## XPCC Website + API
The xpcc-doc repository has not changes much since v1.0. The core concepts of XPCC are not explained in enough detail, the idea of the peripheral interfaces is lost.
The Doxygen API in it's current form is very unorganized, however, the peripheral interfaces will work to make this better using inheritance.
A xpcc.io domain is reserved for the future XPCC website. It would be nice to bring the visual look of xpcc.io in line with the rest of the .io domains (ie. it should look more modern and to-the-point).
I want to add some information: The source code (in the xpcc repository) is documented with doxygen and MarkDown (.md). Doxygen has built-in support for .md and will generate the API for us. However, the website (in the xpcc-doc repository) uses reStructuredText (.rst), _not_ MarkDown. In order to not go crazy with .rst I recommend using an editor with a live preview, such as ReText. ReText is developed for Ubuntu, but can also be compiled to OSX using homebrew. http://sourceforge.net/p/retext/wiki/Home/#faq For Markdown a better, native OSX editor called Mou exists: http://mouapp.com Cheers, Niklas