Hello dear,

Good day!


We are the distributor for electronic components and worked in the area more than 10years.

Our strong line:  Microchip, ST, AD, TI, Maxim,  Samsung, Murata, Yageo,etc.


The below are our AD&Microchip price for your reference


AD8606ARZ-REEL7 AD 2021+ 3.344usd

AD8603AUJZ-REEL7 AD 2022+ 1.254usd

AD8033AKSZ-REEL7 AD 2021+ 5.4usd


PIC18F26Q10-I/SS Microchip 2022+ 1.54usd

PIC18F46K22-I/PT Microchip 2021+ 2.75usd 

PIC18F45J11-I/PT Microchip 2017+ 10usd


We can support you 365days warranty for every part.

Welcome your inquiry.


Keep smiling every day


Strong lines: AD, TI, Microchip, Murata, Samsung, Yageo



Sales Manager

Hard Find Electronics Ltd.
315, Shahe Rod, Long Gang District, Shenzhen, CN, 518000
Tel: +86-755-8418 8103           

Fax: +86-755-8418 8303
Skype: doris.hardfind

Follow us:  Linkedin

Email: doris@hardfindelectronics.com

Web: hardfind website

