At 1:26 PM -0400 7/31/02, Jim Osborn is rumored to have typed:
I've wondered, if the addresses are properly formatted with RFC822 comments, will they be handled correctly at distribution time? <snip> Maybe one of the experts can say for sure one way or the other.
(*sigh*) At the risk of yet again upsetting Ms. Judge's delicate constitution by pointing out the painfully obvious in my finely-honed, highly ascerbic fashion, please read the Manual file which comes with the SmartList distribution, specifically section 5. Of course, you'll need to write your own routines if you want to retain this information at subscription time (I suppose there is some sensible reason for a mailing list server to retain human names, but it escapes me at the moment) since the supplied routines will not, but the Manual file will clearly note what format is and what format is not acceptable to multigram. That's the beauty of open-source software...if you don't like the way it works, you're free to change it to do anything you can imagine whether I think it makes sense or not. Charlie (who may not be an expert, but DOES know how to read) P.S. For those very few people on virtual machines who routinely say, "but I don't HAVE the Manual file, can't find it, and don't want to spend the time to actually LOOK for it since my provider shifted his support costs to the unpaid 'staff' on this mailing list," Peter has posted it right beside the FAQ at http://www.hartzler.net/smartlist/ (with whiz-band direct section links included!) so there's no excuse. Me -- A virtual chihuahua, gnawing on the pantleg of the annoying and foolish. It's futile, but I am undaunted.