorial team would like to remind prospective Special Issue Editors that ITS journals are currently accepting proposals for Special Issues.
Proposal submissions are accepted from June to October 2019. Researchers or scholars interested in submitting a proposal for a special issue are kindly requested to send their submission to the Special Issue Editor (special.issues(a)
Or choose a Special Issue to be the Lead Guest Editor >
Benefits to be the Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue
You can publish 2 papers on the special issue free of charge.
All the papers invited by you can enjoy up to 50% off of the publication fee before October 31, 2019.
You can get rewards after all papers in the special issue are published .
Submit your Special Issue Proposal to here >
What should be included in a special issue proposal
The journal title for which Special Issues intend
Guest Editors are responsible for the peer-review process of the articles submitted.
Aims and Scope
Name and affiliation of the Lead Guest Editor and Guest
Editors An outline of Important Dates (submission deadline, publication date).
More details, please visit here >
If you no longer wish to receive messages of this nature from us in the future, please unsubscribe.
9-11 September 2019 Sakarya / Turkey
Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that the 10th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems (IMSS'19) will be held in Sakarya, Turkey during September 9-11, 2019. We would like to inform you that the deadline for fullpaper submission has been extended to Jul 10, 2019. You may submit fullpaper of your study even if you did not submitted any abstract before. For detailed information please visit our website.
IMSS is a global knowledge-enriched collaborative effort that has its roots from both academia and industry. The symposium covers a wide spectrum of topics that relate to information society, which includes technical and non-technical research areas including manufacturing, production systems, healthcare, defense, energy and water management, transportation, smart cities, digital government and digital nations, digital transformation.
The mission of IMSS symposium is to provide opportunities for collaboration of professionals and researchers to share existing and generate new knowledge in the field of information society. The symposium encapsulates the concept of interdisciplinary science that studies the societal and technological dimensions of knowledge evolution in digital society. IMSS bridges the gap between academia and industry with regards to research collaboration and awareness of current development in secure information management in the digital society. IMSS 2019 themes are Industry 4.0/5.0: Future Mind, Future Society, Postindustrial Society and Our Posthuman Future.
There will be held panel discussions in current topics including critics of artificial intelligence and robotics, homo sapiens, and homo deus.
You are kindly invited to participate and take advantage of the opportunity to present your unpublished abstracts or/and full-length scientific papers. The official language of the conference is English.
Conference details and updates will also be posted in due course on the conference website Turkish Airlines is the official airline of our conference and special discounts are offered on certain booking classes with event code "056TKH19". Please visit conference website for detailed information. We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
On behalf of the Symposium Committee
Prof. Dr. Zekai ŞEN
Symposium Chair
Andrew Kusiak
Maged Dassouky
Chen Chun-Hsien
Ajith Abraham
All final papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their works for review and potential publication in the Special Issues:
Computers & Industrial Engineering
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Advanced Engineering Informatics
Journal of Information Assurance and Security
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Sakarya University Journal of Science
Academic Platform-Journal of Engineering and Science
Journal of Network and Innovative Computing
Journal of Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications
July 10, 2019
Full Paper
July 10, 2019
of acceptance:
July 20, 2019
End of
early registration
August 1, 2019
End of
late registration
August 15, 2019
9-11, 2019 / imss(a)
You have received this email because you have subscribed to as d-con(a)
If you have no more interest in receiving this, please click to unsubscribe.
Je me permets cette relance apres mon premier mail.
En effet, l'opportunite d'investissement s'acheve dans les prochains jours.
C'est pourquoi je me propose de me rendre disponible a votre convenance pour
vous apporter de vive voix des complements d'informations si besoin. **[Voici
mon agenda ici](
Ci-apres le lien detaillant l'opportunite >
_**Egalement, voici les informations essentielles :**_
\- Lien de la page de crowdfunding >
\- Prix Unitaire : **300.0 € l'action**
\- Ticket minimum : **600.0 € , soit 2 actions de la société.**
\- Exemple : **1 200.0 € investis correspondent à 4 actions de l'entreprise ,
et octroient une réduction d'impôt de 216.0 € **
Si toutefois mon message etait inopportun,, je vous remercie de me le faire
savoir par retour d'email afin de ne plus vous contacter a ce sujet
En esperant vous parler tres bientot,
Bien a vous,
Sophie Pidault.
Chargee de relation investisseur
**+33(0) 7 57 93 36 93**
1 rue d 'Hauteville, Paris
Je me suis entretenue par telephone avec **Jean-patrice GLAFKIDES** concernant
le crowdfunding de la soci ete **DATAVALORIS** sur notre plateforme AYOMI.
****Auriez-vous 5min pour une conversation t elephonique svp?**** ** **Prenons
un cr eneau a votre convenance dans **[mon agenda ici](
J'ai cru comprendre que vous pourriez avoir un interet a y contribuer. Nous
avons eu un pic d'investissements hier, c'est pourquoi je me permets de vous
relancer suite a mon appel la semaine passee.
