Hello Isabella,
thanks for your interest in COMPASS and for your report. Indeed, I can reproduce your problem.
I will contact the IT service responsible for the website, and
I'll let you know when the problem is fixed.
Kind regards,
Good evening,
I have recently requested COMPASS 3.1.I received them correctly, but unfortunately, when opening the links, an error occurs in both of my application browsers (I attach a screenshot of the problem).I would be very grateful if you could support me in downloading the tool, especially as the link should only be available for 24 hours.I enclose at the end of this e-mail, the body with the links received, so as to help the procedure.
I will try in the next few hours to complete the procedure,and I remain at your disposal for any needs.
Best regards,Isabella Lanzani,PhD student, Politecnico di Milano,tel. +39 3707159191
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Download links
* Part 1/2, redistributable part of the COMPASS toolset:
* Part 2/2, non-redistributable backends of the COMPASS toolset:
https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNeFJyMkxOV29KanRZMjhsSENNcXlFdkNyeGFmcXFkczRqWEp1RGxVZ2g2TU9hN0JWR2l3eG5nanVjNGJZWlNZb3c9PQ%3D%3D (123.22 MB)
* Tutorial:
https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNMkhHSnBBV1FkMTB6eEVlcnp5RmxuNktMOWJyakUzcmNxbC9DSWI3MklRRA%3D%3D (4.22 MB)
* User manual:
* SLIM Specification:
https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNK2VhbEVHWFk4M2paT2xpMnUrZ3dGRDY2S2s4eHlGUTNvUDFYMkNXT0IrdA%3D%3D (0.32 MB)
* Virtual Machine:
https://compass-downloads.moves.rwth-aachen.de/getfile.php?mt=VWtSRVdCeW5FR0R5MHN6K29aenFNNFpUajE5Ym1sLy9CWVZIYnR4dFZCOWxENmpxRDNZbDVzUFU3aVNaL1RVVQ%3D%3D (2434.21 MB)
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-- ============================================================================== Marco Bozzano, PhD, Researcher at FBK Via Sommarive 18, Povo, 38123 Trento (Italy) ph.: +39-0461-314367 mobile: +39-366-6722580 (calls only, no SMS) bozzano@fbk.eu, http://es.fbk.eu/people/bozzano/ ==============================================================================