M.G. Devour wrote ..
I see from the archives that traffic on this list has been slow for a number of years. I wonder if there are still any enthusiasts around?
As Roger says, some of us still prefer something that doesn't use tremendous amounts of resources just to send mailing list mail. But truth is, fewer and fewer of us actually care to dig into the guts of a system...most people today want a web page to hold their hand while configuring and "managing." Look at it this way; the low archived content means it's working _really_ well for everyone...yeah, that's it...no one has _any_ problems with it. Charlie

Hello Roger, Charlie, Jon, Charlie writes:
As Roger says, some of us still prefer something that doesn't use tremendous amounts of resources just to send mailing list mail. But truth is, fewer and fewer of us actually care to dig into the guts of a system...most people today want a web page to hold their hand while configuring and "managing."
The last time I tried digging under the hood of Smartlist, it defeated me. 3-4 years running Linux for my desktop has left me much better equipped for the challenge, yet it's still got me stumped, again! <grin>
Look at it this way; the low archived content means it's working _really_ well for everyone...yeah, that's it...no one has _any_ problems with it.
Actually, that's mostly true. Once it's set up it just works. The trouble is few people will have any reason to set something up like this, what with google and yahoo and other, newer social networking platforms taking the lions's share of that market, whether they're really best for the task or not. Anyway, now that my 'ping' has been answered, I'll send my first question. Thank you in advance for any help and guidance you can give me. Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [mdevour@eskimo.com ] [Speaking only for myself... ]
participants (2)
M. G. Devour