_ **En 2 mots**_ : Je suis Sophie de la plateforme de crowdfunding AYOMI
utilis ee par **DATAVALORIS** pour acc elerer sa croissance. Pour info, AYOMI
selectionne 2% des demandes de financements reçues (nous recevons 350 demandes
par mois).
Nous avons eu un pic d'investissements hier , c'est pourquoi je me permets de
vous relancer suite a mon appel la semaine passee.
****Aussi, ci-apr es la page detaillant l'opportunite > **[PAGE crowdfunding
Au plaisir de m'entretenir avec vous,
A tres vite,
Sophie Pidault.
Chargee de relation investisseur
**+33(0) 7 57 93 36 93**
1 rue d 'Hauteville, Paris
_L'investissement s'effectue via la plateforme sécurisée AYOMI qui est une
plateforme de financement participatif présente en France et en Belgique. La
plateforme a levé 1 Million d'euros en Mars 2018 pour elle-même. Elle a les
agréments nécessaires auprès de l'Autorité des Marchés Financiers et plus de 9
Millions d'euros y ont transité pour différentes sociétés._
| | ![](https://marketing-image-…)
Cet email a été envoyé à d-con(a) parce que vous faites parti du réseau de
Jean-patrice GLAFKIDES
Ayomi est une fintech qui permet aux entreprises d'obtenir des financements au
sein de leur réseau de confiance.
Si vous êtes en recherche de financement vous pouvez prendre un rendez-vous
avec un conseiller AYOMI au +33 (0)7 55 54 05 56 ou via ce [lien de
01 rue de Hauteville Paris, 75010…
DeepLearn 2019: regular registration July 19*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*
DeepLearn 2019
Warsaw, Poland
July 22-26, 2019
Co-organized by:
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
IRDTA – Brussels/London
--- Regular registration deadline: July 19, 2019 ---
DeepLearn 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. This is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current exciting machine learning research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in neurosciences, computer vision, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedical informatics, healthcare, recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.
Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 3 keynote lectures and 23 four-hour and a half courses, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.
An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.
Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, DeepLearn 2019 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.
3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.
DeepLearn 2019 will take place in Warsaw, whose historical Old Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The venue will be:
Global Expo
Modlinska 6D
03-216 Warsaw
Maria-Florina Balcan (Carnegie Mellon University), Data Driven Clustering
Mark Gales (University of Cambridge), Use of Deep Learning in Non-native Spoken English Assessment
Mihaela van der Schaar (University of Cambridge), Learning Engines for Healthcare: Using Machine Learning to Transform Clinical Practice and Discovery
Aaron Courville (University of Montréal), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Generative Models
Issam El Naqa (University of Michigan), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Biomedicine
Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Florida), [introductory/intermediate] Feature Extraction, End-end Deep Learning and Applications to Very Large Scientific Data: Rare Signal Extraction, Uncertainty Estimation and Realtime Machine Learning Applications in Software and Hardware
Vasant Honavar (Pennsylvania State University), [introductory/intermediate] Causal Models for Making Sense of Data
Qiang Ji (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), [introductory/intermediate] Probabilistic Deep Learning for Computer Vision
James Kwok (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), [introductory/intermediate] Compressing Neural Networks
Tomas Mikolov (Facebook), [introductory] Using Neural Networks for Modeling and Representing Natural Languages (with Piotr Bojanowski and Armand Joulin)
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
Jose C. Principe (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced] Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video
Fabio Roli (University of Cagliari), [introductory/intermediate] Adversarial Machine Learning
Björn Schuller (Imperial College London), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Intelligent Signal Processing
Alex Smola (Amazon), [introductory] Dive into Deep Learning
Sargur Srihari (University at Buffalo), [intermediate/advanced] Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Ponnuthurai N Suganthan (Nanyang Technological University), [introductory/intermediate] Learning Algorithms for Classification, Forecasting and Visual Tracking
Johan Suykens (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning, Neural Networks and Kernel Machines
Bertrand Thirion (INRIA), [introductory] Understanding the Brain with Machine Learning
Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), [intermediate] Representation Learning in Limited Data Settings
René Vidal (Johns Hopkins University), [intermediate/advanced] Mathematics of Deep Learning
Haixun Wang (WeWork), [intermediate] Abstractions, Concepts, and Machine Learning
Xiaowei Xu (University of Arkansas, Little Rock), [introductory/advanced] Multi-resolution Models for Learning Multilevel Abstract Representations of Text
Ming-Hsuan Yang (University of California, Merced), [intermediate/advanced] Learning to Track Objects
Zhongfei Zhang (Binghamton University), [introductory/advanced] Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data with Deep Learning
An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david(a) by July 14, 2019.
A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of deep learning in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david(a) by July 14, 2019.
Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for, to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. At least one of the people in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david(a) by July 14, 2019.
Łukasz Kobyliński (Warsaw, co-chair)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
It has to be done at
The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.
Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.
Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.
Accommodation can be booked at
A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) – Brussels/London
Je me suis entretenue par telephone avec **Jean-Patrice GLAFKIDES** concernant
le crowdfunding de la soci ete **DATAVALORIS** sur notre plateforme AYOMI.
