Is there a way to have people subscribe through a text box instead of an email link? Paula M. Pierce -- Hosting Connecticut, LLC http://hostingct.com ~ Offices in CT - Clients Worldwide ~ Offering web hosting, design, merchant accounts & more!

On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 05:36:36PM -0400, Paula Pierce, HostingCT.com wrote:
Is there a way to have people subscribe through a text box instead of an email link?
There are various web interfaces around - I believe this is discussed in the FAQ. In addition, you could simply put <a href="mailto:listname-request@domain?subject=subscribe">... which will work with many web browsers. One cautionary point: my experience is that if you combine this with a low-traffic list you will get lots of angry people saying "stop spamming me" and "I didn't sign up for this" even if you produce their confirmation email messages. When I moved from a mailto: link to text of the form "send mail to X with subject line Y", I removed these problems completely (and the list got a lot more interesting too). Roger (SmartList FAQ at http://www.hartzler.net/smartlist/SmartList-FAQ.html)
participants (2)
Paula Pierce, HostingCT.com
Roger Burton West