Hi, thank you for the interest, indeed.
For the moment, the VBS column (virtual best solver) gives the best practical approximation.
I support the idea of collecting the status _somewhere_.
I just pushed the VBSs from 2023 here: https://github.com/TermCOMP/starexec-master/tree/master/Y2023 But this location is just a result of my ad-lib implementation of VBSs. If this should be made somewhat official, probably it's nicer to make a new repository for past records.
If we write it _in_ the benchmark, then we don't need an extra storage system/location (good) but each status change needs a fresh commit (bad?)
A bigger bad is that rendering the result tables will be complicated, as one must parse a benchmark for every row.
An extension of the idea (to know the absolute truth) is to accept termination certificates that were obtained outside competition, e.g., using more resources (time). Perhaps still accept and publish at time of competition only, in order to not draw attention away from termcomp (the event).
Currently, the VBS only collect YES or NO or complexity bounds. At least CERTIFIED flags should be useful. This extension would mean to allow more flags. Best, Akihisa