****Auriez-vous 5min pour une conversation t elephonique svp?**** ** **Prenons
un cr eneau a votre convenance dans **[mon agenda ici](
J'ai cru comprendre que vous pourriez avoir un interet a y contribuer. Nous
avons eu un pic d'investissements hier, c'est pourquoi je me permets de vous
relancer suite a mon appel la semaine passee.
_ **En 2 mots**_ : Je suis Sophie de la plateforme de crowdfunding AYOMI
utilis ee par **DATAVALORIS** pour acc elerer sa croissance. Pour info, AYOMI
selectionne 2% des demandes de financements reçues (nous recevons 350 demandes
par mois).
****Aussi, ci-apr es la page detaillant l'opportunite > **[PAGE crowdfunding
Au plaisir de m'entretenir avec vous,
A tres vite,
Sophie Pidault.
Chargee de relation investisseur
**+33(0) 7 57 93 36 93**
1 rue d 'Hauteville, Paris
_L'investissement s'effectue via la plateforme sécurisée AYOMI qui est une
plateforme de financement participatif présente en France et en Belgique. La
plateforme a levé 1 Million d'euros en Mars 2018 pour elle-même. Elle a les
agréments nécessaires auprès de l'Autorité des Marchés Financiers et plus de 9
Millions d'euros y ont transité pour différentes sociétés._
| | ![](https://marketing-image-…)
Cet email a été envoyé à d-con(a) parce que vous faites parti du réseau de
Jean-Patrice GLAFKIDES
Ayomi est une fintech qui permet aux entreprises d'obtenir des financements au
sein de leur réseau de confiance.
Si vous êtes en recherche de financement vous pouvez prendre un rendez-vous
avec un conseiller AYOMI au +33 (0)7 55 54 05 56 ou via ce [lien de
01 rue de Hauteville Paris, 75010…
10 Ihrer eingehenden Nachrichten wurden jetzt gesperrt, da Ihr E-Mail-Konto jetzt überprüft werden muss. Überprüfen <> Sie jetzt Ihr E-Mail-Konto, um diese Nachrichten zu erhalten, die angehalten wurden.
Microsoft Verification Team
Microsoft (c) 2019 Webmail .Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Hi there,
Our crowdfunding campaign started just a few days ago and it's already a great
success! We warmly thank our families, customers, friends and partners who
have just joined us.
Due to a limited number of places and a large number of requests, we decided
to organize a last investor meeting **Online - Thursday, April 18th at 12:00am
( CET )**
Registration is required and free for the event via this link >
_You will receive the details for the event upon registration_
For those interested but unable to make themselves available for the event,
please contact the team in charge of investor relations at **+33(0) 7 57 93 36
93** or make an appointment on the following link > [Rendez-
You can go to the project page for a more detailed description and official
Best regards,
** **Jean-patrice GLAFKIDES
Président Fondateur
_The investment is made via the secure platform AYOMI which is a crowdfunding
platform present in France and Belgium. The platform raised 1 Million Euros in
March 2018 for itself. It has the necessary approvals from the authority of
the financial markets and more than 9 million euros have passed through it for
different companies._
Cher reseau,
Je vous ai annonce le lancement de notre campagne de financement il y a
quelques jours, et cela demarre fort.
Un grand merci a tous mes proches, clients, amis et partenaires qui ont deja
ete nombreux a nous rejoindre.
Suite au succes de notre premier rendez-vous investisseurs et sur demande de
plusieurs d'entre-vous, nous avons decide d'organiser un dernier evenement en
ligne, accessible depuis un smartphone ou un ordinateur le **Jeudi 20 Juin à
L'inscription est requise et gratuite pour l'evenement via ce lien >
_Vous recevrez les d etails pour l'evenement lors de l'inscription_
**Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ? Rendez vous sur notre page projet pour y
trouver une description plus d etaillee et les documents officiels :
Pour les personnes interesses, ne pouvant se rendre disponible pour
l'evenement nous vous invitons contacter l'equipe en charge des relation
investisseurs au **+33(0) 7 57 93 36 93** ou prendre rendez-vous sur le lien
suivant > **[Rendez-vous](
Bien a vous,
******Jean-patrice GLAFKIDES
Président Fondateur
_L 'investissement s'effectue via la plateforme securisee AYOMI qui est une
plateforme de financement participatif presente en France et en Belgique. La
plateforme a leve 1 Million d'euros en Mars 2018 pour elle-meme. Elle a les
agrements necessaires aupres de l'Autorite des Marches Financiers et plus de
11 Millions d'euros y ont transite pour differentes societes._
| | ![](https://marketing-image-…)
Cet email a été envoyé à d-con(a) parce que vous faites parti du réseau de
Jean-Patrice GLAFKIDES
Ayomi est une fintech qui permet aux entreprises d'obtenir des financements au
sein de leur réseau de confiance.
Si vous êtes en recherche de financement vous pouvez prendre un rendez-vous
avec un conseiller AYOMI au +33 (0)7 55 54 05 56 ou via ce [lien de
01 rue de Hauteville, Paris, Il 75010…