The Home Cinema Summit
Getting ahead in tomorrow's home entertainment sector
Thursday 23 June 2005 - Langham Hotel, London W1, UK
Presented by: Screen International
Sponsored by: Love Film, Macrovision, DTS
Protect your business as the fast-maturing DVD industry shows early
signs of peaking
The DVD industry is facing its first major crisis. Intense
competition for shelf space means that even the biggest titles get
only a brief crack at success at High Street retailers before being
replaced by newer releases. To the dismay of Hollywood, the studios
are seeing fresh blockbuster titles burning out much faster than
they did at the start of the decade.
Suddenly, the DVD goldmine has become extremely difficult to predict
What are the remedies? Can the industry bypass the physical
limitations of real-world shopping? Could online shopping and
rental, and the arrival of VOD get round the problem of huge volumes
of unsold returns being shipped back to warehouses?
Discuss strategies to combat this threat and more at The Home Cinema
Summit. For more details and to register visit
Speakers confirmed at this leading edge industry forum include:
Sam Dunn, General Manager, Tartan Video
Zygi Kamasa, Chief Executive, Redbus Pictures
Mark Livingstone, CEO, Video Island
Kevin Dersley, Trading Manager Video, Entertainment UK
Keith Griffiths, Producer, Illuminations Films
Pierre Wooldridge, Managing Director, Transmission Films
Stuart Henderson, Marketing Manager, Optimum Home Entertainment
Jon Sadler, Marketing Manager Home Entertainment, Momentum
Alex Agran, Head of Sales and Marketing, Arrow Film Distributors
Ian Muspratt, Chairman, Home Entertainment Corporation
Richard Atkinson, VP of Anti-Piracy, Walt Disney Studios
Bruce Eisen, President, Cinemanow Inc
The Home Cinema is aimed at producers, distributors, home
entertainment service providers, retailers and e-tailers, DVD rental
services, content providers, platform operators and anyone involved
in the home entertainment sector.
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Mit freundlichen Grüssen aus Strasbourg,
Markus Booms
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