dare I say, X-Command?

Another X-Command question. Well there have been some pretty harsh words recently about the idocy of anyone not getting the how-to of the X-Command feature, so admittedly, I'm reluctant to ask anything here, but I've been trying this off-and-on now for a number of months with no success. I've read and re-read the famous *Chapter 2*, reviewed the mailing list archives, prayed to God for enlightenment, and been up and down through the comments in most of the rc files and examples. Still... no luck. I'll admit: I am missing something obvious, easy, and I'm stupid for not seeing it. And now that I've said it myself, I don't need anyone else to state the obvious, but I would appreciate a helping hand in getting this to work. Okay, so I send a non-HTML e-mail from the administrator's account with no subject line to the list-request address. The first line of the body is: X-Command: faxguy@deanox.com password showdist And I send it. And the dist list surely doesn't show up in response. Regardless of the command, I get the same response: nothing. I've turned on VERBOSE and LOGEXTRACT, and it looks like the x-command is being processed, but something is killing it... my log follows. Thanks. Lee Howard procmail: [6262] Thu Aug 3 01:25:42 2000 procmail: Assigning "RC_CUSTOM" procmail: Assigning "INCLUDERC=" procmail: Assigning "LOCKFILE=tmp.lock" procmail: Locking "tmp.lock" procmail: Match on "^^X-Command:" procmail: Executing "formail,-X," procmail: Match on "< 4096" procmail: Match on "" procmail: No match on ! "^(X-(Loop: ()testing@deanox\.com|Diagnostic:)|X-Command:)" procmail: Assigning "LOGABSTRACT=yes" procmail: No match on ! "^(Subject:(.*[^a-z])?Re:|X-(Loop: ()testing@deanox\.com|Diagnostic:)|X-Command:)" procmail: Match on "^X-Command:.*()[ ]*()password" procmail: Match on ! "^X-Loop: ()testing@deanox\.com" procmail: Locking "dist.lock" procmail: Executing "x_command" procmail: Unlocking "dist.lock" procmail: Assigning "LOCKFILE" procmail: Unlocking "tmp.lock" procmail: No match on ! "< 524288" procmail: No match on "(^(Mailing-List:|Precedence:.*(junk|bulk|list)|To: Multiple recipients of |(((Resent-)?(From|Sender)|X-Envelope-From):|>?From )([^>]*[^(.%@a-z0-9])?(Post(ma?(st(e?r)?|n)|office)|(send)?Mail(er)?|daemon| m(mdf|ajordomo)|n?uucp|LIST(SERV|proc)|NETSERV|o(wner|ps)|r(e(quest|sponse)| oot)|b(ounce|bs\.smtp)|echo|mirror|s(erv(ices?|er)|mtp(error)?|ystem)|A(dmin (istrator)?|MMGR|utoanswer))(([^).!:a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9]*)?[%@> ][^<)]*(\(.*\).*)?)?$([^>]|$)))" procmail: No match on "^X-Loop: ()testing@deanox\.com" procmail: No match on ! "^X-(Diagnostic|Processed):" procmail: Assigning "INCLUDERC=" procmail: No match on ! "^X-(Diagnostic|Processed):" procmail: Executing "formail,-AX-Envelope-To: testing-request" procmail: Match on ! "." procmail: Locking "request.lock" procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=request" procmail: Opening "request" procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock procmail: Unlocking "request.lock"
From redder@deanox.com Thu Aug 3 01:25:42 2000 Subject: Folder: request 794

Quoting Lee Howard <faxguy@deanox.com>:
Another X-Command question. Well there have been some pretty harsh words recently about the idocy of anyone not getting the how-to of the X-Command feature, so admittedly, I'm reluctant to ask anything here
There isn't any reason to avoid such questions if the FAQ and manual didn't help. As your log shows has your x_command line been processed. At first you should check in your system mail logs whether a message has been sent from SmartList. I guess the message got lost in your system. You could also insert some echo statements into the x_command script for debugging but it seems that the script has been executed without any error. Werner

At 3:42 AM -0400 8/3/00, Lee Howard is rumored to have typed:
And the dist list surely doesn't show up in response.
To add to Werner's response, did you get _anything_ back from the server? If so, what did the X-Diagnostic: header say? If not, check the value of the maintainer variable in rc.custom to make sure it's correct (er...I misspelled my own email address in there once...) Er...hang on a second:
From redder@deanox.com Thu Aug 3 01:25:42 2000 Subject: Folder: request 794
This doesn't appear to have been mailed, but rather placed in the request directory/file. Is it possible the maintainer variable is blank? When I send an X-Command, the log shows the pipe to formail/sendmail, like: procmail: Executing " formail -R"From X-From_:" -iDate: -iReturn-Receipt-To: -i$ -iAcknowledge-To: | $SENDMAIL $sendmailOPT $sendmailOPTp $maintainers" So although your X-Command appears to have been processed, I can't see where the response was mailed out, and instead appears to have been dropped to disk. Charlie

On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 01:42:21AM -0600, Lee Howard wrote:
procmail: Executing "formail,-AX-Envelope-To: testing-request" procmail: Match on ! "." procmail: Locking "request.lock" procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=request" procmail: Opening "request" procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock procmail: Unlocking "request.lock"
From redder@deanox.com Thu Aug 3 01:25:42 2000 Subject: Folder: request 794
This looks like the list has no `maintainer' address set, so it's depositing all maintainer-related mail in the list's `request' file. Do you have `maintainer = faxguy@deanox.com' in rc.custom? -- Regards, Tim Pierce RootsWeb.com lead system admonsterator and Chief Hacking Officer
participants (4)
Charlie Summers
Lee Howard
Tim Pierce
Werner Reisberger