Thank you, Charlie. This involves about 40 committee lists for one of our hosting clients/organizations. Since a number of the members are on multiple committees, it is an advantage to them in terms of email client filtering easily and quick visual designation as well. None have digests implemented. The Reply To field remains as default. We had already uncommented the line in rc.custom, and it still isn't working. We have about 5000 smartlists running at this time, and we appreciate the versatility and efficiency in general. We do feel the subject line addition would be an advantage for others. Thanks, Linda -----Original Message----- From: Charlie Summers [mailto:charlie@lofcom.com] Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 10:40 AM To: Khimaira ~ Linda Campbell; smartlist@lists.RWTH-Aachen.DE Subject: Re:Adding Subject Designation-Listname At 10:12 AM -0500 12/22/07, Khimaira ~ Linda Campbell is rumored to have typed:
We are attempting to add the listname to mailing lists on our servers.
Yuck. Better to educate your users on how to filter their mail than to munge mail subjects. Especially if you have a digested list attached, it just looks...amaturish, and with modern email clients there's _never_ a good reason to do such. Lemme guess...you're also munging the Reply-To: header field?
Should there be other language in there?¬Ý What are we missing?¬Ý How can we be sure that rc.local.s10 is even being called?
The call is commented-out in rc.custom. Uncomment it. (The same goes for any other rc.local.???.) Strongly urge you to read through your rc.custom file so you understand a bit more about how SmartList works. Charlie
participants (1)
Khimaira ~ Linda Campbell