Dear Zhijian,

we have come across multiple users who have vastly exceeded their personal batch quotas. "Vastly" means by multiple orders of magnitude depending on the case. This was possible because the submission restrictions are not yet set in the way they were on LSF. This was particularly notable on the c18g partition where two users had overcommissioned their quota so hard that other users could barely get their jobs to run. Previously, these users would have long been locked from further job submission. As users complained that they faced severe struggles having their thesis jobs scheduled I looked into this matter more closely and removed abusive jobs from the system (cf. the Terms of Use). Once limitations are in place these jobs will not be submitted at all.


On 6/26/19 10:46 AM, Zhijian Li wrote:
Dear all,

Is it just me or is there anyone whose jobs are cancelled constantly?

Since yesterday, I found that my jobs submitted to c18g are always cancelled by command: 
squeue -u $USER -p c18g | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs scancel

I am pretty sure that I didn't run it to kill the jobs.
Anyone has similar situation or idea about it?

Thanks and best,

Zhijian Li
Institute for Computational Genomics
RWTH Aachen University 
Pauwelsstrasse 19
52074 Aachen, Germany

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