Re: How Change Illiterate Confirmation Message

Gregory Higgins wrote ..
"Reasonable good" is incorrect English (or at the very least, incorrect American).
The add-on was written by someone who does not speak English as a first language, and is not an American (please read the confirm_add shell script for his name and location), so he cannot be expected to write proper American English. The Internet is, to the surprise of many in my country, not limited to American citizens.
The incongruency grates on the ear and leaves a distinct flavor of illiteracy on the tongue.
Again, poppycock. A single grammatical mistake alone does not imply the writer was an illiterate or semiliterate person (you, after all, made one in your post dropping the object when referring to "incorrect American" when you meant "incorrect American English," and I'm certain you can find multiple grammatical and spelling errors in this posting, knowing my failings); it simply implies the guy screwed up _one word,_ using an adjective when an adverb was required, or screwed up _one letter,_ transposing an "e" for a "y" if one wanted to minimize the error even further. If you don't like it, change it - but don't suggest someone who wrote a much-needed add-on for SmartList without payment or even the promise of gratitude, is illiterate. He is clearly more literate, when it comes to computer programming _and_ English, than most of us here. Basically, everybody needs to lighten up a little; the guy did one helluva lot of work so we wouldn't have to, and griping about one word which is so painfully trivial to change seems to me churlish and petty. Charlie
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