Hello to all... Does anyone have any experience of setting up the mail to html program MhonArc with smartlist?... does it work? I've managed to install Mhonarc on a linux server (remotely) but cant seem to manage to get it to pick up the archive. all the best David

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 01:00:21PM +0200, David Kelly wrote:
Hello to all...
Does anyone have any experience of setting up the mail to html program MhonArc with smartlist?... does it work? I've managed to install Mhonarc on a linux server (remotely) but cant seem to manage to get it to pick up the archive.
Yes, I set it up a couple of months ago and it works just fine. When you call mhonarc you have to tell it where to look for the archive. For instance: mhonarc -add --outdir /dir/subdir/ /var/list/listname/archive/latest/ The last parameter is the directory in which the messages are archived. Donald MacDougall dmacdoug@usc.edu
participants (2)
David Kelly
Donald MacDougall