To extend another tool for xcommands with encryption capability I modified my xcommand cgi and named it xcommsec. It is available at ftp://ftp.pure.ch/smartlist/ For the usage of xcommsec it is required to install xc_sec, available at the same URL and to use something like TLS/SSL to have a secure connection to the script. BTW: Anyone on the list knows of other MLM with mechanismn like xcommand. If there are some, how do they handle the authentification. Do they also send cleartext passwords? Werner

Hi Werner: We use a version of xcommand from over a year ago. Have you added any new functionality? For example, control of the rc.custom selections, accept list or header/footer text? Thanks Best Regards, Jeff Koch

On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 11:42:59AM -0400, Jeff Koch wrote:
We use a version of xcommand from over a year ago. Have you added any new functionality? For example, control of the rc.custom selections, accept list or header/footer text?
I haven't changed xcommand since 1997 and I won't. You can use rconfig for this purpose. With rconfig you can actually alter every file in your list directory although the default configuration allows only changes to the help, footer and rc.custom files. rconfig has multi language capabilities and supports now italian, english and german. It's available on ftp://ftp.pure.ch/smartlist/ Werner
participants (2)
Jeff Koch
Werner Reisberger