Dear all, Following some requests, the workshop for termination will be held tomorrow and Friday in a *hybrid* manner (with mostly live talks, but the possibility for remote attendance). Hence, for those of you who are not in Haifa, remote participation is possible, and we will do our best to support as smooth an experience as possible.** The program is available at https://easychair.org/smart-program/FLoC2022/WST-index.html ; in short, Thursday is dedicated to theory presentations, and Friday to tools and the termination competition. Zoom data: * Thursday: o https://radbouduniversity.zoom.us/j/85852431972?pwd=Y1ZwY1RPeUU2MzUwWU9lNXZX... (09:00--16:30 Haifa time; the meeting opens a bit earlier for setting up and testing) o Meeting ID: 858 5243 1972 Passcode: 928647 * Friday: o https://radbouduniversity.zoom.us/j/89259808849?pwd=eHF2a1BWTWwrR3pmOS9tbzBQ... (10:00--15:30 Haifa time) o Meeting ID: 892 5980 8849 o Passcode: 792570 Hope to see you there! Cynthia. ** Though this comes with a disclaimer: we can only offer our best effort, like the other hybrid FLoC workshops. The local setup is not geared towards hybrid, so it is very possible that there will be some issues with the network, sound quality or screen sharing.
participants (1)
Cynthia Kop