Please Join us For A Private Reception at The VOX Lounge at The Grand Hyatt Hotel Berlin at Potsdamer Platz, Berlin Germany
Taking Place Monday February 14th from 1:00pm-2:30pm
Participation Opportunities
Speaking Opportunities
We're inviting the most accomplished experts and practitioners to share their expertise with a high- level audience of executives eager to launch or expand their own festival initiatives. We're seeking session proposals that describe real world experiences, discuss trends and issues in-depth, describe up-to-date research and development, or outline best practices as an integral part of a successful strategy in the film festival industry.

RSVP BY EMAIL TO info@etaexpo.com or by phone to +1.530.325.4125

Come mingle with your peers At The Grand Hyatt Berlin in the VOX Lounge to get a preview of our plans for the 2nd Annual Film Festival Summit 2005. If you missed the Inaugural Film Festival Summit, be sure to join us this year for the Industry event of the year!


Grand Hyatt Berlin In the VOX LOUNGE Potsdamer Platz
Please RSVP by email to info@etaexpo.com or by phone to +1.530.325.4125
Click Here For More Information


phone: 917.655.0818

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