Dear all, The version of SWI-Prolog currently installed on StarExec is 6.6.6. Does anybody specifically need this version? Would it be possible to upgrade to the latest stable release? Best, Etienne

Dear Etienne,
Does anybody specifically need this version? Would it be possible to upgrade to the latest stable release?
(you might better talk to Aaron Stump, though:) I guess no to both. StarExec is very conservative about environment and it wouldn't be up to user's need. I recommend you to include all the external tools when uploading to StarExec. I understand this is important for reproducibility. Best, Akihisa -- このEメールはアバスト アンチウイルスによりウイルススキャンされています。 https://www.avast.com/antivirus

Dear Akihisa, Thank you for your suggestions. I finally decided to build a SWI-Prolog system from the sources using the StarExec virtual machine. I will add it to NTI and upload to StarExec. Best, Etienne
Le 17 déc. 2020 à 10:49, YAMADA, Akihisa <ayamada@trs.cm.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp> a écrit :
Dear Etienne,
Does anybody specifically need this version? Would it be possible to upgrade to the latest stable release?
(you might better talk to Aaron Stump, though:) I guess no to both. StarExec is very conservative about environment and it wouldn't be up to user's need.
I recommend you to include all the external tools when uploading to StarExec. I understand this is important for reproducibility.
Best, Akihisa
-- このEメールはアバスト アンチウイルスによりウイルススキャンされています。 https://www.avast.com/antivirus
participants (2)
Etienne Payet
YAMADA, Akihisa