Grüße an Sie, ich habe Ihnen mehr als 3 E-Mails bezüglich Ihrer Spende von 2.500.000,00 € geschickt. Haben Sie die Nachricht erhalten, die ich Ihnen geschickt habe? Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde erfolgreich ausgewählt und für meine Spende ausgewählt. Ignorieren Sie diese Nachricht nicht, da es sich nicht um einen Betrug handelt. Bitte antworten Sie mir dringend, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Vielen Dank und bleiben Sie gesegnet, da Sie die Spende verwenden werden, um die Armen zu unterstützen und den kranken Menschen im Krankenhaus zu helfen. Ich werde so schnell wie möglich auf Ihre Antwort warten, damit Sie Ihre Spende erhalten können. valentinovichblavatnikl(a)
Ihre Antwort ist erforderlich.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Sir Leonard Valentinovich Blavatnik
[ | (IKSTC ] 3 rd )
[ | 21-22 November 2024, of Çankırı Karatekin University ]
[ | (Learn more) ]
Dear Colleagues,
3 rd International Karatekin Science and Technology Conference (IKSTC3 rd ) is coming for its 3 rd edition on 21, 22 November 2024 in Çankırı, TÜRKİYE by hosting Çankırı Karatekin University. The conference covers Natural, Engineering and Medicinal Sciences with all sub-branches. In the scope of IKSTC3 rd , the Full Text and Abstract Proceedings Books with ISBN will be provided by the conference organizing committee. Highly qualified speakers in their own scientific field have been invited to benefit from their wisdom to all participants. We are trying to create a new tradition for delivering precious scientific knowledge and experience from Çankırı to the international academic communities. We hope you will present your valuable theoretical and/or applied scientific studies at our conference.
It will be proud to host you in Çankırı. We are looking forward to you and your precious scientific studies.
Best Regards on behalf of the organizing committee of IKSTC3 rd .
Note : The abstract and full-text submission date is 15 November 2024.
Note: The [ | ] will manage our conference organization.
Direct link of conference registration and paper submission link:
[ | ]
IKSTC3 rd meets the criteria for associate professorship application and academic incentive.
Selected articles will be published in the following journals.
* Alpha Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (AJEAS)
* Eurasian Journal of Health Sciences
* Gazi Journal of Engineering Sciences
* Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A:Chemistry (JOTCSA)
* Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section B:Chemical Engineering (JOTCSB)
* Karatekin University Journal of Science
Conference Topics:
• Agricultural Science and Engineering
• Biology
• Chemical Engineering
• Chemistry
• Civil Engineering
• Combustion and Fuels
• Computer Engineering
• Electric and Electronics Engineering
• Environmental Engineering
• Food Engineering
• Forest Engineering
• Health Sciences
• Landscape Architecture
• Mathematics
• Material Science
• Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
• Medicinal Science
• Occupational Health and Safety
• Physics
• Statistics
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçe
Cankiri Karatekin Uni. Eng. Faculty.
Organizing Committee Chairman of IKSTC