Actually, I was thinking the same. But I'm quite positive I'm running at 32Mhz, the clock is configured like this: using systemClock = SystemClock<Pll<InternalClock, MHz32>, AhbPrescaler::Div1, Apb1Prescaler::Div1>;
and writing out xpcc::clock::fcpu at runtimes confirms this.
Sure, but what is the value of `systemClock::Can1`?
It's 32MHz.
And does
compile? I mean it really shouldn’t, 32MHz is not in the look-up table.
This is how I initialize Can1: GpioInputB8::connect(Can1::Rx, Gpio::InputType::PullUp); GpioOutputB9::connect(Can1::Tx, Gpio::OutputType::PushPull); Can1::initialize<systemClock, Can1::Bitrate::kBps125>(9); CanFilter::setFilter(0, CanFilter::FIFO0, CanFilter::ExtendedIdentifier(0), CanFilter::ExtendedFilterMask(0)); So yes, it does, and I have no idea why.