greetings - as the subject says, i am working on installing smartlist on OS X 10.1.5. the problem i am running up against is that i already have a working procmail (v3.21), so i tried to just install smartlist. i found that it will not build. i found in a previous post that it is possible to install a second version of procmail without disturbing the default install. is this what i should do? if so, is the procedure for installing procmail in a non-default directory clearly outlined in the install docs? or, since i really have not modified my procmail install, should i just go ahead and install the new one? thanks for any advice, -geoff s. -- Geoff Smith voice: 202.404.6324 Naval Research Laboratory; Code 7253 fax: 202.767.3303 4555 Overlook Ave., SW geoffrey.smith@nrl.navy.mil Washington, DC 20375 <web page coming soon>

Hello again. We're almost set up, except for one problem. When I add attachments to a message for the listserve, the header and footer both disappear. Any idea whats going on? Thanks, Sue Bott Multiple Myeloma Fighters

At 12:07 AM -0400 9/4/02, Susan Bott mumbled:
We're almost set up, except for one problem. When I add attachments to a message for the listserve, the header and footer both disappear.
No, they don't. For the millionth time, they are still there. Your email client just can't see them.
Any idea whats going on?
(*sigh*) http://www.hartzler.net/smartlist/SmartList-FAQ.html#Section_8.13 There is a reason the file is called FREQUENTLY-ASKED QUESTIONS... Charlie (who honestly doesn't mean to be a wise-*ss, but c'mon, folks, just a _little_ bit of effort before a post? Peter works really hard to keep the FAQ file current; read it. And YOU have no excuse whatsoever, since I pointed you to the FAQ the LAST time you posted.)
participants (3)
Charlie Summers
Geoff Smith
Susan Bott