From john_doe@hotmail.com Tue Mar 26 16:49:37 2002 From slist Tue Mar 26 16:49:37 2002 Return-Path: <john_doe@hotmail>
The 2nd line represents what I am referring to a mangled email. It is creating havoc with my mail client. Any insight would be appreciated.
Possible explanation: Do you have smartlist installed under its own user account (as recommended by the installation documents)? If so, make sure that that user id is a trusted user in the sendmail configuration. (See Section 1 of the INSTALL file that came with the SmartList sources.) If not (or if you can't do the above), edit the rc.init file and remove the "-f$listreq" option from the sendmailOPT line. This will cause bounced mail to go to the wrong place, but I live with that. I don't know why sendmail does this, but it does (at least the version I use). -cary
participants (1)
Cary Coutant