Hi there
I am writing to you to invite you to the screening of STAGKNIGHT at Cannes.  A finely crafted $3million indie satire with great historical Arthurian story, really hot babes, legendary kills and a strong UK comedy cast.  


Ten guys head out to a remote English forest for a paintball bachelor party. They unwittingly summon a giant Arthurian knight who picks them off in spectacular fashion. 


The film has a few major selling points:


  • Consider the title "Stagknight" every 25-35 year old guy either has been or will go on a bachelor party and most 16-24 year old males have a strong curious desire to attend one.  The theme is positive and universal.


  • We have placed five top 100 internet youth sites into the film.  In return these sites post Stagknight news, video and pictures fortnightly.  These sites collectively receive over 2 billion hits a year mainly from teen males.  We have got millions of hits on our site through their links.


  • Stagknight is a comedy horror in the same vein as Sean of the Dead, please Google Stagknight to see the vast plethora of online horror sites supporting us, they’re huge, well-informed, their users are dedicated and buy and see everything horror and have a strong awareness of the film. 


  • Stagknight features paintball!  Last year in 104 countries 37 million males aged 16-40 played paintball.  It is the third biggest X sport behind inline-skating and snowboarding.  Were working with the President of the World Paintball Cup to promote Stagknight to this vast community.


We are screening 24th May at 22:00 in the Palais de Festival (D) and on the 25th May at 14:00 and 18:00 in the Hotel Gray d'Albion (Gray 1).  Please let us know which screening you would be able to attend. 


Also we will be in Cannes from 22nd – 27th May and welcome the opportunity to arrange an appointment now.


Simon Cathcart

Stagknight Ltd.

Office: 0044 207 351 0367

Mobile: 0044 771 374 2456

