SPI INTERNATIONAL POLAND is pleased to share with you the excellent opening results of LES RIVIERES POURPRES 2 (LES ANGES DES APOCALYPSE).   

The movie, which opened on 8th of October with almost 30.500 admissions (40 prints), was placed at the top of the Polish box office.  

The opening success of LES RIVIERES POURPRES 2 (LES ANGES DES APOCALYPSE) can be compared to opening results of such recent box office hits as BOURNE SUPREMACY (42  prints, 30,879) and COLLATERAL

Katarzyna Kornacka

ul. Tyniecka 38a
02-621 Warszawa
tel. + 48 22 854 03 37
fax. +48 22 848 45 70