Dear all, I'm new to smartlist, but I realise that this is not a new question... I've been following instructions in the manual and FAQ. in rc.custom I've set RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_10 = rc.local.s10 and I've created rc.local.s10 to contain SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject:` # extract the subject :0fw * ! ^Subject:.*\[test\] * ! ^Subject:.Re: * | formail -I "Subject: [test] $SUBJ" but my subject lines still come through without [test] added. I set logging to vervose and sent a message and got a lot of information in the log file. Nothing leaps out as a failure. Early on I get: procmail: Assigning "RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_10=rc.local.s10" but I can't tell where it should have been executed. Anyway the bottom line is that my subject remain unprefixed. I'd appreciate any advice. thank you, 'o-Dzin __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts
participants (1)
'ö-Dzin Tridral