Hello Isabella,

thanks for your interest in COMPASS and for your report. Indeed, I can reproduce your problem.

I will contact the IT service responsible for the website, and I'll let you know when the problem is fixed.

Kind regards,


On 4/14/2023 5:32 PM, Isabella Lanzani wrote:
Good evening,

I have recently requested COMPASS 3.1.
I received them correctly, but unfortunately, when opening the links, an error occurs in both of my application browsers (I attach a screenshot of the problem).
I would be very grateful if you could support me in downloading the tool, especially as the link should only be available for 24 hours.
I enclose at the end of this e-mail, the body with the links received, so as to help the procedure.

I will try in the next few hours to complete the procedure,
and I remain at your disposal for any needs.

Best regards,
Isabella Lanzani,
PhD student, Politecnico di Milano,
tel. +39 3707159191

Download links
 * Part 1/2, redistributable part of the COMPASS toolset:
   https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNNVc2NEwxQW02UXByenprYitiZDJKeHh4dGNpbmliZWZEaEF2TmFabExDcQ%3D%3D (105.72 MB)
 * Part 2/2, non-redistributable backends of the COMPASS toolset:
   https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNeFJyMkxOV29KanRZMjhsSENNcXlFdkNyeGFmcXFkczRqWEp1RGxVZ2g2TU9hN0JWR2l3eG5nanVjNGJZWlNZb3c9PQ%3D%3D (123.22 MB)
 * Tutorial:
   https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNMkhHSnBBV1FkMTB6eEVlcnp5RmxuNktMOWJyakUzcmNxbC9DSWI3MklRRA%3D%3D (4.22 MB)
 * User manual:
   https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNODdCWCtqS2UrVWxFbjZ5QzROWlVaVmRmaGxQSWdRbm0rbnZDZ0l6VHFoSg%3D%3D (5.78 MB)
 * SLIM Specification:
   https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNK2VhbEVHWFk4M2paT2xpMnUrZ3dGRDY2S2s4eHlGUTNvUDFYMkNXT0IrdA%3D%3D (0.32 MB)
 * Virtual Machine:
   https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNNFpUajE5Ym1sLy9CWVZIYnR4dFZCOWxENmpxRDNZbDVzUFU3aVNaL1RVVQ%3D%3D (2434.21 MB)

COMPASS-support mailing list -- compass-support@lists.rwth-aachen.de
To unsubscribe send an email to compass-support-leave@lists.rwth-aachen.de
 Marco Bozzano, PhD, Researcher at FBK
   Via Sommarive 18, Povo, 38123 Trento (Italy)
   ph.: +39-0461-314367
   mobile: +39-366-6722580 (calls only, no SMS)
   bozzano@fbk.eu, http://es.fbk.eu/people/bozzano/

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