Greetings I know my question has been answered here before but I am not smart enough to implement the solution successfully. We are on a shared commercial server webhost which allows me direct access to SmartList code but not direct access to sendmail etc. My subscribers complain they aren't getting our (opt-in) newsletter. I have told them to put our domain on their ISP whitelists which some claim to have done. I know we get filtered by Yahoo Mail to the bulk mail filters. AOL seems to trash us directly. We are not on blacklists so presumably most is due to headers. The recipient sees in his/her Outlook Express: From: "Larc Webmaster" <webmaster@OURDOMAIN.org> To: newsletter@OURDOMAIN.org Reply-To: webmaster@OURDOMAIN.org I guess I am stuck with that "to" line using SmartList (that is, no individual recipient addressing), which certainly results in some deletions as spam. In the hidden headers (the shared server is globalnameservers.com, where we are user-id larc): X-Authentication-Warning: host10.globalnameservers.com: larc set sender to newsletter-request@OURDOMAIN.org using -f I have added the recommended code to remove X headers to my rc.local.s20 but this still appears (presumably added by sendmail which I cannot access). The other additions to rc.local.s20 work fine (referencing my custom footer.txt). Could this be leading to spam deletions? Similarly: Return-Path: <newsletter-request@OURDOMAIN.org> Can I or should I be concerned about this? I do not want to screw up my Smartlist. Thanks for any assistance. Smartlist is very handy but if our susbcribers don't get the messages it is futile. Chas powercat@verizon.net
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C. L. Etheridge