I am running RedHat enterprise server 4 and I am having difficulties getting smartlist to work. Procmail and Smartlist appear to have installed properly and I am able to create lists, however, when mailing to the list it does not send the email out. I've checked that email can be sent out the smartlist account and it works. I believe there is a mis-configuration somewhere, but I am unable to locate it. Has anyone actually been able to get this to work with enterprise 4? Daniel Butler East Coast Technology 209 Lower County Drive Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877 Phone: 301-751-8247 Email: dbutler@eastcoast-technology.com http://www.eastcoast-technology.com

We are attempting to add the listname to mailing lists on our servers. We have followed the format shown in the FAQs, and it is just not working! We have also tried with and without the brackets [] for the listname. We have the designated line uncommented and the rc.local.s10 file we created has only the text shown below, for a list named test. SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject:` # extract the subject :0fw * ! ^Subject:.*\[test\] * ! ^Subject:.Re: * | formail -I "Subject: [test] $SUBJ" Should there be other language in there? What are we missing? How can we be sure that rc.local.s10 is even being called? Thanks for any help! Linda FAQ referenced: How can I add "[listname]" to all of the mailing list messages for easy filtering? In your rc.custom file, uncomment the line that reads "RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_10 = rc.local.s10", and make a file called "rc.local.s10" in your list directory, in that file put this: ---- Cut Here ---- SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject:` # extract the subject :0fw * ! ^Subject:.*\[listname\] * ! ^Subject:.Re: * | formail -I "Subject: [listname] $SUBJ" ---- End Here ---- Be sure to replace "[listname]" with what you would like to be at the beginning of the subject line. (Posted to SmartList@Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE by Leigh Wolenczak ).
participants (2)
Dan - East Coast Technology
Khimaira ~ Linda Campbell