Hinweise für IST-Antragsteller Ü b e r s i c h t: 4 neue Projektpartnergesuche (Kooperationsangebote) RO10: eHealth - Virtual Centre for R & D in e-Health and Telemedicine http://www.ideal-ist.net/ISTcall/Ps6thcall/cs280202/actline812/RO10.htm RO09: VIeHealth - Virtual Institute for e-Health, Tele-health and Telemedicine http://www.ideal-ist.net/ISTcall/Ps6thcall/cs280202/actline816/RO09.htm RO08: Virtual Institute for Contributions at eEurope and ERA through enabling co-operation with NAS http://www.ideal-ist.net/ISTcall/Ps6thcall/cs280202/actline816/RO08.htm IL120: MEMO (Medical Monitoring and Intelligent Detection Systems) http://www.ideal-ist.net/ISTcall/Ps8thcall/actline111/IL120.htm D e t a i l s Projektpartnergesuche ** RO10: eHealth - Virtual Centre for R & D in e-Health and Telemedicine ** DATE: 19.11.01 IST CALL ADDRESSED BY THIS PROPOSAL: Call: IST 01-6-2B - Continuous Submission Procedures until 28 February 2002, Support activiies, Others, Key action: VIII, Action line: VIII.1.2 Evaluation Scheme: Single-step Deadline for Proposal: February 28, 2002 PROPOSAL NAME: eHealth - Virtual Centre for R & D in e-Health and Telemedicine SUBJECT: The project creates one Virtual Center, based on and formed from one Active Thematic Network, for enabling RTD co-operation, in the IST field, between R & D entities from industry, academia, hospitals, research centers, public organizations and even citizens in the fields of the e-Health, Tele-health and Telemedicine KEYWORDS: IST, eHealth; Telemedicine, Tele-heath, e-Activities, eEurope, ERA, Best Practice, Co-operative working, Virtual Institute FURTHER INFO : http://www.ideal-ist.net/ISTcall/Ps6thcall/cs280202/actline812/RO10.htm ** RO09: VIeHealth - Virtual Institute for e-Health, Tele-health and Telemedicine ** DATE: 19.11.01 IST CALL ADDRESSED BY THIS PROPOSAL: Call: IST 01-6-2B - Continuous Submission Procedures until 28 February 2002, Support activiies, Others, Key action: VIII, Action line: VIII.1.6 Evaluation Scheme: Single-step Deadline for Proposal: February 28, 2002 PROPOSAL NAME: VIeHealth - Virtual Institute for e-Health, Tele-health and Telemedicine SUBJECT: The project creates one Virtual Institute/ Center, based on and formed from one Active Thematic Network, for enabling RTD co-operation incl. with Newly Associated States (NAS) in the RTD in the fields e-Health, Tele-health and Telemedicine KEYWORDS: IST, eHealth; Telemedicine, Tele-heath, e-Activities, eEurope, ERA, Associated Countries, eContent, Best Practice, Co-operative working, Virtual Institute FURTHER INFO : http://www.ideal-ist.net/ISTcall/Ps6thcall/cs280202/actline816/RO09.htm ** RO08: Virtual Institute for Contributions at eEurope and ERA through enabling co-operation with NAS ** DATE: 19.11.01 IST CALL ADDRESSED BY THIS PROPOSAL: Call: IST 01-6-2B - Continuous Submission Procedures until 28 February 2002, Support activiies, Others, Key action: VIII, Action line: VIII.1.6 Evaluation Scheme: Single-step Deadline for Proposal: February 28, 2002 PROPOSAL NAME: Virtual Institute for Contributions at eEurope and ERA through enabling co-operation with NAS SUBJECT: The project likes to create a Virtual Institute/ Center, based on and formed from one Active Thematic Network, for enabling RTD co-operation between EU and Newly Associated States in the RTD in the fields of e-Activities such as e-Commerce, e-Business, e-Work KEYWORDS: e-Commerce, e-Activities, e-Business, eEurope, eWork, NAS FURTHER INFO : http://www.ideal-ist.net/ISTcall/Ps6thcall/cs280202/actline816/RO08.htm ** IL120: MEMO (Medical Monitoring and Intelligent Detection Systems) ** DATE: 19.11.01 IST CALL ADDRESSED BY THIS PROPOSAL: Call: 8 Action Line: I.1.1 - Intelligent Systems for the Monitoring of Health Status Evaluation Scheme: Single-step Deadline for Proposal: 21 February 2002 PROPOSAL NAME: MEMO SUBJECT: Medical Monitoring and Intelligent Detection Systems KEYWORDS: Codec, video, compression, wavelets, video database, ECG, EEG, ultrasound, cardio monitor, monitoring and surveillance systems, interactive telemedicine services, storage systems for video and signals, medical signal loggers and analyzers FURTHER INFO : http://www.ideal-ist.net/ISTcall/Ps8thcall/actline111/IL120.htm N e u e IST P r o j e k t p a r t n e r g e s u c h e sortiert unter: http://www.ideal-ist.de/list-projectpartnersearch.htm I n f o r m a t i o n e n zur ideal-ist Partnersuche: http://www.ideal-ist.de/eu-partnersuche.htm P r o j e k t p a r t n e r Gesuche auf WWW: http://www.ideal-ist.net V e r a n s t a l t u n g e n: ** Free Advice Offer ** Sie arbeiten einen IST-Projektantrag aus? 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