future plans (was Re: does anyone find it ironic that smartlist mailing list is using Mailman? )

I believe that one noted software developer said that if you could not fit the software development team in a VW Bug to go out for Pizza, it was too large. -- Matthew G. Saroff The Opinions Expressed are not those Raytheon. (972)205-4859 Charlie Summers <> 08/17/00 12:42 PM To:, smartlist@Lists.RWTH-Aachen.DE, procmail@Lists.RWTH-Aachen.DE cc: (bcc: Matthew G Saroff/RCS/Raytheon/US) Subject: future plans (was Re: does anyone find it ironic that smartlist mailing list is using Mailman? ) --snip-- I'm sorry, kids, but procmail and SmartList are not major software projects - they can (and should, and indeed MUST) be maintained by ONE PERSON, who accepts or rejects the bug fixes/feature requests of the users at his discression, and who understands the internals of the code - I certainly am not qualified, and I'm betting there isn't much of anyoine other than Phillip who is. (And if you don't like the direction he is going, the source is open and you are welcomed to alter it to your heart's content.)
participants (1)