Last Call for Participation: 12th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2021), online and free

================== LAST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ================== 12th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2021) 5-16 July 2021 Virtual event hosted via ZOOM by Universidad Complutense de Madrid Registration (FREE but required) is open at: ================== Rewriting is a powerful model of computation that underlies much of declarative programming and is ubiquitous in mathematics, logic, theorem proving, verification, model-checking, compilation, biology, chemistry, physics, etc. In 2021, the 12th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2021) will take place online as a virtual event hosted via ZOOM by the Computer Science School at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. The school is aimed at Master and PhD students, researchers and practitioners interested in the use or the study of rewriting and its applications.
From July 5 to July 16 a course will be taught every day, according to the schedule published in the web page.
================== COURSES ================== Christiano Braga: Compiler construction in Maude Paola Bruscoli: An introduction to deep inference methodology in proof theory Santiago Escobar: Unification and Narrowing in Maude 3.0 Maribel Fernandez: Nominal rewriting Carsten Fuhs: Automated complexity analysis for term rewriting Maja H. Kirkeby & Robert Glück: Inversion and term rewriting systems Jean-Jacques Levy: Lambda calculus, the generalized finite development theorem Luigi Liquori & Vincent van Oostrom: Lambda calculi with patterns Dorel Lucanu, Xiaohong Chen & Grigore Rosu: From rewriting to matching logic Jorge A. Perez: Session types for message-passing concurrency Carolyn Talcott: Pathway Logic, using rewriting logic to understand how cells work ================== REGISTRATION ================== Registration is FREE but required. ================== ORGANIZERS ================== David de Frutos Escrig Narciso Marti-Oliet Albert Rubio Manuel Montenegro Adrian Riesco Contact: ISR 2021 is promoted by the IFIP WG1.6 and supported by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ==================
participants (1)
Carsten Fuhs