procmail: Error while writing to " formail -r -i "From: $listreq" -A"X-Loop: $listaddr" | \ (/usr/bin/cat; /usr/bin/cat info/reject.attach $tmprequest) | \ $SENDMAIL -t "
Since the rc.local.s00 is called from rc.custom, the list default parameters for $listreq, $listaddr and $SENDMAIL should pass along, is it true? Zhiliang

Hi, Is there a way to refuse evry kind of attachment sent to a Smartlist mailing list ??? Limiting the max-size lets people send small pictures or text documents to my list... And i don't want anybody to send attachment to my list. Thanks. A+ -- _________________________________... Weezz Le site des passionnés http://www.weezz.com contact@weezz.com _________________________________...

On or about Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 09:45:32AM +0200, Adelman Julian typed:
Is there a way to refuse evry kind of attachment sent to a Smartlist mailing list ???
Limiting the max-size lets people send small pictures or text documents to my list... And i don't want anybody to send attachment to my list.
Bear in mind that some of them will be using mail clients that can only output MIME messages. I'd recommend taking out all but text/plain - or killing all multipart messages. Roger

Mandi! Adelman Julian In chel dà si favelave... AJ> Is there a way to refuse evry kind of attachment sent to a Smartlist AJ> mailing list ??? I've setup some simple approach to this problem, see: http://keycomm.pluto.linux.it/~gaio/SmartList/ -- A shot rings out in the Memphis sky, free at last they took yor life, they could not take your pride (U2)
participants (4)
Adelman Julian
Marco Gaiarin
Roger Burton West
Zhiliang Hu