
How are you?
Simply need to check with you whether you got our email from a week ago?

I am emailing you today to let you know that we've got a new drone in our warehouse, ready to ship to customers around the world. 

Drone key specification:
Flight Time: About 28 min
Dimensions: 25*30.2*5.7CM
Remote Distance: about 1200 meters
Motor: Brushless Motore
Weight: 213g

1-10 units 289.90 each
10-100 units 279.90 each
100-500 units 269.90 each
u s d

You need to order this? Just answer our mail along with your shipping address, we'll get the shipment ready.
More details please check below:


You need to order this? Just answer our mail along with your shipping address, we'll get the shipment ready.

Scott Parker